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Renaissance eBooks Collection/HarperCollins 1434, The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance (2008).pdf
6.4 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Harvard University Press A Sudden Terror, The Plot to Murder the Pope in Renaissance Rome (2009).pdf
3.6 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Harvard University Press Christiad by Marco Girolamo Vida (2009) (no OCR).pdf
16.7 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Harvard University Press Empires of Islam in Renaissance Historical Thought (2008).pdf
1.4 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Harvard University Press I Have Always Loved the Holy Tongue, Isaac Casaubon the Jews and a Forgotten Chapter in Renaissance Scholarship (2011).pdf
1.7 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Harvard University Press Invectives by Francesco Petrarca (2003).pdf
1.7 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Harvard University Press Momus by Leon Battista Alberti (2003) (no OCR).pdf
14.4 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Harvard University Press The Birth of Feminism, Woman as Intellect in Renaissance Italy and England (2009).pdf
2.2 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Harvard University Press The Culture Wars of the Late Renaissance, Skeptics Libertines and Opera (2007).pdf
468.9 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Harvard University Press Venice's Most Loyal City, Civic Identity in Renaissance Brescia (2010).pdf
1 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Harvard University Press Writing History in Renaissance Italy, Leonardo Bruni and the Uses of the Past (2012).pdf
1.9 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Helicon Publishing The Hutchinson Encyclopedia of the Renaissance (2005).pdf
7.7 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/I.B. Tauris Publishers Popes Cardinals and War, The Military Church in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe (2006).pdf
3.3 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Johns Hopkins University Press Machiavelli in Love, Sex Self and Society in the Italian Renaissance (2007).pdf
1 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Johns Hopkins University Press Openness Secrecy Authorship, Technical Arts and the Culture of Knowledge from Antiquity to the Renaissance (2001).pdf
2.6 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Johns Hopkins University Press Power and Imagination, City-States in Renaissance Italy (1988) (no OCR).pdf
54.2 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Johns Hopkins University Press Religious Authority in the Spanish Renaissance (2000).pdf
2.1 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Johns Hopkins University Press Schooling in Renaissance Italy, Literacy and Learning 1300-1600 (1991) (no OCR).pdf
18.2 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Johns Hopkins University Press Strong Words, Writing and Social Strain in the Italian Renaissance (2001).pdf
928.9 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Johns Hopkins University Press The Economy of Renaissance Florence (2009).pdf
5.7 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Metropolitan Museum of Art The Art of Renaissance Europe (2000).pdf
11 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/MIT Press Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance (2007).pdf
3.2 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Ohio State University Press The Renaissance Image of Man and the World (1966).pdf
18.9 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press A History of Renaissance Rhetoric 1380-1620 (2011).pdf
3.5 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press A History of Western Philosophy Vol. 3, Renaissance Philosophy (1992).pdf
1.7 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Absolutism in Renaissance Milan, Plenitude of Power under the Visconti and the Sforza 1329-1535 (2009).pdf
1.3 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Archaeologies of English Renaissance Literature (2007).pdf
3.3 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Binding Passions, Tales of Magic Marriage and Power at the End of the Renaissance (1993).pdf
16.5 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Cultures of Plague, Medical Thought at the End of the Renaissance (2010).pdf
4.7 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Denmark 1513-1660, The Rise and Decline of a Renaissance Monarchy (2007).pdf
2.7 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Fire in the City, Savonarola and the Struggle for Renaissance Florence (2006).pdf
3.8 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Forbidden Friendships, Homosexuality and Male Culture in Renaissance Florence (1996).pdf
23.3 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Guardians of Republicanism, The Valori Family in the Florentine Renaissance (2008).pdf
1.1 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Guilty Creatures, Renaissance Poetry and the Ethics of Authorship (2001).pdf
5.4 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Italy in the Age of the Renaissance 1300-1550 (2005).pdf
16.9 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Lanyer, A Renaissance Woman Poet (1999).pdf
10.3 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Literature, Travel and Colonial Writing in the English Renaissance 1545-1625 (1998).pdf
17.2 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Marriage Wars in Late Renaissance Venice (2001).pdf
2.3 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Modal Counterpoint, Renaissance Style (1999) (no OCR).pdf
11.9 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Mountains of Debt, Crisis and Change in Renaissance Florence Victorian Britain and Postwar America (1990) (Scan, OCR).pdf
16.1 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Music in Renaissance Ferrara 1400-1505, The Creation of a Musical Center in the 15th Century (2009).pdf
6.8 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Reconceiving the Renaissance, A Critical Reader (2005).pdf
1.4 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Renaissance Art, A Very Short Introduction (2005).pdf
4.8 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Renaissance England's Chief Rabbi, John Selden (2006).pdf
2.1 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press The Beauty of the Cross, The Passion of Christ in Theology and the Arts from the Catacombs to the Eve of the Renaissance (2006).pdf
2.4 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press The Boundaries of Eros, Sex Crime and Sexuality in Renaissance Venice (1985).pdf
14.8 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press The Guitar and Its Music, From the Renaissance to the Classical Era (2002).pdf
20.2 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press The Invention of Suspicion, Law and Mimesis in Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama (2007).pdf
3.1 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press The Protean Ass, The Metamorphoses of Apuleius from Antiquity to the Renaissance (2007).pdf
4.3 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press The Renaissance, A Very Short Introduction (2006).pdf
4 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press The Triumph of the Cross, The Passion of Christ in Theology and the Arts from the Renaissance to the Counter-Reformation (2008).pdf
10 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Thomas East and Music Publishing in Renaissance England (2003).pdf
1.5 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Oxford University Press Weakness of Will in Renaissance and Reformation Thought (2011).pdf
1.2 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Paladin Press Renaissance Swordsmanship, The Illustrated Use of Rapiers and Cut-and-Thrust Swords and Their Use (1997) (no OCR).pdf
10.8 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Autobiography and Authorship in Renaissance Verse, Chronicles of the Self (2003).pdf
781.1 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Cultural Creativity in the Early English Renaissance, Popular Culture in Town and Country (2006).pdf
900.8 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Dreaming the English Renaissance, Politics and Desire in Court and Culture (2008).pdf
1.9 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan English Renaissance Literature and Contemporary Theory, Sublime Objects of Theology (2007).pdf
614.1 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Leadership Unplugged, The New Renaissance of Value Propositions (2003).pdf
946.4 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Literature, Politics and Law in Renaissance England (2005).pdf
3.1 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Myths of Renaissance Individualism (2004).pdf
2 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Nation State and Empire in English Renaissance Literature, Shakespeare to Milton (2003).pdf
503.9 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Re-Orienting the Renaissance, Cultural Exchanges with the East (2005).pdf
1.2 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Recreation in the Renaissance, Attitudes towards Leisure and Pastimes in European Culture 1425-1675 (2003).pdf
1.8 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Renaissance Drama and Contemporary Literary Theory (2000).pdf
2.2 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Renaissance Earwitnesses, Rumor and Early Modern Masculinity (2009).pdf
2.1 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Revenge Drama in European Renaissance and Japanese Theatre, From Hamlet to Madame Butterfly (2008).pdf
1.1 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Rhetorical Affect in Early Modern Writing, Renaissance Passions Reconsidered (2003).pdf
617.9 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature before Heterosexuality (2007).pdf
751.1 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Ships on Maps, Pictures of Power in Renaissance Europe (2010).pdf
4.6 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Taboo and Transgression in British Literature from the Renaissance to the Present (2010).pdf
3.2 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan The Culture of Usury in Renaissance England (2010).pdf
752.2 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan The English Renaissance in Popular Culture, An Age for All Time (2010).pdf
3.4 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan The English Renaissance, Orientalism and the Idea of Asia (2010).pdf
1.3 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan The Female Hero in English Renaissance Tragedy (2002).pdf
643.1 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan The Forms of Renaissance Thought, New Essays in Literature and Culture (2009).pdf
2.6 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan The Last Judgment, Michelangelo and the Death of the Renaissance (2009).pdf
2.5 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan The Performance of Pleasure in English Renaissance Drama (2003).pdf
702.4 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Palgrave Macmillan Women Writers and Familial Discourse in the English Renaissance, Relative Values (2007).pdf
933.6 KB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Pennsylvania State University Press At the Margins of the Renaissance, Lazarillo De Tormes and the Picaresque Art of Survival (2003).pdf
9.3 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Pennsylvania State University Press Changing Patrons, Social Identity and the Visual Arts in Renaissance Florence (2004).pdf
5.2 MB
Renaissance eBooks Collection/Springer Publishing John Dee, Interdisciplinary Studies in English Renaissance Thought (2006).pdf