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Radiology At A Glance [PDF] [StormRG]
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Author: Rajat Chowdhury, Iain Wilson, Christopher Rofe, Graham Lloyd-Jones Paperback: 120 pages Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (April 12, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1405192208 ISBN-13: 978-1405192200 Format: Retail PDF Reader Required: Adobe Reader, Foxit, Nitro, Adobe Digital Editions
Note: This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media,website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Tested on the above readers with no problems on laptop and Android tablet.Don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions or problem with the download,as comments on torrents are easy to miss. Please allow a couple seconds for the seedboxes to kick in, then it should move pretty quick.
Hope it helps in your studies. Go for it! :D
Cover from actual book file
Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, and in full-colour, this brand new title provides an accessible introduction and revision aid for medical students and students of radiography and physiotherapy. Reflecting changes to the content and assessment methods used in medical education, Radiology at a Glance provides a user-friendly overview of radiology to encapsulate all that the student needs to know.
Radiology at a Glance:
• Addresses the basic concepts of radiation physics and radiation protection together with a structured approach to image interpretation
• Offers coverage of the radiology of plain X-rays, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, CT, MRI, intervention, and nuclear medicine
• Presents both theory and clinical practice through theoretical and case-based chapters
• Features common and classic cases in each chapter
• Includes OSCE preparation and self-assessment chapters with self-test radiographs
• Provides easy access tables to help assess which radiological procedures are most appropriate for specific clinical problems
• Allows for quick, easy access and reference whilst on the wards
• Reflects the rapidly evolving impact of interventional radiology in managing patients
• Includes a Foreword by the President of the Royal College of Radiologists