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# Strike Witches
## Series
`SavI0r` | Episodes | ![MyAnimeList][mal-logo] MyAnimeList | ![TVDB][tvdb-logo] TVDB | ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] Source
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
**Season 1** | 12 *(S01E01-S01E12)* | [**Strike Witches**](https://myanimelist.net/anime/3667) | [**Strike Witches**](https://www.thetvdb.com/series/strike-witches/seasons/official/1) | PMR, philosophy-raws, Jimaku, Lord Animation & Dark Knight, AnimWorld, MRW
**Season 2** | 12 *(S02E01-S02E12)* | [**Strike Witches 2**](https://myanimelist.net/anime/6381) | [**Strike Witches 2**](https://www.thetvdb.com/series/strike-witches/seasons/official/2) | PMR, Quetzal, Jimaku, AnimWorld
**Movie** | 1 *(S00E07)* | [**Strike Witches Movie**](https://myanimelist.net/anime/9751) | [**Strike Witches the Movie**](https://www.thetvdb.com/series/strike-witches/episodes/9930334) | Moxie, Jimaku , AnimWorld
**OVA** | 3 *(S00E09-S00E11)* | [**Strike Witches: Operation Victory Arrow**](https://myanimelist.net/anime/23725) | [**OVAs**](https://www.thetvdb.com/series/strike-witches/seasons/official/0) | PMR, RAI, Jimaku
**Season 3** | 12 *(S03E01-S03E12)* | [**Strike Witches: Road to Berlin**](https://myanimelist.net/anime/38005) | [**Strike Witches: Road to Berlin**](https://www.thetvdb.com/series/strike-witches/seasons/official/3) | PMR, LostYears, Erai-raws, AnimWorld
## Related Series (*Coming not soon...*)
For more details ~~see our releases linked below~~:
[**Brave Witches**][savi0-bw] | [**Strike Witches: 501 Butai Hasshin Shimasu! (Strike Witches 501st Joint Fighter Wing Take Off!)**][savi0-501] | [**World Witches Hasshin Shimasu! (World Witches Take Off!)**][savi0-ww] | [**Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches (League of Nations Air Force Aviation Magic Band Luminous Witches)**][savi0-lw]
:-: | :-: | :-: | :-:
 |  |  | 
Spin-off series with Season 1 and OVA | Spin-off series with Season 1 and Movie | Spin-off series with Season 1 | Spin-off series with Season 1
## Release
A Dual Audio release encoded in AV1 and OPUS for optimum size and quality. Files are named to support media servers like Plex using TVDB metadata.
Note that not all seasons contain the same set of languages.
`SavI0r` | Codec | Quality | Language | Notes
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
**Video** | AV1 | 1080p 10-bit || Rescale, Dehalo, SWAN
**Audio** | OPUS | Surround (5.1) 256K, Stereo (2.0) 128K, Stereo (2.0) 64K | Japanese, English | English Commentary 64K
**Subtitle** | ASS | *decent* | Japanese, Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish (Latin America) | Signs & Songs, Dialogue, SDH
**Chapter** || *yes*
**Encoding Details**:
We rescaled the JPBD via VapourSynth using ArtCNN and encoded with our SWAN system to target a SSIMULACRA2 score of ~80. Season 1 cannot be rescaled and more details can be found in the *Comparisons* section below.
SVT-AV1-Psy 2.3.0 with Av1an (`--photon-noise 16`)
--preset 4 --crf 28 --aq-mode 2 --tune 2 --keyint 0 --scd 0 --enable-tf 0 --enable-qm 1 --qm-min 0 --qm-max 15 variance-boost-strength 2 --variance-octile 6 --sharpness 2 --qp-scale-compress-strength 3 --noise-norm-strength 0
> This project is a production with the goal of the smallest video size with significant subjective compromises to image quality. This is not the hallmark of AV1, but close enough. This release should only contain changes to the video stream and audio tracks. The subtitle and attachment tracks are usually copied from the noted sources. Timings are not adjusted except in cases of extreme delay as a result of mixing sources. - `SavI0r`
## Comparisons
### [**Season 1**](https://slow.pics/c/WfAtL8r6)
The header above links to the comparison of S01E04 between the [JPBD][s-pmr-1], JPBD cropped, the USBDRip from [philosophy-raws][s-phil], and our resulting AV1. The comparison helped determine that the USBD encode would be a worse source than the JPBD. Besides the discrepancy with color and frame-timing, the USBD content is cropped further, has worse lineart, and has less detail/texture/grain than the JPBD. Below are a couple of those comparisons between the [USBDRip][s-phil] and this release.
[USBDRip][s-phil] | AV1
:-: | :-:
[](https://i.slow.pics/Gp9TwZ3V.webp) | [](https://i.slow.pics/PKi3sr2r.webp)
[](https://i.slow.pics/WzBlGfe6.webp) | [](https://i.slow.pics/E3tD6lNQ.webp)
### [**Season 2**](https://slow.pics/c/jhz294ig)
The header above links to the comparison of S02E01 between the [JPBD][s-pmr-2], JPBD rescaled, [Quetzal][s-quetzal]'s rescaled AVC, and our resulting AV1. Taking advantage of more modern rescaling methods, our naive attempt surpasses in most cases and is overall satisfactory for our purposes. Below are a couple between [Quetzal][s-quetzal]'s AVC and this release.
[AVC][s-quetzal] | AV1
:-: | :-:
[](https://i.slow.pics/Wd42Oc0w.webp) | [](https://i.slow.pics/VG60kIlD.webp)
[](https://i.slow.pics/uN7cN0w7.webp) | [](https://i.slow.pics/mVKknSJs.webp)
### [**Season 3**](https://slow.pics/c/RSDGJPZf)
The header above links to the comparison of S03E01 between the [JPBD][s-pmr-3], JPBD rescaled, [Erai-raws][s-erai-3]' WEB, [LostYears][s-lost]' WEB AVC, WEB rescaled, and our resulting AV1. Below are a couple of those comparisons between [LostYears][s-lost]' AVC and this release.
[AVC][s-lost] | AV1
:-: | :-:
[](https://i.slow.pics/VFt71ZWs.webp) | [](https://i.slow.pics/G4xHEFUd.webp)
[](https://i.slow.pics/cbJxZgEJ.webp) | [](https://i.slow.pics/8R0b6zGV.webp)
### Additional
* [**Operation Victory Arrow**](https://slow.pics/c/1bMCndJd)
* [**Movie**](https://slow.pics/c/UMz5IjlU)
![AV1 Logo][av1-logo]
### Source
Thanks to the following sources:
* ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] PMR - [S01][s-pmr-1], [S02][s-pmr-2], [OVA][s-pmr-bd], [S03][s-pmr-3] Video, Audio, Subtitle, Chapter
* ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] [Moxie][s-moxie] - S00E07 Video, Audio, Subtitle, Chapter
* Jimaku - [S01][s-ja-1], [S02][s-ja-2], [OVA][s-ja-ova], [S00E07][s-ja-movie] JA Subtitle
* ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] [philosophy-raws][s-phil] - S01 EN Audio
* ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] [Quetzal][s-quetzal] - S02 EN Audio, Subtitle
* ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] [RAI][s-rai] - OVA EN Subtitle
* ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] [Erai-raws][s-erai-3] - S03 DE, ES-LA, FR, PT Subtitle
* ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] [LostYears][s-lost] - S03 EN Audio
* [Lord Animation & Dark_Knight][s-ar-1] - AR Subtitle
* AnimWorld - [S01][s-fa-1], [S02][s-fa-2], [S00E07][s-fa-movie], [S03][s-fa-3] FA Subtitle
* [MRW][s-mrw] - S01 DE Subtitle
### [**Media Info**](https://rentry.co/ "S01E06 Media Info")
> Desc. feat. reduced due to char. lim. *sad bckspc noises*
[mal-logo]: https://i.imgur.com/ZCtSawZ.png "My Anime List"
[tvdb-logo]: https://i.imgur.com/dDhSn59.jpeg "The TVDB"
[nyaa-logo]: https://i.imgur.com/7o97aB0.png "Nyaa"
[av1-logo]: https://aomedia.org/assets/images/home-av1-500x200.png
[cover]: https://images8.alphacoders.com/427/427387.png
[s-pmr-1]: https://nyaa.si/view/1901058 "[PMR] Strike Witches Season 1..."
[s-pmr-2]: https://nyaa.si/view/1904649 "[PMR] Strike Witches Season 2..."
[s-pmr-bd]: https://nyaa.si/view/1898403 "[PMR] [BDMV] Strike Witches Complete..."
[s-pmr-3]: https://nyaa.si/view/1917063 "[PMR] Strike Witches Season 3..."
[s-moxie]: https://nyaa.si/view/1661548 "[Moxie] Strike Witches Movie..."
[s-phil]: https://nyaa.si/view/597540 "[philosophy-raws][Strike Witches]..."
[s-quetzal]: https://nyaa.si/view/597540 "Strike Witches 2 ... [Quetzal]"
[s-rai]: https://nyaa.si/view/1551571 "[RAI] Strike Witches - Operation Victory Arrow..."
[s-lost]: https://nyaa.si/view/1415062 "[LostYears] Strike Witches: Road to Berlin..."
[s-erai-3]: https://nyaa.si/view/1869257 "[Erai-raws] Strike Witches - Road to Berlin..."
[s-ja-1]: https://jimaku.cc/entry/1225
[s-ja-2]: https://jimaku.cc/entry/5866
[s-ja-ova]: https://jimaku.cc/entry/5867
[s-ja-movie]: https://jimaku.cc/entry/5868
[s-ar-1]: https://srtzilla.com/subtitle/strike-witches-season-1-2008/arabic/2325989
[s-fa-1]: https://srtzilla.com/subtitle/strike-witches-season-1-2008/farsi_persian/1933825
[s-fa-2]: https://srtzilla.com/subtitle/strike-witches-season-2-2008/farsi_persian/1933824
[s-fa-movie]: https://srtzilla.com/subtitle/strike-witches-the-movie-2012/farsi_persian/1933826
[s-fa-3]: https://srtzilla.com/subtitle/strike-witches-road-to-berlin-season-1/farsi_persian/2638402
[s-mrw]: https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search/sublanguageid-all/pimdbid-1300176/season-1
[savi0-bw]: https://nyaa.si/view/0 "[SavI0r] Brave Witches..."
[savi0-501]: https://nyaa.si/view/1 "[SavI0r] Strike Witches: 501 Butai Hasshin Shimasu!..."
[savi0-ww]: https://nyaa.si/view/2 "[SavI0r] World Witches..."
[savi0-lw]: https://nyaa.si/view/3 "[SavI0r] Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches..."
Movie/[SavI0r] Strike Witches - S00E07 - Strike Witches the Movie [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv