Filename Size ~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Course Expectations/1 -Overview.mp4 12.8 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Downloading and Installing the Main Desktop Software/1 - Link to download the software used in this course.html 407 B ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Downloading and Installing the Main Desktop Software/1 - Terms of Use.html 736 B ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Downloading and Installing the Main Desktop Software/1 - What We Don't Cover Basic Tools Installation.html 325 B ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Downloading and Installing the Main Desktop Software/1 -Desktop Software Download.mp4 32.2 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Downloading and Installing the Main Desktop Software/2 -Installation of the main desktop software.mp4 30.4 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/1 -Introduction.mp4 12 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/10 -DELETE Method.mp4 30 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/11 -Exploring the Pre-Built REST API A Guide to Methods, Models, and Controllers.mp4 47.7 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/2 - Understanding REST APIs.html 4.3 KB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/2 -Rest API Configuration.mp4 45.5 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/3 -Api Rest Project Creation.mp4 15.5 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/4 - Understanding the Components of a REST API.html 3.5 KB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/4 -Model Creation.mp4 41.9 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/5 - The History and Importance of JSON.html 5 KB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/5 -GET Method.mp4 60.1 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/6 -Troubleshooting a REST API in Visual Studio with Postman.mp4 21.2 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/7 -Optimizing GET Method Returning Only the Required Results from a ViewModel.mp4 109.4 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/8 -POST Method.mp4 26.3 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Api Rest/9 -PUT Method.mp4 32 MB ~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt 386 B