17 OCT 2024 - Welcome Back to TorrentFunk! Get your pirate hat back out. Streaming is dying and torrents are the new trend. Account Registration works again and so do Torrent Uploads. We invite you all to start uploading torrents again!
Pouring Out the Holy Spiritruth
POtHS - SIN-ister Secrets - 96 - Hacking Democracy
UNCOUNTED is an explosive new documentary that shows how the election fraud that changed the outcome of the 2004 election led to even greater fraud in 2006 - and now looms as an unbridled threat to the outcome of the 2008 election. This controversial feature length film by Emmy award-winning director David Earnhardt examines in factual, logical, and yet startling terms how easy it is to change election outcomes and undermine election integrity across the U.S. Noted computer programmers, statisticians, journalists, and experienced election officials provide the irrefutable proof.
UNCOUNTED shares well documented stories about the spine-chilling disregard for the right to vote in America. In Florida, computer programmer Clint Curtis is directed by his boss to create software that will "flip" votes from one candidate to another. In Utah, County Clerk Bruce Funk is locked out of his office for raising questions about security flaws in electronic voting machines. Californian Steve Heller gets convicted of a felony after he leaks secret documents detailing illegal activities committed by a major voting machine company. And Tennessee entrepreneur, Athan Gibbs, finds verifiable voting a hard sell in America and dies before his dream of honest elections can be realized. http://www.uncountedthemovie.com
People & Power - Protecting Democracy (October 2008):
People & Power looks at the processes behind the US presidential election. Watch the free new 23 minute elections film "Protecting Democracy" (by Hacking Democracy creators Simon Ardizzone & Russell Michaels) which reveals the secret "MANUAL ENTRY SCREEN" on the Diebold/Premier voting system that allows vote totals to be easily switched.
The film also includes:
Sarasota citizens' battle for better audits in the Florida Supreme Court, including an attorney for the state arguing that election problems should be kept secret.
Florida Secretary of State Kurt Browning explaining why Florida has chosen to have "post-certification" audits and why elections should not be "disruptive."
The Volusia County Canvassing Board voting to disobey Florida law.
Election reform candidate Susan Pynchon, who is running for Volusia County Supervisor of Elections, sparring over citizens' rights with her political opponent, incumbent Ann McFall.
These Torrents are currently on a Free Leech -- High Speed Server
JESUS: Believe this about Jesus to move on to Greener Pastures.
Born of a Virgin, He was killed for our transgressions, His blood was shed as a sacrifice to atone for my sins. He was buried and ROSE three days later, according to The Scriptures. Praise the Lord for HE HAS RISEN. I am now forgiven for my sins, past, present and future and can live on with the Lord in Eternity, forever.
RAPtURE (My transportation outta here).
The Blessed Hope. If you believe in The Rapture you better believe The Above Statement and that the Sacrificed Blood of Jesus, on the Cross paid for your sins and there is NOTHING Else you can do to gain Salvation, The GRACE of Christ did it ALL. Now you just have to believe that with all your Heart, Mind and Soul or Maybe Get Left Behind. All PAST, Present and Future Sins are Forgiven with Jesus. (I wouldn't PUSH That Future sin statement to much!!!)
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed...
"And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
"Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in The Air, and there we will be forever be with him...hmmm sounds like some of us might be Immortal. (Ask your preacher about that)
May Yahweh Bless You as He has me. Seed Long and Prosper from the Blessings of our Lord. I have asked the Father to Bless all those that Seed Long.
Do Not believe anything you find here, search the Scriptures daily to determine the tRUtH. http://conspiracyhub.com/membershares.php?it=41
Get info on the Take Over by The New World Order Below http://jesus-talks.com/blogs/blog1.php/creating-an-event-in-heaven A place where Jesus would feel at home. This is a new site still under construction. http://www.khouse.org/topical_bible_study Free online Bible Study http://www.babylonthegreatisfalling.net End Times Prophecy - Who is Babylon the Great http://www.hickoryhammockbaptist.org Pasteur Carl Gallops http://www.infowars.com Listen to Alex Jones Secular Truth http://www.theberean.org/ Daily Bible Study in Your Email http://www.khouseafrica.com/ Chuck Missler - Africa http://www.store.khouse.org/store/catalog Chuck Missler - USA http://www.efoodsdirect.com/winter/?ait=13&adit=79 Dehydrated Survival Food - Excellent Taste http://store.khouse.org/store/catalog/help/pacific_rim.html?it=C3sphAod Chuck Missler - New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Rim
Seed long and Prosper with Blessings from our Father. I have prayed to The Father, Bless all that Seed Long. (I have 4 year old active seeds out there, must be working for some folks!)
Ephesians 5:11
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove (expose) them.
:thankyou: :thankyou: Thank You JESUS
600 Volumes - POtHS Torrents seeded 7-4-2012.rar
69.7 MB
And More/Martyrs of Today/WAGING WAR by Leonard Ravenhill.flv
13.7 MB
And More/Martyrs of Today/What is it costing you to be a Christian TODAY.flv
8.2 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/2012-Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars-Just The First 3 Months.mp4
259.7 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/9 30 12 7.4M EQ in Columbia South America.flv
4.3 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/Amedeo Ministries - Home.flv
46.6 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/And I Daniel Fainted Pt.2_Novus Ordo Seclorum.flv
75.7 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/At Least 30 People Killed In Widespread Iraq Attacks.flv
12.8 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/Cop Punches Beats Down Man In Wheelchair.flv
1.8 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/Germans Hold Nationwide Anti-Capitalism Protests.flv
22.3 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/HAARP Driving Up Food Prices in the UK Weather Wars.flv
8.7 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/Loaded Guns Go Undetected Through TSA Checkpoint.flv
17 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/Mooned - Picture-proof of life on the Moon.flv
14.5 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/On your Marx.flv
7.3 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/Purely Pacific Northwest.mp4
113.8 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/RED ALERT UN issues global alert over new SARS-like virus.flv
7.6 MB
And More/Signs of the Times/Spanish Homes Greece Islands For Sale.flv
7.2 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/Subliminal Easter Egg Box Walmart.flv
67.1 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/Teachers Domain T-Rex Blood.mp4
20.8 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/The Pyramids - AA Debunked.flv
88.8 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/TSA Agents Like to Steal Your Stuff.flv
10.4 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/UN Call For Law Banning Blasphemy Based On A False Narrative.flv
15.9 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/UN Seeking New Global Tax for new global govt.flv
23.2 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/US Calls For Military Intervention In Mali.flv
4.6 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/US to destabilize Iran by removing group from terror list.flv
19.7 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/Vimanas - AA Debunked.flv
79.8 MB
5 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/Web Wars of Secrecy Hackers for hire in demand by govts.flv
21.3 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/White House Irked By Netanyahu.flv
9.5 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/Woman Raped By Two Cops Charged With Public Indecency.flv
11.6 MB
And More/SIN-ister Clips/Yemeni President acknowledges approving US drone strikes.flv
14.2 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/Clip- KNOW YOUR ENEMY Satan The Fallen Angels The Children of Disobedience3 (2).avi
45.8 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/Cross Roads of Faith Freedom General Ret Boykins.flv
45.4 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/David Garibaldi - Jesus Painting.flv
10.5 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/David Pawson Timantit - Raamattu On Totta.avi
38.2 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/David Wilkerson Tribute - A Call to Anguish (2).flv
13.3 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/Did the Apostles Keep the Sabbath.flv
2.9 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/doublethink.wmv
14.7 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/There Will Be A Day Jeremy Camp.flv
19.5 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/Voice Of Truth - Casting Crowns (3).flv
11.2 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/We Are The Reason 3.flv
19.8 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/We Bow Down.flv
4.9 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/We Fall Down.flv
9.5 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/Worthy Is The Lamb.flv
32.9 MB
And More/The Holy Spirit/You are my King Amazing Love - Instrumental with lyrics.mp4
30.1 MB
And More/War and Rumors of Wars/Endtime News Updates 9-19-12.flv
200.9 MB
And More/War and Rumors of Wars/Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calling for a New World Order 9-26-12 (2).flv
9.7 MB
And More/War and Rumors of Wars/Pt 5 of 9 World War 3 Special report 9-26-12.flv
50.5 MB
Hacking Democracy.avi
365.5 MB
9.3 KB
3.7 KB
People Power - Protecting Democracy.avi
60.7 MB
POtHS - Why We Do What We Do.txt
7.9 KB
Shorts/13000 Likely Exposed To Meningitis From Tainted Drugs.flv