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Paar C Understanding Cryptography Ciphers To Post-Quantum Algorithms 2024
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Understanding and employing cryptography has become central for securing virtually any digital application, whether user app, cloud service, or even medical implant. Heavily revised and updated, the long-awaited second edition of Understanding Cryptography follows the unique approach of making modern cryptography accessible to a broad audience, requiring only a minimum of prior knowledge. After introducing basic cryptography concepts, this seminal textbook covers nearly all symmetric, asymmetric, and post-quantum cryptographic algorithms currently in use in applications—ranging from cloud computing and smart phones all the way to industrial systems, block chains, and cryptocurrencies. Cryptography is a critical component of today’s information infrastructure; it is what enables distributed information systems to exist and to work properly. Without it, users would not be able to securely authenticate themselves to websites, secure communications wouldn’t exist, and privacy would be unachievable. Moreover, the number of applications for cryptography have increased dramatically, as new cryptographic techniques are invented and proven secure. For example, securely transacting with cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin requires modern cryptography. As another example, hospitals may now share information about patients in a way that protects patient privacy while allowing the hospitals to apply statistical methods assessing the effectiveness of new treatments on the aggregate of the patients. The book has many features that make it a unique source for students, practitioners and researchers. We focus on practical relevance by introducing the majority of cryptographic algorithms that are used in modern real-world applications. With respect to symmetric algorithms, we introduce the block ciphers AES, DES and triple-DES as well as PRESENT, which is an important example of a lightweight cipher. We also describe three popular stream ciphers. Regarding asymmetric cryptography, we cover all three public-key families currently in use: RSA, discrete logarithm schemes and elliptic curves. In addition, the book introduces hash functions, digital signatures and message authentication codes, or MACs. Beyond core cryptographic algorithms, we also discuss topics such as modes of operation, security services and key management. For every cryptographic scheme, up-to-date security estimations and recommendations for key lengths are given. We also discuss the important issue of software and hardware implementation. Topics and features: Opens with a foreword by cryptography pioneer and Turing Award winner, Ron Rivest Helps develop a comprehensive understanding of modern applied cryptography Provides a thorough introduction to post-quantum cryptography consisting of the three standardized cipher families Includes for every chapter a comprehensive problem set, extensive examples, and a further-reading discussion Communicates, using a unique pedagogical approach, the essentials about foundations and use in practice, while keeping mathematics to a minimum Supplies up-to-date security parameters for all cryptographic algorithms Incorporates chapter reviews and discussion on such topics as historical and societal context. Introduction to Cryptography and Data Security Stream Ciphers The Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Alternatives The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) More About Block Ciphers Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography The RSA Cryptosystem Cryptosystems Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems Digital Signatures Hash Functions Post-Quantum Cryptography Message Authentication Codes (MACs) Key Management
Paar C. Understanding Cryptography...Ciphers to Post-Quantum Algorithms 2024.pdf