17 OCT 2024 - Welcome Back to TorrentFunk! Get your pirate hat back out. Streaming is dying and torrents are the new trend. Account Registration works again and so do Torrent Uploads. We invite you all to start uploading torrents again!
Screenpresso captures your desktop (screenshots and HD videos) for your training documents, collaborative design work, IT bug reports, and more.
Press the Print Screen button, and you will see how Screenpresso magically assists you in screen capture.
The mouse cursor will turn into a crosshair, and moving it around the screen will automatically highlight the area that can be captured in red. It does some pretty cool edge snapping to the screen, so you can choose to grab part of a window, or the entire window, or even the whole screen.
Screenpresso records your screen in a video and produces lightweight MP4 video files for easy sharing.
It also provides a built-in vector image editor to mark up your screen captures.
This release includes a custom developed keygen utility. If you would like to view the source code for this keygen, you can visit: -> https://github.com/Aetherinox/screenpresso-utility
[x] Execute Screenpressoscreenpresso_v2.1.25.exe [x] You can pick to INSTALL Screenpresso or RUN it as a portable [x] If you start Screenpresso and get a notice saying that the program requires internet, click the IGNORE button.
[x] Once you install or open Screenpresso, open the provided keygen: -> ScreenpressoKeygenScreenpressoKG.exe
A User Account Control (UAC) prompt will appear and ask:
"Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device?"
It will give you the options YES or NO.
Select YES
The keygen is requesting this permission to run as admin because it contains a feature to automatically modify your windows host file which will block Screenpresso's license servers from communicating with your computer.
The keygen will edit the file: -> "%SystemRoot%system32driversetchosts"
[x] After you run the keygen, click the button Block Host [x] When asked if you are sure, press YES. [x] Type a desired name in the NAME field. [x] Press GENERATE [x] COPY the generated license key and then go back to Screenpresso. [x] Click either the wrench icon in the top-right of Screenpresso, OR right-click Screenpresso's icon in the bottom-right of your tray and select UPGRADE TO PRO. [x] Press ENTER ACTIVATION KEY button. [x] Paste the license key you generated with the keygen into the Screenpresso box. [x] Press ACTIVATE [x] Screenpresso should say your license is now active. It will also open a browser page. Just close the page.
Screenpresso requires .NET Framework v4.8.1 to function.
You can install it by using the exe provided in this download: -> "Screenpresso.NET 4.8.1 Frameworkwindows_net_4.8_web.exe"
If you don't want to use the provided exe, you can download it manually from Microsoft's website at: -> https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/net481
I write my own apps in C#. They contain no malware, no annoying music, and no ads. They don't even communicate with your internet.
If you want to view the entire source code to the activator provided in this release, you can view it on Github: -> https://github.com/Aetherinox/screenpresso-utility
My official apps are signed with my certificate. To confirm it is mine and unedited; right-click on ScreenpressoKG.exe, click PROPERTIES, and then click the DIGITAL SIGNATURE tab.
The exe should be digitally signed by "Aetherx" with the thumbprint: -> "70575bdfb02b3f1b45a37431bef9a8c9933a4ace"
If ScreenpressoKG.exe is not signed; DO NOT USE IT. Download the official one on my Github page from the link above. I do this to discourage someone from taking my source code and trying to add their own crap and re-distribute it.
Newer versions of my patches include a signature verification feature. To access this, open the patcher and in the top menu, navigate to: -> Help -> Validate Signature
Torrents are a great way of sharing with the community. However, there are uploaders with less than generous intentions.
Remember that if you're testing a release out, it's ALWAYS recommended to try the app out on a virtual machine first. This should be a standard practice with anyone involved software.
The program "Virtual Box" is free and can be downloaded from the official websites: -> https://virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
A lot of us share in order to give to the community, and stand up against corporations taking advantage of the customer. However, not everyone has the same objectives.