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Cross Ange Tenshi To Ryuu No Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo Of Angel And Dragon)
# Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon)
> Updates: Episode 3, S01E03, had issues which caused video chunks/scenes to be randomly ordered. Apologies for this issue and also thanks to everyone who reported it to us. This release is compatible with the Mk.I release save for the file renamed with “v2” to indicate being fixed. Simply place the Mk.I files (excluding the S01E03 "v2") in the same location as this release and "recheck" to only update the affected file.
> For a higher quality release in 1080p, [click here](https://nyaa.si/view/1756010 "[Sav1our&Lumen] Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon) [1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio]"). For the highest quality release in 1080p, ~~[click here](https://nyaa.si/view/002 "[Sav1our&Lumen] Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon) [1080p][HEVC][FLAC][Dual Audio]").~~ (Coming Soon) For the smallest release in 720p, [click here](https://nyaa.si/view/1756008 "[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon) [720p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio]").
## Series
`Sav1or`&`Lumen` | Episodes | ![MyAnimeList][mal-logo] MyAnimeList | ![TVDB][tvdb-logo] TVDB | ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] Source
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
**Season 1** | 25 *(S01E01-S01E25)* | [**Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo**](https://myanimelist.net/anime/25731 "Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo") | [**Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon**](https://thetvdb.com/series/cross-ange-rondo-of-angel-and-dragon/seasons/official/1 "Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon") | [AOmundson][source-aomundson], [Lumen][source-lumen], [Pleb-Fansub][source-pleb], [Owari Subs][source-owari], [Rhythm & Drakou][source-rhythm]
## Release
A Dual Audio release encoded in AV1 and OPUS for optimum size and quality. Files are named to support media servers like Plex using TVDB metadata.
Special thanks to [Lumen][source-lumen] for their work on converting hardcoded French subtitles from [Pleb-Fansub][source-pleb] into the Advanced SubStation Alpha format.
`Sav1or`&`Lumen` | Codec | Quality | Language | Notes
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
**Video** | AV1 | 1080p 10-bit || Rescale, Deband, Normal-Boost
**Audio** | OPUS | Stereo (2.0) 128K | Japanese, English
**Subtitle** | ASS | *high* | English, Arabic, French, Italian | Signs & Songs, Dialogue
**Chapter** || *yes* | English
**Encoding Details**:
This is the first release to be filtered from the source via VapourSynth Descale/Rescale and Deband. Many thanks to all those involved in the [**AV1 Anime Discord**][discord-av1] with helping us on this matter, particularly [LastBreeze][source-breeze]. We also employed our Normal-Boost encoding setup. For the most demanding scenes, a minimum of preset 2 and CRF 18 was used. Conversely, for the simplest scenes a preset of 4 and CRF 40 was used. However, most *normal* scenes are weighted towards CRF 28. This allows for smaller file sizes and improved quality in select scenes. For more details, experimental data, and other wild conjectures, we invite you to join us in the Discord server.
SVT-AV1 1.7.0 with Av1an (`--photon-noise 2`)
--preset 4 --crf 24 --keyint 0 --lp 2 --film-grain 0 --film-grain-denoise 0 --color-primaries 2 --transfer-characteristics 2 --matrix-coefficients 2 --color-range 0 --irefresh-type 1 --aq-mode 0 --enable-overlays 1 --scd 0 --lookahead 120 --tune 0 --enable-tf 0 --chroma-u-dc-qindex-offset -1 --chroma-u-ac-qindex-offset -1 --chroma-v-dc-qindex-offset -1 --chroma-v-ac-qindex-offset -1 --enable-qm 1 --qm-min 0 --qm-max 15
> This project is a production with the goal of the smallest video size with considerable subjective compromises to image quality. This is not the hallmark of AV1. This release should only contain changes to the video stream and audio tracks. The subtitle and attachment tracks are usually copied from the noted sources. Timings are not adjusted except in cases of extreme delay as a result of mixing sources. - `Sav1or`
### [**Comparisons**](https://slow.pics/c/wSOIgnW9 "Cross Ange S01E01")
All comparisons (with additional HEVC and AV1 releases) are linked in the above header. Most comparisons were chosen specifically, or perhaps unfairly, to showcase the most challenging scenes for AV1 and a couple others for highlighting the improvements to geometry and anti-aliasing that filtering has afforded us. It is no secret that AV1 shines best at lower bitrates but pales in comparison at the highest fidelity in regards to texture. As such, we have chosen scenes with reduced or blurred textures such as the clouds in image 1, the ocean in image 2, the asphalt in image 6, and the rain in images 8/9 to expose this fault. Besides these cherry-picked worst-case-scenario scenes, AV1 provides a functionally identical image at least for our intended audience.
Source | Encode
--- | ---
[](https://i.slow.pics/LKw3weej.png) | [](https://i.slow.pics/in6KLxdV.png)
[](https://i.slow.pics/0gEHGFkl.png) | [](https://i.slow.pics/rgmc9NB4.png)
[![AV1 Logo][av1-logo]](https://discord.gg/83dRFDFDp7)
Thanks to the helpful people on the [**AV1 Anime Discord**][discord-av1]. Come and join us there!
### Source
Thanks to the following sources:
* ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] [AOmundson][source-aomundson] - Video, Audio, Subtitle, Chapter
* ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] [Lumen][source-lumen] - Subtitle (FR)
* ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] [Pleb-Fansub][source-pleb] - Subtitle (FR)
* ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] [Owari Subs][source-owari] - Subtitle (IT)
* ![Nyaa][nyaa-logo] [Rhythm & Drakou][source-rhythm] - Subtitle (AR)
### [**Media Info**](https:// "S01E06 Media Info")
[mal-logo]: https://i.imgur.com/ZCtSawZ.png "My Anime List"
[tvdb-logo]: https://i.imgur.com/dDhSn59.jpeg "The TVDB"
[nyaa-logo]: https://i.imgur.com/7o97aB0.png "Nyaa"
[av1-logo]: https://aomedia.org/assets/images/home-av1-500x200.png "Click to join us at the AV1 weeb edition Discord"
[discord-av1]: https://discord.gg/83dRFDFDp7 "AV1 weeb edition - Discord"
[cover]: https://cdn.donmai.us/original/e2/dd/__angelise_ikaruga_misurugi_and_villkiss_cross_ange_drawn_by_garimpeiro__e2dd42d893e6d35b8c5b1f944af6aaed.jpg "Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon"
[source-aomundson]: https://nyaa.si/view/1199328 "[AOmundson] Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons (Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo) + Specials & Extras (2014) [Dual Audio] (BD x264 1080p Hi10P FLAC)"
[source-lumen]: https://nyaa.si/user/Lumen "Lumen"
[source-pleb]: https://nyaa.si/view/1120891 "[Pleb-Fansub] Cross Ange - Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo VOSTFR (BD 1920x1080 x264 AAC)"
[source-owari]: https://nyaa.si/view/771456 "[Owari Subs] CROSS ANGE - Tenshi to Ryu no Rondo [BD]"
[source-rhythm]: https://nyaa.si/view/909266 "Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondol [Rhythm]"
[source-breeze]: https://nyaa.si/user/LastBreeze "But no really, who is Sokudo?"
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E01 - The Fallen Imperial Princess [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
447.1 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E02 - Defiant Soul [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
438.3 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E03v2 - Villkiss Awakens [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
452.5 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E04 - Lonely Mutiny [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
378.3 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E05 - Ange Loss [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
380.9 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E06 - Momoka Has Arrived! [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
353.3 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E07 - Salia's Gloom [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
426.1 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E08 - Bikini Escape [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
365.9 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E09 - Traitorous Homeland [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
404 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E10 - Goodbye From the Gallows [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
316.4 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E11 - Dragon Song [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
448.6 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E12 - The Right Arm's Past [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
374.4 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E13 - Arzenal Burns [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
497.6 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E14 - Ange and Tusk [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
557.5 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E15 - Another Earth [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
477 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E16 - Resonating Front Lines [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
668.5 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E17 - Dark Angel of Destruction [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
614 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E18 - Conclusive Ocean [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
482.1 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E19 - The Tuner of Time [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
498.3 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E20 - God's Proposal [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
452 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E21 - The Survivors [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
609.8 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E22 - Necessary [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
469 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E23 - Distorting World [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
557.7 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E24 - Eve of Destruction [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv
631.5 MB
[Sav1or&Lumen] Cross Ange Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo (Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon) - S01E25 - Beyond Time [BD][1080p][AV1][OPUS][Dual Audio].mkv