Filename Size 1. Introduction/1. Whirlwind Tour of The Web.mp4 40.2 MB 1. Introduction/2. Comparing The Roles of HTML, CSS & JavaScript.mp4 41 MB 1. Introduction/2.1 2048 Game Codepen.html 98 B 1. Introduction/2.2 Responsive Landing Page Codepen.html 105 B 1. Introduction/3. Installing The Course Tools.mp4 18.3 MB 1. Introduction/3.1 Download Google Chrome.html 91 B 1. Introduction/3.2 VSCode Home Page.html 91 B 1. Introduction/4. A Closer Look At VSCode.mp4 20.4 MB 1. Introduction/4.1 VSCode Material Editor Theme.html 143 B 1. Introduction/5. GET THE COURSE SLIDES.html 278 B 2. HTML Basics/1. What is HTML.mp4 29.8 MB 2. HTML Basics/10. HTML Basics Exercise.mp4 76.2 MB 2. HTML Basics/2. The HTML Workflow.mp4 24.6 MB 2. HTML Basics/3. Our First Element The Paragraph.mp4 28.5 MB 2. HTML Basics/3.1 Paragraph Element Documentation - MDN.html 120 B 2. HTML Basics/4. The Chrome Inspector.mp4 44.5 MB 2. HTML Basics/4.1 Giant Clam Article - Wikipedia.html 101 B 2. HTML Basics/5. Heading Elements.mp4 63.5 MB 2. HTML Basics/5.1 Heading Element Documentation - MDN.html 135 B 2. HTML Basics/6. VSCode Tip Autocomplete.mp4 12.5 MB 2. HTML Basics/7. Creating HTML Comments.mp4 27 MB 2. HTML Basics/8. Tip Mozilla Developer Network.mp4 28.8 MB 2. HTML Basics/8.1 Mozilla Developer Network.html 97 B 2. HTML Basics/9. Proper Document Structure.mp4 62 MB 3. Text Elements/1. The Strong Element.mp4 16.2 MB 3. Text Elements/1.1 Strong Element Documentation - MDN.html 125 B 3. Text Elements/10. Text Elements Exercise.mp4 61.8 MB 3. Text Elements/2. The 'Bring Attention To' Element.mp4 22.9 MB 3. Text Elements/2.1 Bring Attention to Element Documentation - MDN.html 120 B 3. Text Elements/3. The Emphasis Element.mp4 9.3 MB 3. Text Elements/3.1 Emphasis Element Documentation - MDN.html 121 B 3. Text Elements/4. The 'Idiomatic Text' Element.mp4 17.6 MB 3. Text Elements/4.1 Idiomatic Text Element Documentation -MDN.html 120 B 3. Text Elements/5. Nesting Elements.mp4 26.3 MB 3. Text Elements/6. Superscript and Subscript.mp4 23.1 MB 3. Text Elements/6.1 Subscript Element Documentation - MDN.html 122 B 3. Text Elements/6.2 Superscript Element Documentation - MDN.html 122 B 3. Text Elements/7. Creating Lists.mp4 46.8 MB 3. Text Elements/7.1 Ordered List Element Documentation - MDN.html 121 B 3. Text Elements/7.2 The List Item Element Documentation - MDN.html 121 B 3. Text Elements/7.3 Unordered List Element Documentation - MDN.html 121 B 3. Text Elements/8. Nesting Lists.mp4 21.5 MB 3. Text Elements/9. Inline Vs. Block Elements.mp4 21 MB 4. Links and Images/1. Introducing Anchor Elements.mp4 53.3 MB 4. Links and Images/1.1 Anchor Element Documentation - MDN.html 120 B 4. Links and Images/2. Creating Relative Links.mp4 32.1 MB 4. Links and Images/2.1 Linking to Relative URLS - MDN.html 145 B 4. Links and Images/3. Linking To Page Elements.mp4 61.7 MB 4. Links and Images/3.1 Linking To An Element On The Same Page - MDN.html 159 B 4. Links and Images/4. Mailto and Telephone Links.mp4 40.8 MB 4. Links and Images/4.1 Linking To An Email or Telephone Number - MDN.html 148 B 4. Links and Images/5. Creating Image Elements.mp4 56.5 MB 4. Links and Images/5.1 The Image Element Documentation - MDN.html 122 B 4. Links and Images/6. The Alt Attribute.mp4 43.9 MB 4. Links and Images/7. Links and Images Exercise.mp4 76.8 MB 5. Tables/1. Introducing HTML Tables.mp4 34.5 MB 5. Tables/1.1 HTML Table Basics Tutorial - MDN.html 126 B 5. Tables/2. Working with table, tr, and td.mp4 45.4 MB 5. Tables/2.1 IMDB Top 250 Movies.html 92 B 5. Tables/2.2 Table Data Cell Element Documentation - MDN.html 121 B 5. Tables/2.3 Table Element Documentation - MDN.html 124 B 5. Tables/2.4 Table Row Element Documentation - MDN.html 121 B 5. Tables/3. Creating Table Headers.mp4 13.7 MB 5. Tables/3.1 Table Header Element Documentation - MDN.html 121 B 5. Tables/4. Structuring Tables With Thead, Tbody, and Tfoot.mp4 44.6 MB 5. Tables/4.1 Table Body Element Documentation - MDN.html 124 B 5. Tables/4.2 Table Foot Element Documentation - MDN.html 124 B 5. Tables/4.3 Table Head Element Documentation - MDN.html 124 B 5. Tables/5. Adding Captions To Tables.mp4 9.9 MB 5. Tables/5.1 Table Caption Element Documentation - MDN.html 126 B 5. Tables/6. Working With Colspan and Rowspan.mp4 43.8 MB 5. Tables/7. Tables Exercise.mp4 45.2 MB 6. Forms/1. Our First Form Inputs!.mp4 17.5 MB 6. Forms/1.1 Input Element Documentation - MDN.html 124 B 6. Forms/2. The Form Element.mp4 47.1 MB 6. Forms/2.1 The Form Element Documentation - MDN.html 123 B 6. Forms/3. Creating Buttons.mp4 24.9 MB 6. Forms/3.1 The Button Element Documentation - MDN.html 125 B 6. Forms/4. Email, URL & Number Inputs.mp4 27 MB 6. Forms/5. Creating Input Labels.mp4 25.6 MB 6. Forms/5.1 The Input Label Element Documentation - MDN.html 124 B 6. Forms/6. The Name Attribute.mp4 23.2 MB 6. Forms/7. The Required Attribute.mp4 11.5 MB 6. Forms/7.1 The Required Attribute Documentation - MDN.html 130 B 6. Forms/8. A Quick Note on Divs.mp4 19.6 MB 6. Forms/8.1 The Content Division Element Documentation - MDN.html 122 B 6. Forms/9. Forms Basics Exercise.mp4 40.1 MB 7. More Forms/1. Creating Text Areas.mp4 21.2 MB 7. More Forms/1.1 The Textarea Element Documentation - MDN.html 127 B 7. More Forms/2. Working With Checkboxes.mp4 25.6 MB 7. More Forms/2.1 Input Type Checkbox Documentation - MDN.html 133 B 7. More Forms/3. The Range (Slider) Input.mp4 21.9 MB 7. More Forms/3.1 Input Type Range Documentation - MDN.html 130 B