Filename Size 01 - Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4 67.2 MB 01 - Introduction/001 5.7 KB 01 - Introduction/002 Let's get connected! Join the Learning Community.html 2.3 KB 01 - Introduction/003 HOW-TO-GUIDE.pdf 3.9 MB 01 - Introduction/003 ☝️Grab HOW-TO-GUIDE☝️.html 170 B 01 - Introduction/004 Course Project Files Overview.mp4 23.6 MB 01 - Introduction/004 Course Project Files 1.5 KB 01 - Introduction/005 Course project GitHub Repository.html 3.2 KB 01 - Introduction/006 COURSE STRUCTURE.html 1.3 KB 02 - Introduction to the Web Development/001 Frontend vs Backend.mp4 80.1 MB 02 - Introduction to the Web Development/001 Frontend vs 38.6 KB 03 - PROJECT START - Initial frontend app Overview/001 Supplementary sections.html 755 B 03 - PROJECT START - Initial frontend app Overview/002 Installing Visual Studio Code.mp4 8.3 MB 03 - PROJECT START - Initial frontend app Overview/002 Installing Visual Studio 1.2 KB 03 - PROJECT START - Initial frontend app Overview/003 Visual Studio Code Setup.mp4 49.2 MB 03 - PROJECT START - Initial frontend app Overview/003 Visual Studio Code 8 KB 03 - PROJECT START - Initial frontend app Overview/004 Overview of the initial Application version.mp4 4.5 MB 03 - PROJECT START - Initial frontend app Overview/004 Overview of the initial Application 2.8 KB 03 - PROJECT START - Initial frontend app Overview/005 How to create new React Application.mp4 27.6 MB 03 - PROJECT START - Initial frontend app Overview/005 How to create new React 6.9 KB 03 - PROJECT START - Initial frontend app Overview/006 Installing Node along with NPM and NPX.mp4 10.6 MB 03 - PROJECT START - Initial frontend app Overview/006 Installing Node along with NPM and 3.8 KB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/001 BEGIN - Creating React Application using create-react-app.mp4 23.8 MB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/001 BEGIN - Creating React Application using 6.1 KB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/002 Starting React Application.mp4 46 MB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/002 Starting React 7.8 KB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/003 Structure of the Frontend app.mp4 63.5 MB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/003 Structure of the Frontend 13.6 KB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/004 Reinstalling npm dependencies.mp4 25.1 MB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/004 Reinstalling npm 5.2 KB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/005 Creating and serving optimized build of the Frontend app.mp4 47.4 MB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/005 Creating and serving optimized build of the Frontend 7.8 KB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/006 Basic Frontend Application Implementation Steps.mp4 13.4 MB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/006 Basic Frontend Application Implementation 5.3 KB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/007 Cleaning up default React application.mp4 17.3 MB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/007 Cleaning up default React 5.5 KB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/008 How React works and what is JSX.mp4 51.9 MB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/008 How React works and what is 11.6 KB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/009 React Functional Components.mp4 21.3 MB 04 - Creating React application and how React works/009 React Functional 4.6 KB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/001 Installing and Configuring Git.mp4 58.9 MB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/001 Installing and Configuring 11.4 KB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/002 186 KB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/002 END - Creating first commit.mp4 21.8 MB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/002 END - Creating first 7.5 KB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/003 186 KB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/003 185.7 KB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/003 185.7 KB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/003 185.7 KB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/003 BEGIN and END - Adding eslintcache file to the gitignore.mp4 15.5 MB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/003 BEGIN and END - Adding eslintcache file to the 6.1 KB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/004 Publishing repository to the GitHub.mp4 53.7 MB 05 - Initializing Git and creating remote GitHub repository/004 Publishing repository to the 10.3 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/001 185.7 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/001 222.4 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/001 BEGIN and END - Changing Favicon.mp4 68.2 MB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/001 BEGIN and END - Changing 13.1 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/002 222.4 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/002 BEGIN - Creating Header component.mp4 43.9 MB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/002 BEGIN - Creating Header 14.3 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/003 225.3 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/003 END - What are React props.mp4 18.2 MB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/003 END - What are React 4.9 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/004 225.3 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/004 BEGIN - Plan for creation of the Search component.mp4 8.1 MB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/004 BEGIN - Plan for creation of the Search 4.3 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/005 Creating Search component with input form.mp4 31.2 MB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/005 Creating Search component with input 9.1 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/006 Styling Search component.mp4 30.6 MB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/006 Styling Search 11.4 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/007 Submission of the search form.mp4 23 MB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/007 Submission of the search 7.6 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/008 Controlled Search component.mp4 63.8 MB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/008 Controlled Search 10.1 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/009 226 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/009 END - Search Component Summary.mp4 12.1 MB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/009 END - Search Component 3.5 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/010 Disabling GitLens blame annotations feature.mp4 10.8 MB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/010 Disabling GitLens blame annotations 2.6 KB 06 - React props and creation of the Header and Search components/How you can help GetFreeCourses.Co.txt 182 B 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/001 226 KB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/001 BEGIN - Creating account at Unsplash and registering new App.mp4 26.6 MB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/001 BEGIN - Creating account at Unsplash and registering new 8.8 KB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/002 Adding local file with Environment Variables.mp4 61.8 MB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/002 Adding local file with Environment 10 KB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/003 How to make Unsplash API request and what is URL.mp4 21.2 MB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/003 How to make Unsplash API request and what is 6.6 KB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/004 226.2 KB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/004 END - Making first API request for random photo.mp4 76.6 MB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/004 END - Making first API request for random 9.7 KB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/005 Analyzing API requests and responses.mp4 62.1 MB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/005 Analyzing API requests and 7.9 KB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/006 226.2 KB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/006 BEGIN - CHALLENGE - Clear search input.mp4 2.6 MB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/006 BEGIN - CHALLENGE - Clear search 976 B 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/007 226.2 KB 07 - Making Unsplash API requests/007 END - CHALLENGE SOLUTION - Clear search input.mp4 13.1 MB