17 OCT 2024 - Welcome Back to TorrentFunk! Get your pirate hat back out. Streaming is dying and torrents are the new trend. Account Registration works again and so do Torrent Uploads. We invite you all to start uploading torrents again!
POtHS Comments on This one: This is "Spirit World Stuff" That few will understand.
This download contains the following presentations:
Freeman Perspective with Eric Jon Phelps: http://freemantv.com/ "The Agenda" is one term for the "new world order" used by the insiders / globalists -- the ILLUMINISTS, also called the ILLUMINATI. Ultimately, the "Agenda" is: to move the Papacy to Jerusalem, and this has been the primary design for 1600 years, only overshadowed by the objective to wipe out the entire nation of Israel from the Earth.
Prophecy Club NWO Mind Control speaker Al Neal:
Al Neal exposes the Satanic Occult's Agenda of the NWO and how they use various mind control techniques in the controlled media and subliminal advertising.
Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln JFK RFK & MLK by Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.:
Finally the truth is presented about the assassinations of President Abraham Lincoln, President John F. Kennedy, Senator/Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, and Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. This book tells who the real shooters were, where they were when they fired their shots, who organized these events, the motivations behind these killings, and who wrote the checks to pay the killers. It also provides the minutes of U. S. Senate hearing where U.S. Government officials were exposed as they committed terrible acts against U.S. citizens.
The End is Near by David Lankford:
Pastor Lankford on Obamacare as Mark of the Beast; Prepping[Self-Reliance] as Common/"Horse" Sense (Stable Thinking) ;-D and The Sins of Sodom.
Steve Quayle's favorite preacher--Homespun Scriptural-based Wisdom. Very Refreshing.
Bible Symbols, The Crown of Thorns and the Defeat of the Antichrist by Mike Hoggard:
The first time Pastor Mike Hoggard ever saw the movie, The Omen, he was amazed at the occult and biblical symbolism embedded in the film, including the name given for the Antichrist. In this latest video from Pastor Mike, he reveals the secrets behind the Masonic symbol of the acacia tree and the construction of the wilderness tabernacle, including the symbolism of the crown of thorns on the head of Jesus Christ. This teaching reveals from the scriptures why many major denominations, ministries, well-known Christian leaders, and churches are moving rapidly toward the great falling away.
Betrayed With A Kiss by Eric Ludy:
WARNING: This message pulls no punches. It speaks straightforwardly on a topic that most of us would rather avoid - and that is, wolves in sheep's clothing in the modern church.
There are wolves in the sheep pen of modern Christianity undermining the timeless, eternal Truths of Scripture and thus altering the nature and the pattern of the Gospel. But these wolves don't look like wolves. For they are wearing very convincing sheep costumes. They appear to be humble and wise men, with spectacles roosted on the ends of their noses. They appear to be cordial men, kind and thoughtful. It's their fruit that exposes them. For they have one singular question that they are asking the Body of Christ today: "Did God really say that? Are you certain? Could it be that you have it wrong?" They are proffering the notion of an "open mind" - a mind more tolerant to new religious thought - a mind hospitable to ideas outside the pale of the Biblical framework. 6,000 years ago this was the tactic of the Serpent in the Garden, and it's still the Serpent's primary tactic today.
Think you know Reality Watch this - Truth can be scary:
Posted from Youtube user gloomylunatic. Hia description is as follows...
I'm so sick of the B.S. I'm sick of the lies. I'm sick of the truth not being heard.
Well guess what? People will SEE THE TRUTH. They will KNOW THE TRUTH.They will BE HEARD. The victims will ECHO for ETERNITY and HAUNT those who have HARMED THEM and KILLED THEM. This abuse must be countered. There is always balance in nature. For every action, there is a reaction.
When will YOU draw YOUR LINE?
Please don't confuse the message here. I'm not saying to go harm Police Officers or Law Enforcement Agents.... NO, that is NOT the message by ANY MEANS.
HOWEVER -- there is MUCH TRUTH to the fact that Police Officers and many, many Law Enforcement Officers are NOT QUALIFIED to even be in the position they are in with the authority and virtual power to cause physical harm to another human being just because they "feel like it" (it's the Police Officer's discretion which usually supersedes everything else unfortunately, so to let sociopath's and emotionally desensitized human beings become Police Officer's is ABSURD and unreasonable at the very least)
I know that there are good men and women out there... but these men and women have voices, no? Please don't be silent anymore. Please wake up. Please speak up. Please let the truth be known, WHEREVER YOU ARE, and WHOEVER YOU ARE, and DO NOT let the social stigma or societal hierarchy change the decisions you would make in any given situation. Do not let your integrity become jeopardized because of your own fear or apathy/ignorance.
It is time we all become responsible men and women. It is time we all make the changes necessary in our own lives to reflect the well-being and positive change that this society needs in each and every single one of us, individually. Look in the mirror. The change starts at home, it starts with YOU... and me.
God bless all of you
I pray for those involved in this video, both Law Enforcement, Public Sheeple and Victim alike... God will prevail, Truth will prevail
Signs of the Times
SIN-ister Clips
The Holy Spirit
This is dedicated to my Mom who passed at 11:44 pm PST ON 1-25-2011. Now she knows.
JESUS: Believe this about Jesus to move on to Greener Pastures.
Born of a Virgin, He was killed for our transgressions, His blood was shed as a sacrifice to atone for my sins. He was buried and ROSE three days later, according to The Scriptures. Praise the Lord for HE HAS RISEN. I am now forgiven for my sins, past, present and future and can live on with the Lord in Eternity, forever.
RAPtURE (My transportation outta here).
The Blessed Hope. If you believe in The Rapture you better believe That The Sacrificed Blood of Jesus, on the Cross paid for your sins and there is NOTHING Else you can do to gain Salvation, The GRACE of Christ did it ALL. Now you just have to believe that with all your Heart, Mind and Soul or Maybe Get Left Behind. All PAST, Present and Future Sins are Forgiven with Jesus. (I wouldn't PUSH That Future sin statement to much!!!)
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed..
"And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
"Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in The Air, and there we will be forever be with him...
May Yahweh Bless You as He has me. Seed Long and Prosper from the Blessings of our Lord. I have asked the Father to Bless all those that Seed Long.
Do Not believe anything you find here, search the Scriptures daily to determine the tRUtH.
Get info on the Take Over by The New World Order Below
Seed long and Prosper with Blessings from our Father. I have prayed to The Father, Bless all that Seed Long. (I have 4 year old active seeds out there, must be working for some folks!)
Ephesians 5:11
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove (expose) them.