17 OCT 2024 - Welcome Back to TorrentFunk! Get your pirate hat back out. Streaming is dying and torrents are the new trend. Account Registration works again and so do Torrent Uploads. We invite you all to start uploading torrents again!
Our encode of the JPBD with modified MTBB subtitles, sourced from OZR. OZR provided trimmed dub and Scrad replaced the part 1 ED styling. Audio for the OVA was sourced from LostYears.
Video/Audio: Scrad/sam
Subtitles: MTBB (modified)
### Notes
Source goes from OK to poor as you step through the volumes, with compression artifacts, poor chroma, banding, aliasing, etc. The last volume was especially bad. Changed the font in the Demon language because Arial was pretty ugly, restyled ED1 (sorry Smoke), taking inspiration from whatever Smoke did before.Thanks to Tom and Vodes for ~~de~~motivating me.