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SQL For Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence
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[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/01 - Getting Started/001 Course Structure & Outline - MySQL Database for Beginners_en.srt
2.5 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/01 - Getting Started/002 READ ME Important Notes for New Students.html
4.8 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/01 - Getting Started/003 DOWNLOAD Course Resources.html
1002 B
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/01 - Getting Started/003 MavenMovies-Final-Course-Project-SOLUTION.sql
5.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/01 - Getting Started/003 MavenMovies-Final-Course-Project.sql
2.5 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/01 - Getting Started/003 MavenMovies-Mid-Course-Project-SOLUTION.sql
2.4 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/01 - Getting Started/003 MavenMovies-Mid-Course-Project.sql
1.6 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/01 - Getting Started/004 Introducing the Course Project - Play the Role of Business Analyst_en.srt
1006 B
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/01 - Getting Started/005 Setting Expectations - Focus on Business Analysis, NOT MySQL Administration_en.srt
2.2 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/02 - MySQL Intro & Setup/001 Introduction to Installing MySQL and MySQL Workbench for Beginners_en.srt
509 B
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/02 - MySQL Intro & Setup/002 Why Learn SQL From Scratch The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp is Worth It!_en.srt
1.8 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/02 - MySQL Intro & Setup/003 History & SQL Flavors (MySQL, MS SQL Server, SQL Lite, T SQL, Microsoft SQL)_en.srt
3.8 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/02 - MySQL Intro & Setup/004 MySQL Installation Overview_en.srt
2.2 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/02 - MySQL Intro & Setup/005 Mac Download - Community Server_en.srt
7 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/02 - MySQL Intro & Setup/006 Mac Download - MySQL Workbench_en.srt
4.3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/02 - MySQL Intro & Setup/007 PC Download - Community Server + Workbench_en.srt
11.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/02 - MySQL Intro & Setup/008 Connecting Workbench to the Server_en.srt
3.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/02 - MySQL Intro & Setup/009 MySQL Workbench Interface_en.srt
2.6 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/02 - MySQL Intro & Setup/010 Creating the Maven Movies Database_en.srt
2.3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/001 Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying_en.srt
717 B
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/002 Getting to Know the Database_en.srt
5.2 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/003 The Big 6 Statements and Clauses of SQL Queries_en.srt
3.2 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/004 The SELECT Statement - Your SQL Querying Starts Here_en.srt
1.2 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/005 The FROM Clause - Tell the Server Which Table Your SQL Query Will Pull Data From_en.srt
962 B
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/006 SELECT FROM_en.srt
8.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/007 The USE Statement_en.srt
4.5 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/008 Selecting Specific Columns_en.srt
6.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/009 ASSIGNMENT SELECT & FROM_en.srt
2.3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/010 SOLUTION SELECT & FROM_en.srt
3.7 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/011 SELECT DISTINCT_en.srt
3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/012 ASSIGNMENT SELECT DISTINCT_en.srt
1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/013 SOLUTION SELECT DISTINCT_en.srt
2.9 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/014 The WHERE Clause_en.srt
2.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/015 Common WHERE Operators_en.srt
7.5 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/016 ASSIGNMENT The WHERE Clause_en.srt
871 B
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/017 SOLUTION The WHERE Clause_en.srt
3.4 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/018 Combining WHERE & AND_en.srt
6.4 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/019 ASSIGNMENT WHERE & AND_en.srt
894 B
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/020 SOLUTION WHERE & AND_en.srt
1.9 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/021 Combining WHERE & OR_en.srt
4.3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/022 ASSIGNMENT WHERE & OR_en.srt
1019 B
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/023 SOLUTION WHERE & OR_en.srt
4.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/024 Combining WHERE & IN_en.srt
6.5 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/025 The LIKE Operator_en.srt
3.9 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/026 LIKE Wildcard Examples_en.srt
7.3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/027 ASSIGNMENT The LIKE Operator_en.srt
858 B
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/028 SOLUTION The LIKE Operator_en.srt
3.5 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/029 The GROUP BY Clause_en.srt
2.6 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/030 GROUP BY Example_en.srt
4.4 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/031 PRO TIP Using Comments & Aliases_en.srt
7.8 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/033 SOLUTION GROUP BY_en.srt
2.5 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/034 Multiple Dimension GROUP BY Clauses_en.srt
4.3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/035 Grouping with Aggregate Functions_en.srt
3.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/036 ASSIGNMENT Aggregate Functions_en.srt
1.3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/037 SOLUTION Aggregate Functions_en.srt
4.3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/038 The HAVING Clause_en.srt
2.2 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/039 HAVING Example_en.srt
3.9 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/040 ASSIGNMENT The HAVING Clause_en.srt
1.5 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/041 SOLUTION The HAVING Clause_en.srt
4.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/042 The ORDER BY Clause_en.srt
2.4 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/043 ORDER BY Example_en.srt
5.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/045 SOLUTION The ORDER BY Clause_en.srt
2.7 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/03 - Single Table Analysis (PART 1)/046 RECAP The Big 6_en.srt
3.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/04 - Single Table Analysis (PART 2)/001 The CASE Statement_en.srt
4 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/04 - Single Table Analysis (PART 2)/002 CASE Example_en.srt
8.5 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/04 - Single Table Analysis (PART 2)/003 Common CASE Operators_en.srt
5.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/04 - Single Table Analysis (PART 2)/005 SOLUTION The CASE Statement_en.srt
4.2 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/04 - Single Table Analysis (PART 2)/006 PRO TIP Pivoting with COUNT & CASE_en.srt
3.8 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/04 - Single Table Analysis (PART 2)/007 COUNT & CASE Demo_en.srt
6.9 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/04 - Single Table Analysis (PART 2)/009 SOLUTION COUNT & CASE_en.srt
3.2 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/05 - MID-COURSE PROJECT/001 Mid-Course Project Intro_en.srt
2.3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/05 - MID-COURSE PROJECT/002 SOLUTION Mid-Course Project_en.srt
8.2 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/002 Normalization & Cardinality_en.srt
5.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/003 Relationship Diagrams_en.srt
1.5 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/004 Multi-Table Querying_en.srt
1.5 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/005 Reviewing the Maven Movies Database_en.srt
2.3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/006 Common JOIN Types_en.srt
3.2 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/007 INNER JOIN_en.srt
1.7 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/008 INNER JOIN Example_en.srt
7.2 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/010 SOLUTION INNER JOIN_en.srt
4.4 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/011 LEFT JOIN_en.srt
2.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/012 LEFT JOIN Example_en.srt
5.8 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/014 SOLUTION LEFT JOIN_en.srt
3.4 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/015 RIGHT JOIN_en.srt
2.4 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/016 LEFT vs. INNER vs. RIGHT JOIN_en.srt
4 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/017 FULL OUTER JOIN_en.srt
1.9 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/018 PRO TIP Bridging Unrelated Tables_en.srt
7.4 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/019 ASSIGNMENT Bridging Tables_en.srt
1.4 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/020 SOLUTION Bridging Tables_en.srt
5.1 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/021 Multi-Condition Joins_en.srt
3.3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/023 SOLUTION Multi-Condition Joins_en.srt
5.3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/024 The UNION Operator_en.srt
2.9 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/025 UNION Example_en.srt
4.8 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/06 - Analyzing Multiple Tables with Joins/027 SOLUTION The UNION Operator_en.srt
3.5 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/07 - FINAL PROJECT/001 Final Project Intro_en.srt
3 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/07 - FINAL PROJECT/002 SOLUTION Final Project.mp4
107.1 MB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/07 - FINAL PROJECT/002 SOLUTION Final Project_en.srt
18.6 KB
[TutsNode.net] - SQL for Data Analysis Beginner MySQL Business Intelligence/08 - Wrapping Up/002 BONUS LESSON.html