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The Major Writings On Theories Of Everything---PMS
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The Major Writings on Theories of Everything---PMS
The Major Writings on Theories of Everything
English | PDF/djvu/CHM | 467MB
1992 - Waldrop, M. Mitchell - Complexity The Emerging Science at Edge of Order and Chaos.pdf
1994 - Tipler, Frank - The Physics of Immortality.djvu
1997 - Kaku, Michio - Beyond Einstein - Superstrings and the Quest for the Final Theory.pdf
1997 - Moxness, J Gregory - A More Natural Reference Model Integrating Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.pdf
2000 - Schmidhuber, Jurgen - Algorithmic Theories of Everything.pdf
2001 - Wilber, Ken - A Theory of Everything.djvu
2002 - Langan, Christopher - The CTMU, A New Kind of Reality Theory.pdf
2003 - Hawking, Stephen - Illustrated Theory of Everything - The Origin and Fate of the Universe.lit
2004 - Halpern, Paul - The Great Beyond ~ Higher Dimensions, Parallel Universes and the Extraordinary Search for a Theory of Everything.pdf
2004 - Laszlo, Ervin - Science and the Akashic Field, An Integral Theory of Everything.pdf
2004 - Sharafiddinov, Rasulkhozha - Gravity as a Grand Unification of Forces - arxiv 0409254v3.pdf
2005 - Campbell, Thomas - My Big TOE - The Complete Trilogy.pdf
2006 - Oerter, Robert - The theory of almost everything - The Standard Model.pdf
2006 - Standish, Russell K. - Theory of Nothing.pdf
2007 - Barrow, John - New Theories of Everything.pdf
2007 - Lisi, Garrett - An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything - arxiv 0711.0770v1.pdf
2007 - Tegmark, Max - The Mathematical Universe [M.U.H.] - arxiv 0704.0646v2.pdf
2009 - Darcy, Dustin - The Scarcity Hypothesis [S.H.].pdf
2010 - Szudzik, Matthew - The Computable Universe Hypothesis [C.U.H.] - arxiv 1003.5831v3.pdf
2010 - Wolfram, Stephen - Computing a Theory of Everything
./J. Barrow's writings:
Chaos In Numberland (J.Barrow, 2007).pdf
Chaotic Behaviour in General Relativity - (J. Barrow, 1982).djvu
Fitness of the Cosmos for Life - Biochemistry and Fine-Tuning (J. Barrow, 2008).pdf
Godel and Physics (J.Barrow, 2007, arxiv - 0612253v2).pdf
Impossibility - The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits (J.Barrow, 1998).pdf
Living in a Simulated Universe (J.Barrow, 2007).pdf
The Anthropic Cosmological Principle (J.Barrow 1988).djvu
The Anthropic Cosmological Principle (J.Barrow 1988).html.zip
The Artful Universe Expanded (J.Barrow, 2005).pdf
The Constants of Nature (J.Barrow, 2002).pdf
The Infinite Book (J.Barrow, 2005).djvu
The Physical Universe ~ The Interface Between Cosmology, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (eds. J. Barrow. A.B. Henriques, M.T.V.T. Lago, M.S. Longair, 1991).djvu
The World Within the World (J.Barrow, 1990).chm
_Cambridge website.url
./J. Schmidhuber's papers:
Artificial Scientists & Artists Based on the Formal Theory of Creativity.pdf
Build an optimal scientist, then retire.url
Hutter, Marcus - Universal Artificial Intelligence - Sequential Decisions Based on Algorithmic Probability.pdf
Simple Algorithmic Theory of Subjective Beauty.pdf
The Speed Prior - A New Simplicity Measure Yielding Near-Optimal Computable Predictions -
Theory of Beauty - Facial Attractiveness - Low Complexity Art.pdf
_Research website.url
./M. Kaku's books:
Michio Kaku - Hyperspace.pdf
Michio Kaku - Parallel worlds a journey through creation, higher dimensions.pdf
Michio Kaku - Physics of the Future, How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100.epub
Michio Kaku - Physics of the Impossible-A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers Force Fields Teleportation and Time Travel.pdf
Michio Kaku - Visions - How Science Will Revolutionize the Twenty-first Century.pdf
_Official website.url
./M. Tegmarks papers:
2001 - 100 Years of the Quantum - arxiv 0101077v1.pdf
A high resolution foreground cleaned CMB map from WMAP (mapforegs).pdf
Concordance, Towards a refined cosmic concordance model joint 11-parameter constraints from CMB and large-scale structure.pdf
Cosmic Survey Galaxy map reveals dark business as usual (sdss_scinews031101).pdf
Cosmological parameters from SDSS and WMAP (sdsspars).pdf
Everett, Hugh - dissertation - The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (level 3 multiverse).pdf
Galaxy Maps Support Theory That Universe Is Flying to Pieces (sdss_science_031030).pdf
Is 'the theory of everything' merely the ultimate ensemble theory - arxiv 9704009v2.pdf
Many Worlds in Context - arxiv 0905.2182v2.pdf
Many lives in many worlds - arxiv 0707.2593v1.pdf
Many lives in many worlds - nature commentary.pdf
New CMB constraints on the cosmic matter budget trouble for nucleosynthesis (boompa).pdf
On the dimensionality of spacetime Max (dimensions).pdf
Parallel Universes - Scientific American.pdf
Parallel Universes - arxiv 0302131v1.pdf
Probes of the Early Universe (thesis).pdf
Shut up and calculate - arxiv 0709.4024v1.pdf
The Importance of Quantum Decoherence in Brain Processes (brain).pdf
The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics - Many Worlds or Many Words - arxiv 9709032v1.pdf
The Three-Dimensional Power Spectrum of Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (sdsspower).pdf
_Research website.url
./Moxness E8 details:
E8Favorites.pdf ToE.ps VisibLie_E8.nbp auxData.xls
NewPhysicalConstants.m ToEnb.pdf What Time is it.pdf e8Flyer.nbp
NewUnits.m VisibLie_Dynkin.nb _Research website.url e8Viewer.nbp
PhysicalConstantErrors.m VisibLie_Dynkin_&_E8.cdf auxData.m ece2.mht
./S. Hawking's works:
Ian Brandeberry - M-Theory. A Final Theory of Everything.pdf
Illustrated Theory of Everything
Stephen Hawking - A Brief History Of Time (Updated and Expanded 10th Anniversary Edition).epub
Stephen Hawking - A Brief History Of Time.lit
Stephen Hawking - A Brief History Of Time.pdf
Stephen Hawking - Does God Play Dice - eBook.pdf
Stephen Hawking - Lectures - Life In The Universe.pdf
Stephen Hawking - The Grand Design.epub
Stephen Hawking - The Grand Design.pdf
Stephen Hawking - The Nature Of Space And Time.pdf
Stephen Hawking - The Universe in a Nutshell.pdf
Stephen Hawking - Theory of Everything.pdf
_Official website.url
./S. Hawking's works/Illustrated Theory of Everything:
Hawking, Stephen - Illustrated Theory of Everything - The Origin and Fate of the Universe .epub
Hawking, Stephen - Illustrated Theory of Everything - The Origin and Fate of the Universe .lrf
Hawking, Stephen - Illustrated Theory of Everything - The Origin and Fate of the Universe .mobi
Hawking, Stephen - Illustrated Theory of Everything - The Origin and Fate of the Universe .pdf
Hawking, Stephen - Illustrated Theory of Everything - The Origin and Fate of the Universe .rtf
./S. Wolfram's research:
Stephen Wolfram - A New Kind Of Science.pdf _Personal website.url
./_Journal publications_:
1988, Philosophy of Science Association, V 2, Taylor, 'String Theory, Quantum Gravity and Locality'.pdf
1991, American Philosophical Society, V 136, I 3, Friedman-Feynman, The Invisible Universe.pdf
1993, Foundations of Physics, V 23, I 2, Taylor, On Theories of Everything.pdf
1993, The Review of Metaphysics, V 47, I 1, Kfia, The Ontological Status of Mathematical Entities - The Necessity for Modern Physics of an Evaluation of Mathematical Systems.pdf
1998, Bulletin of the University of Toronto, Hawking, The Theory of Everything.pdf
2002, The Kenyon Review, V 24, I 2, Czuchlewski, The Theory of Everything.pdf
2002-2003, Irish Pages, V 1, I 2, Rees, Our Cosmic Habitat.pdf
2003, Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences, V 34, I 1, Stevens, Fundamental physics and its justifications.pdf
2003, University of Southern Mississippi, V 31, I 3, Armantrout, Theory of Everything.pdf
2004, Phi Delta Kappan, V 86, I 4, Starnes, The Theory of Everything and Yada Yada Yada.pdf
2007, Economic Theory, V 32, I 1, Azariadis and Kaas, Is dynamic general equilibrium a theory of everything.pdf
./_Journal publications_/Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
1999, V 111, I 757, Silk, The Fundamental Parameters of Cosmology.pdf 2006, V 118, I 845, Trimble, Astrophysics in 2005.pdf
./_Journal publications_/Journal for General Philosophy of Science:
1995, V 26, I 2, Polikarov, Concerning the Integration of Sciences - Kinds and Stages.pdf
2002, V 33, I 2, Maxwell, The Need for a Revolution in the Philosophy of Science.pdf
./_Journal publications_/Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:
2000, V 97, I 1, Laughlin and Pines, The Theory of Everything.pdf
2003, V 100, I 9, Wolfenstein, Lessons from Kepler and the Theory of Everything.pdf
./_Journal publications_/Royal Institute of Philosophy:
1963, V 38, I 146, Prior, Rejoinder to Professor Lachs on Omniscience.pdf
2000, V 75, I 291, Maxwell, The Mind-Body Problem and Explanatory Dualism.pdf
./_Journal publications_/Science:
1983, V 219, I 4587, Pipkin and Ritters, Precision Measurements and Fundamental Constants.pdf
1985, V 229, I 4719, Waldrop, String as a Theory of Everything.pdf
1985, V 230, I 4724, Erratum - String as a Theory of Everything.pdf
1988, V 242, I 4883, Waldrop, The Quantum Wave Function of the Universe.pdf
1992, V 256, I 5063, Flam, The Quest for a Theory of Everything Hits Some Snags.pdf
1995, V 268, I 5218, Taubes, How Black Holes May Get String Theory Out of a Bind.pdf
1995, V 269, I 5230, Taubes, A Theory of Everything Takes Shape.pdf
1996, V 272, I 5261, Taubes, Rare Sightings Beguile Physicists.pdf
1998, V 281, I 5378, Kestenbaum, Practical Tests for an 'Untestable' Theory of Everything.pdf
1999, V 285, I 5427, Taubes, String Theorists Find a Rosetta Stone.pdf
2003, V 299, I 5610, Seife, Why Physicists Long for the Straight and Narrow.pdf
./_Journal publications_/Society for Science and the Public:
1995, V 147, I 7, Peterson, 'Making Universes, Constants out of Nothing'.pdf
1995, V 148, I 17, Books.pdf
2001, V 160, I 18, Science News Books.pdf
2007, V 172, I 11, Books.pdf
2007, V 172, I 21, Castelvecchi, Einstein Unruffled - Relativity Passes Stringent New Tests.pdf
./_Journal publications_/Synthese:
1993, V 97, I 1, Tian Yu Cao and Schweber, The Conceptual Foundations and the Philosophical Aspects of Renormalization Theory.pdf
2003, V 136, I 1, Tian Yu Cao, Structural Realism and Quantum Field Theory.pdf
./_Journal publications_/The British Society for the Philosophy of Science:
1986, V 37, I 2, Craig, 'God, Creation and Mr Davies'.pdf
1993, V 44, I 3, Kamminga and Tavakol, How Untidy Is God's Mind - A Note on the Dynamical Implications of Nancy Cartwright's Metaphysics.pdf
./_Journal publications_/The Royal Society:
1991, V 336, I 1642, Ellis, Beyond the Standard Model at LEP.pdf
2001, V 359, I 1779, Ross, Structure beyond the Standard Model.pdf
2002, V 360, I 1801, Martins, Cosmology with Varying Constants.pdf
2003, V 361, I 1809, Ziman, Emerging out of Nature into History - The Plurality of the Sciences.pdf
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