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Welcome to the course “Database Management System(DBMS) & SQL : Complete Pack 2022”.
If you want learn RDBMS concepts from scratch to advance level then confidently I can say that you are in right place. Here every topic taught from very basic and all possible insights discussed from each corner for every topic along with many examples for better understanding. Definitely you will master database concepts by the end of the course.
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to present an introduction to database management systems, with an emphasis on how to organize, maintain and retrieve – efficiently, and effectively – information from a DBMS.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
• Describe the fundamental elements of relational database management systems
• Explain the basic concepts of relational data model, entity-relationship model, relational database design, relational algebra and SQL.
• Design ER-models to represent simple database application scenarios
• Convert the ER-model to relational tables, populate relational database and formulate SQL queries on data.
• Improve the database design by normalization.
• Familiar with basic database storage structures and access techniques: file and page organizations, indexing methods including B tree, and hashing.
Database System- concepts and architecture: Data modelling using the Entity Relationship (ER) modelling and Enhanced Entity Relationship (EER) modelling, Specialization and Generalization.
The Relational Model: Relational database design using ER to relational mapping, Relational algebra and relational calculus, Tuple Relational Calculus, Domain Relational Calculus, SQL.
Database design theory and methodology: Functional dependencies and normalization of relations, Normal Forms, Properties of relational decomposition, Algorithms for relational database schema design.
Transaction processing concepts: Schedules and serviceability, Concurrency control, Two Phase Locking Techniques, Optimistic Concurrency Control, Database recovery concepts and techniques.
Data Storage and indexing: Single level and multi level indexing, Dynamic Multi level indexing using B Trees and B+ Trees.
Important information before you enroll!
Once enrolled, you have unlimited, 24/7, lifetime access to the course (unless you choose to drop the course during the first 30 days).
You will have instant and free access to any updates I’ll add to the course – video lectures, additional resources, quizzes, exercises.
You will benefit from my full support regarding any question you might have 7 days a week.
Check out the promo video at the top of this page and some of the free preview lectures in the curriculum to get a taste of my teaching style and methods before making your decision.
Come and join me, you will get definitely great learning experience and you will master the course. Thank you.
[TutsNode.com] - Database Management System(DBMS) & SQL Complete Pack -2022/08 - Transactions and Concurrency Control/002 Schedule Serial and Concurrent Schedules - Definitions_en.vtt
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[TutsNode.com] - Database Management System(DBMS) & SQL Complete Pack -2022/08 - Transactions and Concurrency Control/003 Problem Number of Searial and Concurrent Schedules_en.vtt
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[TutsNode.com] - Database Management System(DBMS) & SQL Complete Pack -2022/08 - Transactions and Concurrency Control/004 1. Last update problem Problems due to concurrency control_en.vtt
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[TutsNode.com] - Database Management System(DBMS) & SQL Complete Pack -2022/08 - Transactions and Concurrency Control/005 2. Dirty Read Problem Problems due to concurrency control_en.vtt
[TutsNode.com] - Database Management System(DBMS) & SQL Complete Pack -2022/08 - Transactions and Concurrency Control/021 Serializability Number of serial and non-serial schedules_en.vtt