17 OCT 2024 - Welcome Back to TorrentFunk! Get your pirate hat back out. Streaming is dying and torrents are the new trend. Account Registration works again and so do Torrent Uploads. We invite you all to start uploading torrents again!
[anima]Chinese ASMR Status: This torrent has NOT been verified . Category: Music Infohash 7d2221d95c1494cc2a96a0367fbd405e754b33e4 Size: 81 b in 1 file Release Date(s): Torrent Release: 10-02-2022 by user nyaa Swarm: 0 Seeds & 0 PeersVote: No votes yet.
# because of filename issues, the real torrent file cant be uploaded.
# real torrent file is here: https://cf-cdn-v2.morian.icu/25.torrent
### magnet:?xt=urn:btih:25125CEC34FEB7C51FA8A38275CF2431B9F96E95
## file list:
【命 ASMR】My Skincare Collection ✋🥰🤚(Inaudible & Unintelligible Breathy Whisper, Tapping, Scratching)
【命 ASMR】10個觸發音幫助你入眠(無人聲) Zz(´-ω-` )
【命 ASMR】Straw + Mouth Sounds 👅💦(Ear blowing, Deep breathing, Licking) No talking
【命 ASMR】〉─(君の情人節♡♡♡)→
【命 ASMR】寧靜的夜晚,聽著緩慢的舒服節奏一起放鬆心情吧(無人聲)(´ΘωΘ`)
【命 ASMR】白噪音🎶敲打在屋簷的雨聲Rain Sounds 3 Hours🌧🏘(放鬆、治療、舒壓、冥想、助眠、幫助集中、BGM、寶寶嬰兒入睡)
【命 ASMR】輾轉難眠嗎溫柔的室友陪你入睡(摸頭、耳朵按摩、輕聲說話、摩擦聲)
【短命 ASMR】一個常見又會被忽略的東西 A Special Trigger 🤫(Scratching, Rubbing, Tingly Sound, Brushing, Tapping)
【短命 ASMR】保麗龍盒子🍰(敲擊聲、摩擦聲、沙沙聲)
【短命 ASMR】又辣又甜的擰耳朵🌶🍬❤️ Rough & Fast Ear Massage (Rubbing, Touching, Scratching, Tapping)(No Talking)
【短命 ASMR】命命的奇妙冒險—快用你的醫療口罩做點什麼啊!Mask Sounds(Rubbing, Scratching, Soft Sounds)👌😉
【短命 ASMR】好看好吃又好聽的山田屋まんじゅう(✪ω✪)!(tapping,scratching,rubbing,papper sound,crinkle sound)(No talking)
【短命 ASMR】幫你消毒耳朵 😋👂☁️👌(ear pick,ear cleaning,cotton pellet,tweezers )
【短命 ASMR】柔軟與刺激的浪漫 🌹Special mic brushing(Crinkle plastic sounds, Brushing, Gentle touch)
【短命 ASMR】梵~天梵天梵天三種口味 ☁(Rubbing, Feather picks, Fluffy sound, Scarping, Sponge squishing)|No talking|
【短命 ASMR】深層耳朵刷洗 👂✨ 3Dio Deep Ear Brushing(Scratching, Stroking, Ear Blowing)|No Talking|
【短命 ASMR】滿滿的捂耳朵 Pure Ear Cupping 🙉 (Intense base, Slow message)
【短命 ASMR】玻璃瓶Glass bottle💊💊💊(Tapping、lid sound、crinkle sound)
【短命 ASMR】耳朵按摩Soft Ear Massage👁👁👂🏻✨✨✨(Ear cupping, Tapping, Touching, Rubbing)
【短命 ASMR】耳朵清潔Ear cleaning👁👁👂🏻✨✨✨棉花棒のターン無人聲
【短命 ASMR】耳根清靜SPA👂✨(Silicone spikes,Deep crinkles,Tingly,Scratching,Massage)(No talking)
【短命 ASMR】閃亮亮的舒壓玩具Sparkly Stress Ball+小彩蛋🐤(Rubbing, Sticky sound, Squeezing, Tapping) No talking
【返校 ASMR】你是忘記了,還是害怕想起來?EP1
【還願 ASMR】再一道菜就可以吃飯了,美心呢 (耳語.咀嚼音.水聲.彈珠.米.膠囊.紅龍)
【還願 ASMR】爸爸又在拜拜念經了…你願意陪我摺鬱金香嗎 (手指摩擦.摀耳.敲擊.摩擦.刮.碎石.摺紙.剪紙)
【還願 ASMR】爸爸,我們回家吧。 (敲擊聲.摩擦聲.旗袍.皇冠.舞鞋.女兒紅.紅標米酒)
Filename Size [anima]Chinese ASMR 81 B
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