Filename Size 1. Starters and Course Overview/1. What is in this 2.6 KB 1. Starters and Course Overview/1. What is in this 2.7 KB 1. Starters and Course Overview/1. What is in this course.mp4 47.1 MB 1. Starters and Course Overview/2. How to Study this course! In a Udemy-Technical-Sense !! 0 B 1. Starters and Course Overview/2. How to Study this course! In a Udemy-Technical-Sense !! 41 B 1. Starters and Course Overview/2. How to Study this course! In a Udemy-Technical-Sense !!.mp4 5 MB 1. Starters and Course Overview/Exploring the Benefits for SOLIDWORKS Certifications as a User!.html 606 B 1. Starters and Course Overview/The SOLIDWORKS Version(s) we are using for this course!! And other version info!.html 765 B 1. Starters and Course Overview/What is SOLIDWORKS.html 854 B 2. Features Bundle # 1/1. What is in this 918 B 2. Features Bundle # 1/1. What is in this 993 B 2. Features Bundle # 1/1. What is in this section.mp4 18.9 MB 2. Features Bundle # 1/2. 10.8 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/2. 10.9 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/2. Draft.mp4 56.4 MB 2. Features Bundle # 1/3. 6.5 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/3. 6.4 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/3. Shell.mp4 66.6 MB 2. Features Bundle # 1/4. Hole 13.1 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/4. Hole 13 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/4. Hole Wizard.mp4 84.5 MB 2. Features Bundle # 1/5. Reference Geometries Coordinate 4 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/5. Reference Geometries Coordinate 4.1 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/5. Reference Geometries Coordinate System.mp4 45.9 MB 2. Features Bundle # 1/6. Linking 3.9 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/6. Linking 3.9 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/6. Linking Dimensions.mp4 19 MB 2. Features Bundle # 1/7 Shortcuts to Speed up Your Workflow.html 1.5 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/7. Let's Practice Together (Draft, Shell, Hole Wizard, Linked Dimensions) 10.7 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/7. Let's Practice Together (Draft, Shell, Hole Wizard, Linked Dimensions) 10.1 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/7. Let's Practice Together (Draft, Shell, Hole Wizard, Linked Dimensions).mp4 107.7 MB 2. Features Bundle # 1/Draft-Lecture-Demo.PNG 180.2 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/Ex-to-demo-Updated.PNG 302.3 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/EXERCISES on the Features Draft, Shell, Hole Wizard and Linked Dimensions.html 414 B 2. Features Bundle # 1/Hole-Wizard-Lecture-Demo-Drawing.PNG 977 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/Lab Ring Drawing.PNG 1.5 MB 2. Features Bundle # 1/Lab_ring_2015.SLDPRT 342.2 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/Linked-Dimentions-Lecture-Demo-Drawing.PNG 158.1 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/Section Conclusion (Features Bundle #1).html 1.3 KB 2. Features Bundle # 1/Shell-Lecture-Demo-Drawing.PNG 115.9 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/1. What is in this section (Features Bundle #2) 1.2 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/1. What is in this section (Features Bundle #2) 1.3 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/1. What is in this section (Features Bundle #2).mp4 23.2 MB 3. Features Bundle # 2/2. 7.8 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/2. 7.6 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/2. Equations.mp4 38.5 MB 3. Features Bundle # 2/3. 7.6 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/3. 7.8 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/3. Mirror.mp4 44.8 MB 3. Features Bundle # 2/4. Features End 8.3 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/4. Features End 8.2 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/4. Features End Conditions.mp4 50.7 MB 3. Features Bundle # 2/5. Multi-Body 13.8 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/5. Multi-Body 14.2 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/5. Multi-Body Parts.mp4 126.6 MB 3. Features Bundle # 2/6. Feature 5.8 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/6. Feature 5.9 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/6. Feature Scope.mp4 39.1 MB 3. Features Bundle # 2/7. 11 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/7. 11.2 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/7. Rib.mp4 69 MB 3. Features Bundle # 2/8. Let's Practice 19.1 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/8. Let's Practice 18.1 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/8. Let's Practice Together.mp4 192.7 MB 3. Features Bundle # 2/Equations-Drawing.PNG 720.9 KB 3. Features Bundle # 2/Ex-2-Demo-Drawing.PNG 598.5 KB 3. 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Establishing a Design Table.mp4 44.1 MB 4. Design Tables and Configuration/3. Modifying Established Design 6 KB 4. Design Tables and Configuration/3. Modifying Established Design 6.3 KB 4. Design Tables and Configuration/3. Modifying Established Design Tables.mp4 30.1 MB 4. Design Tables and Configuration/4. 9.6 KB 4. Design Tables and Configuration/4. 9.5 KB 4. Design Tables and Configuration/4. Configurations.mp4 103.5 MB 4. Design Tables and Configuration/5. Let's Practice Design Tables and Configurations 7.1 KB 4. Design Tables and Configuration/5. Let's Practice Design Tables and Configurations 7.1 KB 4. Design Tables and Configuration/5. Let's Practice Design Tables and Configurations Together.mp4 109.1 MB 4. Design Tables and Configuration/Configurations-Drawings.PNG 315.2 KB 4. Design Tables and Configuration/Design Tables_Student demo file.SLDPRT 154.2 KB 4. Design Tables and Configuration/Establish-a-design-tables.PNG 744 KB 4. 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