Filename Size 1. Pokédex Project/1. Setting up the environment.mp4 5.4 MB 1. Pokédex Project/1. Setting up the 1 KB 1. Pokédex Project/1.1 Resources.txt 207 B 1. Pokédex Project/10. Installing and setting up Redux.mp4 62 MB 1. Pokédex Project/10. Installing and setting up 13.4 KB 1. Pokédex Project/11. Implementing the add and remove favourite redux actions.mp4 49 MB 1. Pokédex Project/11. Implementing the add and remove favourite redux 11.3 KB 1. Pokédex Project/12. Dispatching the add and remove favourite actions.mp4 56.8 MB 1. Pokédex Project/12. Dispatching the add and remove favourite 8.9 KB 1. Pokédex Project/13. Implementing the favourite pokemons page.mp4 66 MB 1. Pokédex Project/13. Implementing the favourite pokemons 11.3 KB 1. Pokédex Project/2. Project overview and setup.mp4 23.5 MB 1. Pokédex Project/2. Project overview and 4.7 KB 1. Pokédex Project/3. Setting up the react router.mp4 27.3 MB 1. Pokédex Project/3. Setting up the react 7.2 KB 1. Pokédex Project/4. Designing the navigation bar.mp4 39.7 MB 1. Pokédex Project/4. Designing the navigation 8 KB 1. Pokédex Project/5. Using the pokemon API to get the pokedex data.mp4 100.2 MB 1. Pokédex Project/5. Using the pokemon API to get the pokedex 20.3 KB 1. Pokédex Project/6. Implementing the Pokemon card component.mp4 90.4 MB 1. Pokédex Project/6. Implementing the Pokemon card 18.5 KB 1. Pokédex Project/7. Optimizing the pokedex screen.mp4 43.4 MB 1. Pokédex Project/7. Optimizing the pokedex 6.2 KB 1. Pokédex Project/8. Implementing the Pokemon Details Screen and fetching the pokemon using the AP.mp4 65 MB 1. Pokédex Project/8. Implementing the Pokemon Details Screen and fetching the pokemon using the 12.3 KB 1. Pokédex Project/9. Designing the Pokemon details page.mp4 216.4 MB 1. Pokédex Project/9. Designing the Pokemon details 35 KB 2. React Router/1. Project Preview.mp4 839.8 KB 2. React Router/1. Project 318 B 2. React Router/1.1 Resources.txt 173 B 2. React Router/2. Creating and setting up the project.mp4 25.1 MB 2. React Router/2. Creating and setting up the 4.4 KB 2. React Router/3. Installing Material UI and creating the AppNavigator Component.mp4 25.3 MB 2. React Router/3. Installing Material UI and creating the AppNavigator 4.8 KB 2. React Router/4. Setting up React router and changing the background color based on the pased.mp4 25.5 MB 2. React Router/4. Setting up React router and changing the background color based on the 6.9 KB 3. Todo List Application/1. Todo App Project preview.mp4 2.9 MB 3. Todo List Application/1. Todo App Project 878 B 3. Todo List Application/1.1 Resources.txt 176 B 3. Todo List Application/10. Deleting todo items.mp4 51.5 MB 3. Todo List Application/10. Deleting todo 10.7 KB 3. Todo List Application/11. Completing todo items.mp4 59.9 MB 3. Todo List Application/11. Completing todo 11 KB 3. Todo List Application/2. Creating a react project.mp4 22.8 MB 3. Todo List Application/2. Creating a react 4.1 KB 3. Todo List Application/3. Cleaning the project.mp4 11.9 MB 3. Todo List Application/3. Cleaning the 2.2 KB 3. Todo List Application/4. Installing and setting up Redux.mp4 38.6 MB 3. Todo List Application/4. Installing and setting up 8.7 KB 3. Todo List Application/5. Implementing the reducer file.mp4 14.4 MB 3. Todo List Application/5. Implementing the reducer 4 KB 3. Todo List Application/6. Implementing the add todo component.mp4 107.9 MB 3. Todo List Application/6. Implementing the add todo 21.5 KB 3. Todo List Application/7. Implementing the todo items.mp4 95.8 MB 3. Todo List Application/7. Implementing the todo 16.6 KB 3. Todo List Application/8. Implementing the add todo action in redux and storing the todos.mp4 147.6 MB 3. Todo List Application/8. Implementing the add todo action in redux and storing the 29.5 KB 3. Todo List Application/9. Displaying the todos from the redux state.mp4 19.9 MB 3. Todo List Application/9. Displaying the todos from the redux 3.7 KB 4. Dad Jokes Application/1. Dad Jokes Project preview.mp4 4.2 MB 4. Dad Jokes Application/1. Dad Jokes Project 840 B 4. Dad Jokes Application/1.1 Resources.txt 174 B 4. Dad Jokes Application/2. Creating a React project.mp4 4.2 MB 4. Dad Jokes Application/2. Creating a React 840 B 4. Dad Jokes Application/3. Styling the app container.mp4 24.9 MB 4. Dad Jokes Application/3. Styling the app 7 KB 4. Dad Jokes Application/4. Creating and styling the JokesList component with Material-UI.mp4 108.6 MB 4. Dad Jokes Application/4. Creating and styling the JokesList component with 16.4 KB 4. Dad Jokes Application/5. Creating and styling the Joke component.mp4 121.5 MB 4. Dad Jokes Application/5. Creating and styling the Joke 18.3 KB 4. Dad Jokes Application/6. Getting data from the API and displaying it on the web app.mp4 85.6 MB 4. Dad Jokes Application/6. Getting data from the API and displaying it on the web 13.1 KB 4. Dad Jokes Application/7. Implementing the upvote and downvote function.mp4 80.5 MB 4. Dad Jokes Application/7. Implementing the upvote and downvote 12.5 KB 4. Dad Jokes Application/8. Changing the emoji of the joke based on its votes.mp4 26.6 MB 4. Dad Jokes Application/8. Changing the emoji of the joke based on its 4.5 KB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/1. Project Preview.mp4 8.3 MB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/1. Project 673 B 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/1.1 Resources.txt 196 B 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/10. Getting user GPS data and map bounds of current location.mp4 88.2 MB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/10. Getting user GPS data and map bounds of current 12.6 KB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/11. Getting the places for the user's location.mp4 16.2 MB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/11. Getting the places for the user's 2.7 KB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/12. Designing a small card for each place on the map.mp4 76.3 MB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/12. Designing a small card for each place on the 10.1 KB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/13. Scrolling to the element that has been clicked on the map.mp4 142.2 MB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/13. Scrolling to the element that has been clicked on the 22.4 KB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/2. Project setup.mp4 17.6 MB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/2. Project 4.4 KB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/3. Implementing the header.mp4 25.1 MB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/3. Implementing the 5.3 KB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/4. Installing and implementing Google Maps into the web app.mp4 58.5 MB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/4. Installing and implementing Google Maps into the web 10.1 KB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/5. Implementing the places list component.mp4 117.3 MB 5. Google Maps Travel Advisor Web Application/5. Implementing the places list 18.2 KB