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Steel Division 2 - Total Conflict Edition [Incl DLCs]
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Звуковая плата: Аудиокарта, совместимая с DirectX® 9.0с
Графический ускоритель: 2048 Mb, OpenGL 3.0
Свободное место на HDD: 60.4 GbSteel Division 2 – это сиквел популярной стратегии про Вторую Мировую Войну - Steel Division. На этот раз действие развернётся на Восточном фронте. Играйте как генерал в динамичных стратегических кампаниях масштаба 1:1, как полковник в эпичных тактических сражениях в реальном времени, как эксперт по вооружениям, подбирая их на совершенно новой панели. Выберите сторону и переживите масштабное наступление, где под вашим началом будут тысячи бойцов или перепишите ход событий!
Update v54734ЦитатаКто-то писал: Below you can find the CHANGELOG:
- AG co-op
- AG 5-battalion battles
- decreased Panzer IV H (vanilla & leader, all nations)'s price decreased from 70 to 75
- decreased non-HVAP M10 WOLVERINE (all nations)' price decreased from 70 to 65
- decreased SKIJÄGER-PIONIER's amount of explosives from 17 to 3
- standardizing all CROMWELL, CHURCHILL & CHALLENGER's Besa MG ammo to 6250
- most important fix: Hungarian helmets!
- fixing a bug displaying current orders even when the "Show all orders" UI option is deactivated.
- fixing a bug occuring when a pinned down unit recovered from suppress but UI still displayed it as pinned down.
- fixing "Filter out empty Servers" not working as intended
- fixing German accents in squad leaders' names
- fixing Fs-BEOBACHTER influence on frontline
- fixing recon fighters not dogfighting automatically.
- fixing the missing flamer model for Wiking's assault engineer
- fixing the Hungarian MG-34's weapon model
- fixing the Nordland's MG-34's weapon model
- fixing MiG-3-34 damage feedback
- removing PIONEERID (PPS)'s Tank Buster trait (display bug)
- increased 76mm off map shell's number.
- fixing some double transports in several divisions
- fixing the killed units in AG tactical fight which weren't properly considered dead when back on campaign map
- fixing a discrepancy between "Minor victory in XXs" in-game and the actual result on the end game screen in Breakthrough mode.
- fixing a behaviour in AG campaign when AA pawns were moveing right after deploying
- fixing achievements not working properly for Vistula and Doppelkopf campaigns
- fixing some pathfinding issues ont Tannenberg, Novka and Smolyany
- units will properly use the bridge in a corner of Krupki 10v10
- AI infantry can now "Fall Back" when "Pinned Down"
- the "Display non-acquired DLCs" option will save properly
- added the possibility to bind a key to the "Move" order (no default key)
- New audio backend : plugging/unplugging an audio device while the game is running or switching audio output now works as expected
- introducing a minimum (100m) range for LMG/MMG/HMG, but not Automatic Rifles.
- decreased all Disheartened units without LMG's price by -5, BUT those already at 10 or 15 to start with.
- decreasing cruciform heavy AA's speed
- increase MG-34 suppress slightly
- decrease bolt-action rifles' suppress
- nerf Stg-44's damages from 0,4 to 0,35 & cooldown from 1,6 to 1,8
- nerf PPSh-41's cooldown from 0,9 to 1,2
- Hungarian Danuvia SMGs both get +5% accuracy
- switched half-tracks open-top optics to enclosed optics.
- adding HE rounds to M-42 45mm AT gun
- generically increase infantry leaders with a base availability of 2 to 3, some cards change to account for it.
- changed Lithuanian unit name Prižiūrėtojas into STEBĖTOJAS
- decreased CERCETAȘI MOTO's price from 30 to 25
- decreased VÂNĂTORI CERCETARE's price from 30 to 25
- decreased KEV.OS's price from 30 to 20
- decreased RAJAJÄÄKÄRI's price from 30 to 25
- decreased TIEDUSTELU's price from 25 to 20
- decreased CĂLĂRAȘI's price from 35 to 30
- decreased JÄGER FÜSILIER's price from 30 to 25
- decreased SKI. STURMFÜSILIER's price from 35 to 25
- decreased FÜSILIER (DP)'s price from 25 to 20
- decreased KOSAKEN's price from 35 to 20
- decreased LVF CHASSEURS's price from 30 to 20
- decreased SCHWEDENZUG's price from 35 to 25
- increased Finnish T-26E's price from 10 to 20
- increased RSO PANZERJÄGER's front armor from 0 to 10mm.
- decreased PZ.GREN. FÜH. (PzF) & HG PZ.GREN. FÜH. (PzF) price from 25 to 20
- decreased PIONIER FÜH, HG PIONIER FÜH & GD PIONIER FÜH.'s price from 25 to 20
- decreased SKIJÄGER FÜH.'s price from 40 to 35
- decreased SKIJÄGER FUSILIER's price from 30 to 25
- decreased SS-SCHUPO FÜH.'s price from 30 to 25
- decreased LANDESSCHÜTZEN FÜH.'s price from 35 to 30
- decreased JÄGER FÜH.'s price from 30 to 25
- decreased STURMFÜHRER's price from 30 to 25
- increased STURMGRUPPEN FÜH.'s price from 20 to 25
- decreased LT. PIONIERI's price from 30 to 25
- increased LT. VANATORI's price from 35 to 30
- decreased LT. INFANTERIE's price from 25 to 20
- decreased ARKASZTISZT's price from 30 to 25
- decreased KIVÄÄRI (KPÄÄL)'s price from 30 to 25
- decreased all MG-08's price from 25 to 20
- increased PUPPCHEN's price from 20 to 30
- increased RECRUTI's price from 15 to 20.
- increased Finnish SOTKA 85's price from 100 to 110, on par with other T-34/85 obr. 44
- decreased FLAKVIERLING's ground damage from 3.1 to 1.6.
- changed BEGLEIT FÜH.'s veterancy from veteran to elite, no availability change
- changed GD STURMGRUPPE's availability from 4/6/- to 4/8/-
- changed JÄÄKÄRI's availability per card from 6/12/18 to 9/18/27. Number of cards changed accordingly.
- all Bazooka team's availability changed from 8/12/24 to 6/12/18. Affects France & US decks
- removed CHERNO. (both Soviet & Estonians)'s LMG
- decreased CHERNO.'s price from 20 to 15
- decreased RATSALUURE's price from 30 to 25
- decreased ZWIAD KONNY's price from 35 to 25
- decreased KONNAYA RAZVEDKA's price from 30 to 25
- decreased KAZ. RAZVEDKA's price from 30 to 25
- decreased AB SCOUT's price from 30 to 25
- decreased CIĘŻKI ZWIAD's price from 30 to 20
- decreased ZWIAD KONNY's price from 35 to 25
- decreased ZMOT. ZWIADOWCY (8-man one)'s price from 30 to 25
- decreased ANICHNEFTIS's price from 30 to 25
- decreased DESANT. RAZVEDKA's price from 30 to 20
- decreased GORNO. RAZVEDKA's price from 30 to 25
- decreased OSNAZ VMF's price from 30 to 25
- decreased MORSKAYA RAZVEDKA's price from 30 to 25
- decreased OSNAZ SAPERI's price from 25 to 20
- decreased RAZVEDDOZOR's price from 35 to 25
- decreased OSNAZ Snayperi's price from 30 to 25
- decreased PATHFINDERS' price from 35 to 30
- decreased ISU-122's price from 165 to 155
- decreased FAUSTNIKI's price from 20 to 10
- decreased French TD M10' availability to match that of other nations (there was a French bias here )
- decreased AB SCOUTS' price from 25 to 20
- increased STRELKI KOMROTI & LASKURITE ULEM's price from 20 to 25
- decreased SAPERI KOMROTI , D-CA SAPERZY (both AK & Pancerna) & PIONEERIDE ULEM's price from 25 to 20
- decreased SHTRAFNIKI KOMROTI & D-CA ODDZIAŁU KARNEGO's price from 35 to 30
- decreased MORSK. SAP. KOMROTI's price from 30 to 25
- decreased CMDT SAPEURS' price from 25 to 20
- decreased ENGINEER LEADER (US)'s price from 25 to 20
- decreased ENGINEER LEADER (all Commonwealth)'s price from 25 to 20
- decreased ARM. LEADER's price from 30 to 25
- increased ACHIOMATIKOS' price from 20 to 25
- decreased DIGGER LEADER's price from 25 to 20
- decreased all MMG M1919's price from 25 to 20
- decreased SG-43's price from 30 to 25
- increased GV. KOMROTI's price from 20 to 25
- increased GV. Morsk.'s price from 20 to 25
- decreased KOMSOMOLETS' price from 10 to 5
- decreased MUSTAD MANTLID's price from 25 to 20
- switched IS-2 (all variants)'s ammo loadout from 16 AP & 12 HE to 12 AP & 16 HE
- increased KANGAROO's price from 10 to 15
- changed SHTRAFNIKI KOMROTI's availability per card from 1/4/8 to 2/4/8Особенности ИгрыДИНАМИЧНЫЕ СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКИЕ КАМПАНИИ
Возродите историю в грандиозных динамичных стратегических кампаниях для одного игрока: вы возглавите тысячи бойцов на площади до 150х100 км, спланируете продвижение войск, организуете снабжение и опробуете свою стратегию в недельных кампаниях в исторически точной пошаговой игре. Каждый батальон соответствует участнику операции «Багратион».
Используйте более 600 точно воспроизведенных юнитов, включая легендарный танк Т-34, реактивную систему залпового огня «Катюша» и штурмовик Ил-2! Выберите дивизию, отберите юнитов для боя и сформируйте идеальные боевые отряды на новой панели, позволяющей больше тактической свободы, чем когда-либо.
Вам предстоит встать во главе армии во время операции «Багратион» – советского наступления против нацистов на белорусской земле.
Особенности RePackОсновноеУстанови и играй!
За основу взята лицензия Steam | Total Conflict Edition (ID: 919640)
Версия игры: v1.0 build 54734
EN/RU Инсталлер
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Качество аудио 100%
Качество видео 100%ДополненияSteel Division 2: Commander Deluxe Pack