17 OCT 2024 - Welcome Back to TorrentFunk! Get your pirate hat back out. Streaming is dying and torrents are the new trend. Account Registration works again and so do Torrent Uploads. We invite you all to start uploading torrents again!
# **`THE VIDEO:`**
#### *Note: I'm not very good at video scripting. But without it, I couldn't properly enjoy some of these because of how bad their sources look to me.*
### **Digimon Adventure: [Source - CXRAW - 1080p](https://nyaa.si/view/888526)**
Side-by-side comparison isn't really the way to go when it comes to video scripting.
Here're full frame image-on-image comparisons (focus on/around the lines while clicking on image):
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 1](https://slow.pics/c/qqO23UqO)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 2](https://slow.pics/c/IviHR8Xv)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 3](https://slow.pics/c/PcgWSrUW)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 4](https://slow.pics/c/79xsUEPe)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 5](https://slow.pics/c/WA4b91I0)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 6](https://slow.pics/c/hhRRxJQf)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 7](https://slow.pics/c/N8m9weAM)**
### **Digimon Adventure 02: [Source - FYRAW - 1080p](https://nyaa.si/view/812822)**
In this case, you CAN actually see the difference from a side-by-side screenshot, lol that's how bad it is.
Nonetheless, full frame comparisons (focus on/around the lines):
**[FYRAW vs 2DS - 1](https://slow.pics/c/oo1HYi1F)**
**[FYRAW vs 2DS - 2](https://slow.pics/c/u1Tk1pc1)**
**[FYRAW vs 2DS - 3](https://slow.pics/c/NKVLoaVL)**
**[FYRAW vs 2DS - 4](https://slow.pics/c/6CCzmAG5)**
**[FYRAW vs 2DS - 5](https://slow.pics/c/AKn2pUAc)**
**[FYRAW vs 2DS - 6](https://slow.pics/c/30owKUZc)**
**[FYRAW vs 2DS - 7](https://slow.pics/c/W0hVokb0)**
Here's CXRAW vs the same frames I used earlier:
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 1](https://slow.pics/c/5h0BqZS8)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 2](https://slow.pics/c/Dj4GIn6u)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 3](https://slow.pics/c/rr0Ey1uo)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 4](https://slow.pics/c/UgtTjEBt)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 5](https://slow.pics/c/MRHd1TLE)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 6](https://slow.pics/c/y50ZYoof)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 7](https://slow.pics/c/4zVRQrwa)**
**BUT, this is all subjective. If you prefer CXRAW, you can always get them from [VeloEncodes' release](https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=veloencodes+digimon).**
### **Digimon Tamers: [Source - CXRAW - 1080p](https://nyaa.si/view/1031323)**
These look really good. Nowhere near as bad as 01 or 02. Also, the smudgyness is no more, thank God.
BUT... the lines look a bit blurry & washed out. So I fixed them. & applied some other filters for preference.
Full frame comparisons:
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 1](https://slow.pics/c/2tkoPzaM)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 2](https://slow.pics/c/LIqRh5jc)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 3](https://slow.pics/c/ea63QBhs)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 4](https://slow.pics/c/5HBgqiQm)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 5](https://slow.pics/c/Sdp0cXMz)**
### **Digimon Frontier: [Source - CXRAW - 1080p](https://nyaa.si/view/1146662)**
Same as Tamers. Looks really good. No smudgyness, again thank God.
BUT... the lines look a bit blurry & aliased.
Full frame comparisons:
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 1](https://slow.pics/c/LiVvQdKo)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 2](https://slow.pics/c/iAAoPm5e)**
**[CXRAW vs 2DS - 3](https://slow.pics/c/KPeUBC7N)**
### **Digimon Movies:**
**Movies 1 - 4: [Source - Aznable - 1080p](https://nyaa.si/view/881402)**
**Movies 5 - 7: [Source - Fullmetal - 1080p](https://nyaa.si/view/1255921)**
### **Digimon Adventure Tri.: [Source - Koten Gars - 1080p](https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=koten+digimon)**
Best source I could find. There are 6 movies. The 1st one has haloing & oversharped lines. Fixed.
As for the remaining 5, just did some small filtering for preference.
### **Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story: [Source - RyRo - 1080p](https://nyaa.si/view/1326642)**
The lines had slight blue chroma bleed. Fixed.
### **Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna: [Source - JP BDMV - 1080p](https://nyaa.si/view/1276554)**
The lines looked a little bit aliased. Fixed.
### **Digimon Adventure / 02 / Tamers / Frontier:**
Digimon Adventure - [Source: RyRo + Shadowfox](https://nyaa.si/view/1242353)
Digimon Adventure 02 - [Source: Positron-Puto](https://nyaa.si/view/137537)
Digimon Tamers - [Source: Wildbunch-PLSP-card](https://nyaa.si/view/923133)
Digimon Frontier - [Source: Positron-LS](https://nyaa.si/view/352656)
I'm not very good at fansubbing, but I just could not get on board with the state of these subs as they are. So I made some modifications of my own. I went through all the sub files one by one & made the following changes -
#### **Re-Typesetting:** I manually reapplied typesetting to all Signs, Titles, NEP-Titles etc. & restyled all the dialogues as well.
#### For the dialogues, I've used the same styles with a different vibe for each. (Left to Right - Adventure to Frontier)
#### **Re-Sync:**
#### **Karaoke:**
### **Digimon Movies:**
Source: [Fullmetal's release](https://nyaa.si/view/1255921).
Original Source: The same groups that did the shows a.k.a RyRo/Positron/Puto/Wildbunch/PLSP
Like before, I restyled/retypeset everything.
### **Digimon Adventure Tri.:**
#### Source: The PGS subs used in [Koten Gars](https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=koten+digimon).
#### (Btw, go & listen to the 3rd ED song - "Boku ni Totte" by Knife of Day. I've probably listened to it like a thousand times by now. It's soooo gooood.)
### **Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story:**
#### Source: [RyRo](https://nyaa.si/view/1326642)
Just applied typesetting to all the signs.
### **Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna:**
#### Source: [Kizuna Subs](https://nyaa.si/view/1322256)
# **`THE AUDIO:`**
# **`Watching Order:`**
# **`Final Notes:`**
#### *As I've said before, I'm not very good at video scripting nor at fansubbing. I just worked with what I have/know... and make a version that looks best to my eyes. Of course, I'm talking in a subjective sense here. I'm sure others could've done a much better job at this. So I apologize if this release wasn't up to your standard.*
#### **Tools used in this Project:** AvsPmod, ffmpeg, Aegisub.
#### **Why not x265/HEVC/10bit?** => I'm much more comfortable with x264 8bit. I don't know much about x265 and I refuse to use the built-in presets in it. I very much dislike built-in presets. As for 8bit - for compatibility with older devices / TVs.
#### **Why not FLAC?** => I've already given my reason in the audio section. Besides, this release is a remake, not a remux.
#### **Why not Dual Audio?** => Dubs make me nauseous.
#### **Why mp4 instead of mkv?** => should be common knowledge but like mkv, mp4 is just a container, not a codec. So relax.
#### **Why Hardcoded Subtitles?** => Couple of reasons: a) For compatibility with older devices / TVs. b) I've used an insane amount of custom fonts in this Project. There's no way I could've kept track of them all. So, hardsubbing saves me the trouble of going into my system fonts folder & picking out all the different fonts I used & attaching them to the videos. I'm too lazy for that. Hardsubbing basically kept things hassle-free for me.
#### I was thinking of uploading the subs to a separate link. Then I realized, uploading would also require me to pick out the fonts. So I'm not really sure what to do here. I mean... I don't even know if people are gonna like these subs. Anyways, I'm not gonna worry about it too much.
#### If, by some miracle, any of you happen to like my shitty ass subs (no pun intended), let me know.
#### **I've uploaded a few episodes from each series to the following link... to help you decide whether you wanna get this release or not.**
#### `aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci81cnhXR0lRSyNpUGtOQ1JEN2lHYmxEM1BVZ0ptU0F3` (copy-paste in base64decode)
##### (Just remove the ".2ds" from the extension)
#### **No love for Savers & Xros Wars?** => Never liked Savers (well... not as much as the rest). Never watched Xros. Also, they are not classics. "Then why'd you do Tri?" Bro there's no way I was gonna ignore the OG Taichi-gang. Besides, since Savers & Xros are more modern anime, I'm sure there are good releases of them available everywhere.
#### *And finally...* I only have one request to you guyz - Please don't hate-masturbate in the comment section. If you don't like this release, then feel free to give feedback or constructive criticism, I'm all ears. Just don't be toxic bro, that's all I ask.
#### **Also, please let me know if you find any errors/issues in any episode(s). Although I was careful through & through, "To err is human".**
### *That's all from me I guess. For some reason, writing this description felt like more work than the actual work... lol. To close out, here's a short story about me & digimon. Feel free to read/ignore.*