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Sid Meiers Civilization VI [Incl Portugal Pack DLC]
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Звуковая плата: Аудиокарта, совместимая с DirectX® 9.0с
Графический ускоритель: 1024 Mb, OpenGL 3.0
Свободное место на HDD: 21.2 GbSid Meier's Civilization VI – это шестая часть знаменитой серии стратегий Civilization. Постройте империю, способную выдержать испытание временем. Станьте одним из сильных мира сего, основав цивилизацию и возглавив ее в течение многих эпох, начиная с каменного века и заканчивая веком информации. Объявляйте войны, ведите дипломатические переговоры, развивайте культуру и бросьте вызов величайшим лидерам в истории человечества, чтобы построить величайшую цивилизацию из всех, когда-либо известных человечеству.
Update v1.0.11.16ЦитатаКто-то писал:
• Replace the old Lisbon City-State with the Mogadishu City-State
• Fixed an issue where Production was not being added to Holy Sites in captured cities when having the Work Ethic religious belief.
• Macedon's ability Hellenistic Fusion will now only trigger when a city is first conquered (it previously was triggering for districts built after the city was occupied).
• Fixed incorrect yield text for Cliffs of Dover in certain tooltips.
Babylon Pack
• Tourism from all Heroic Relics is now 6 (was 10)
• Fixed an issue where the Questing Knight’s combat strength would increase after the player advanced eras.
• Fixed an issue where a Hero could not be recalled with Faith when a Free City was recaptured.
• Fixed an issue where the Hero Mulan was able to attack land units while embarked.
Kublai Khan and Vietnam Pack
• Industry bonuses are now displayed on Product tooltips when creating a trade in the deal menu.
• Fixed an issue causing larger than intended Tourism rewards from monopolized resources.
• Fixed an issue where Products could be created from pillaged Corporations.
• Fixed an issue where the Corporation name would be missing when making a deal with the AI.
• Fixed an issue where Housing would not be displayed when placing the Preserve district.
• Fixed an issue where Corporation Product ownership was not always being properly assigned. If no custom name is used for a Corporation, a generic name will be used.
Barbarian Clans
• Sumeria's Unique Ability Epic Quest has been updated for Barbarian Clans gameplay: When you disperse a Barbarian Outpost, receive a Tribal Village reward in addition to the usual Experience Points. Pay half the usual cost to levy City-State units.
• Clan conversion info now appears in the Treat with Clan UI.
• Improved naval clan priority to focus on creating more naval units when located on small landmasses.
• A civilization that is currently selected as an Incite target will no longer appear on the Incite dropdown menu.
• Added tooltip info about City-State conversion disabled status on clan banner and in Treat with Clan UI.
• Fixed an issue where Barbarian bribe indications were remaining on unit flags after the bribe had expired.
• Fixed an issue where notification icon for the Bribe function would not display the correct icon.
• Fixed an issue where the ESC key would not close out the Treat the Clan UI.
• Fixed an issue where duplicate Civilizations would be indistinguishable on the Incite dropdown menu.
• Fixed an issue where hired units would sometimes spawn within the Barbarian Outpost.
• Fixed an issue where a defender unit would fail to spawn on a Barbarian Outpost during the Barbarian player’s turn after being raided.
• Fixed an issue where players could still use the Ransom function while having an insufficient amount of Gold.
• Fixed an issue where the map would recenter on the first clan on which a player action was used after interacting with other clans.
• [Multiplayer] Fixed an issue where the Barbarian Outpost banner would appear in the fog of war after another user had discovered them during a Hot Seat game.
• [Multiplayer] Fixed an issue where converted City-States would fail to declare war on players their Suzerain is currently at war with.
• AI will make better use of cultists.
• AI’s value of tech will be limited by the number of units it can build.
• Added new icons for the Leader Selection Pool to help differentiate pools.
• Added warning tooltips for choosing similar Civ jersey colors to single player Advanced Setup menu.
• [Base game] Fixed an issue where the player would not be able to trade Great Works or Relics in the deal menu.
• Fixed an issue where the “Replay Movie” button would no longer function when the player returned to the Victory/Defeat screen after viewing the History Timeline during gameplay.
• Fixed tooltip info showing per-turn resource info when adding a city with resources to a trade deal.
• Fixed an issue where leader quotes played from the Civilopedia would continue after the Civilopedia was closed.
• Fixed an issue where the city recommendation tooltip would appear when the player hovers over recommended Builder improvement icons that were on the same tile as the recommended settlement icon.
• Fixed an issue where an incorrect number of selected leaders will display when viewing the Leader Pool section of the Game Summary in a Multiplayer Staging Room.
• Various text fixes.
• Fixed a crash caused by the delayed death of Spies.
• Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when Barbarian Clans converted to City-States.
• Fixed various crashes.
• Fixed an issue where the highlight does not cycle when navigating jersey colors in Advanced Setup.
• Fixed text that was misaligned in the Select Natural Wonders menu.
• Fixed multiple locations throughout the game where the text would overrun.
• Fixed an issue where tooltips cannot be toggled for leader icons in the right tray in the Pirates Scenario.
• Fixed an issue where an incorrect tooltip is present on the Previously Recruited tab when attempting to purchase with faith in the Heroes and Great People menu.
• Fixed an issue where the text alignment of “Game Random Seed” and “Map Random Seed” was offset in the Advanced Setup menu.
• Fixed an issue where the HUD Ribbon does not open correctly for players in Hot Seat games if a player changes the Show Yields in HUD Ribbon option during the game.
• Fixed multiple locations where text would overlap other items.
• Fixed instances where text and icons could appear small in various game locations.
• Fixed an issue where the "Created By" text on the Heroic Relic pop-up displays as "Created By Tribal Villages" in certain languages during a Heroes and Legends game.Особенности ИгрыГЛОБАЛЬНЫЕ ИМПЕРИИ
Ваши владения будут простираться дальше, чем когда-либо. Каждый город занимает несколько клеток, и вы сможете выстроить их так, чтобы извлечь максимальную пользу из окружающей территории.
Ищите усиления, которые помогут развитию вашей цивилизации. Этот процесс можно ускорить, исследуя белые пятна на карте, улучшая окружающие территории и вступая в контакт с новыми культурами.
По ходу игры у вас будут появляться новые возможности для взаимодействия с другими цивилизациями, с первых дней человечества, когда конфликты являются неотъемлемой частью повседневной жизни, до военных альянсов и сложных дипломатических переговоров современности.Особенности RePackОсновноеУстанови и играй!
За основу взята лицензия Steam | Digital Deluxe Edition (ID: 289070)
Версия игры: v1.0.11 build 16 (556634)
EN/RU Инсталлер
Запуск игры с рабочего стола: [DX11] Sid Meiers Civilization VI.lnk - DirectX 11 версия игры
[DX12] Sid Meiers Civilization VI.lnk - DirectX 12 версия игры Смена языка и озвучки в меню игры
Качество аудио 100%
Качество видео 100%ДополненияSid Meier's Civilization VI: Aztec Civilization Pack