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deskDOC DWG to PDF Professional 5.4.3 Publisher's description
deskDOC DWG to PDF Professional is the perfect DWG to PDF converter for business and enterprise - combining the power to convert DWG/DXF/DWF to PDF and GIF/JPG/PNG/TIFF/BMP with an extremely competitive price. No AutoCAD required, batch conversion supported.DWG to PDF conversion at an affordable priceYou do not need expensive AutoCAD or Adobe Acrobat software to unlock your DWG files. deskDOC DWG to PDF Professional creates high quality vector PDF files from DWG drawings. Convert to different image formatsConvert your drawing to a variety of image formats, including GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF, and BMP. Create universally accessible filesThe PDF file format is a widely accepted standard for viewing documents. Vector PDFs can be viewed on the Web, eliminating the need for a CAD viewer. You can easily make your drawings accessible to your clients and others who don`t have CAD software.Multiple AutoCAD version support We support a wide variety of versions of DWG and DXF files, making it easy to meet the requirements of legacy applications. deskDOC DWG to PDF Professional converts between any combination of DXF or DWG files from R12, R13, R14, 2000, and 2004/2007/2008. Improved page layout settingsUse DWG page layout settings to create your PDF conversion. The page, view, and layout from your CAD drawing are retained, making it easy to create a high-quality PDF.Batch mode conversiondeskDOC DWG to PDF Professional can also be used from the command line to batch-process multiple conversions.Scale for conversion Now you can scale your conversion output to Extents, Display, or Layout Limits. Specify line widthsControl line width scaling in the PDF file. You can use the line width options from the original file, display or suppress line widths in your conversion, or use your own custom line width. Combine drawings Choose layouts to convert Control PDF output colors
Requirements: Pentium III processor or equivalent (Pentium 4 recommended)
What's new in this version: Convert your drawings to image formats - BMP, GIF, PNG, TIF, or JPG. deskDOC DWG to PDF professional makes your drawings more usable and versatile than ever!