Filename Size 1968 Virology_ Coronaviruses.pdf 35.1 KB 1969 Isolation from Man of _Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus-like_ Viruses (Coronaviruses) similar to 229E Virus, with.pdf 1.6 MB 1970 Antigenic relationships amongst coronaviruses.pdf 923.4 KB 1970 Community-wide Outbreak of Infection with a 229E-like Coronavirus in Tecumseh, Michigan.pdf 660.9 KB 1970 Coronaviruses, a New Group of Animal RNA Viruses.pdf 973.9 KB 1970 Purification and Further Characterization of an _IBV-like_ Virus (Coronavirus).pdf 2.5 MB 1970 Rat coronavirus (RCV)_ A prevalent, naturally occurring pneumotropic virus of rats.pdf 1.4 MB 1970 The Adaptation of Two Human Coronavirus Strains (OC38 and OC43) to Growth in Cell Monolayers.pdf 2.3 MB 1971 AUSTRALIA ANTIGEN, CORONAVIRUS, AND REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE IN VIRAL HEPATITIS.pdf 167.2 KB 1971 Electron Microscopic Studies of Coronavirus.pdf 10.5 MB 1971 ISOLATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AVIAN NEPHROSIS-INDUCING INFECTIOUS BRONCHITIS VIRUS (CORONAVIRUS).pdf 1.5 MB 1972 Characterization of the Virus of Sialodacryoadenitis of Rats_ A Member of the Coronavirus Group.pdf 718.1 KB 1972 Coronavirus antibody titres in sera of healthy adults and experimentally infected volunteers (1).pdf 642.7 KB 1972 Coronavirus Antibody Titres in Sera of Healthy Adults and Experimentally Infected Volunteers.pdf 1.6 MB 1972 Hemadsorption by Coronavirus Strain OC43.pdf 648.7 KB 1972 Intracellular Development and Mechanism of Hemadsorption of a Human Coronavirus, OC43.pdf 2.1 MB 1972 Protein composition of coronavirus OC 43.pdf 5.8 MB 1972 Studies With Human Coronaviruses II_ Some Properties of Strains 229E and OC43.pdf 640.7 KB 1973 Electron Microscopy of Coronavirus-Like Particles Characteristic of Turkey Bluecomb Disease.pdf 3.8 MB 1973 Protective effect of an inactivated avian coronavirus vaccine administered by aerosol.pdf 317.9 KB 1973 Viroses Causing Common Respiratory Infections in Man_ III_ Respiratory Syncytial Viroses and Coronavimses.pdf 1.7 MB 1974 Characteristics of a coronavirus causing vomition and wasting in pigs.pdf 1.3 MB 1974 Coronavirus Infection in Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Disease of Infants.pdf 472.4 KB 1974 Exp_riences sur la nature de particules trouv_es dans des cas d_h_patite virale_ type coronavirus, antig_ne Austral.pdf 1.7 MB 1974 Occurrence of Antibodies to Human Coronavirus OC43 in Finland.pdf 315.3 KB 1974 The Tecumseh Study of Respiratory Illness_ VI_ Frequency of and Relationship between Outbreaks of Coronavims Infect.pdf 590.2 KB 1975 A coronavirus-like agent present in faeces of cows with diarrhoea.pdf 342.6 KB 1975 Age-Dependent Resistance to Transmissible Gastroenteritis of Swine_ III_ Effects of Epithelial Cell Kinetics on Cor.pdf 2.4 MB 1975 CALF DIARRH$OElig_A CORONAVIRUS.pdf 157.2 KB 1975 Coronaviridae.pdf 636.4 KB 1975 Coronavirus and gastroenteritis in foals.pdf 126.7 KB 1975 CORONAVIRUS PARTICLES IN F_CES FROM PATIENTS WITH GASTROENTERITIS.pdf 228.9 KB 1975 Haemagglutination by Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus -- a Coronavirus.pdf 1.5 MB 1975 Identification of heat-dissociable RNA complexes in two porcine coronaviruses.pdf 340.1 KB 1975 Isolation and Morphology of the Internal Component of Human Coronavirus, Strain 229E.pdf 1.1 MB 1976 Histopathology of Fasting and Bluecomb Disease in Turkey Poults and Embryos Experimentally Infected with Bluecomb D.pdf 2.3 MB 1976 Morphology and morphogenesis of a coronavirus infecting intestinal epithelial cells of newborn calves.pdf 10.7 MB 1976 Purification and biophysical properties of human coronavirus 229E.pdf 2.6 MB 1976 Replication of a bovine coronavirus in organ cultures of foetal trachea.pdf 467.3 KB 1976 Replication of bovine coronavirus in cell line BEK-1 culture.pdf 807 KB 1977 Antibodies to Human Coronavirus OC43 Measured by Radial Haemolysis in Gel.pdf 398.3 KB 1977 Antigenic Relationship between Human Coronavirus Strain DC 43 and Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus Strain 6.pdf 819.2 KB 1977 Characterization of a coronavirus_ I_ Structural proteins_ Effects of preparative conditions on the migration of pr.pdf 1.1 MB 1977 CORONAVIRUSES IN TRAINING CENTRE FOR INTELLECTUALLY RETARDED.pdf 292.1 KB 1977 Detection of Coronavirus Infection of Man by Immunofluorescence.pdf 3.1 MB 1977 Hemagglutination by calf diarrhea coronavirus.pdf 266.3 KB 1977 Light and Ultrastructural Pathologic Changes in Intestinal Coronavirus Infection of Newborn Calves.pdf 5.8 MB 1977 MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF NEUROTROPIC MURINE CORONAVIRUS DISEASE.pdf 77.7 KB 1977 Physico-chemical properties of calf-diarrhea coronavirus.pdf 455.3 KB 1977 Presence of infectious polyadenylated RNA in the coronavirus avian bronchitis virus.pdf 982.8 KB 1977 Progress in coronaviruses.pdf 134.3 KB 1977 Studies on the Structure of a Coronavirus-Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus.pdf 8.6 MB 1977 The RNA of human coronavirus OC-43.pdf 978.5 KB 1977 _Runde_ virus, a coronavirus-like agent associated with seabirds and ticks.pdf 1.2 MB 1978 A new coronavirus-like particle associated with diarrhea in swine.pdf 453.6 KB 1978 Antigenic relationship of the feline infectious peritonitis virus to coronaviruses of other species.pdf 855.9 KB 1978 Coronaviridae_ Second Report.pdf 870 KB 1978 Detection of Coronavirus-Like Particles in a Spontaneous Case of Feline Infectious Peritonitis.pdf 1.3 MB 1978 Determination of coronavirus 229E antibody by an immune-adherence hemagglutination method.pdf 501.8 KB 1978 Diagnosis of human coronavirus infection by immunofluorescence_ Method and application to respiratory disease in ho.pdf 389.3 KB 1978 ENTERIC CORONAVIRUS-LIKE PARTICLES IN SHEEP.pdf 125 KB 1978 Feline infectious peritonitis_ a coronavirus disease of cats.pdf 491.2 KB 1978 Genomic RNA of the Murine Coronavirus JHM.pdf 615.6 KB 1978 Isolation of coronaviruses from neonatal calf diarrhoea in Great Britain and Denmark.pdf 973 KB 1978 Nonspecific inhibitors of coronavirus OC43 haemagglutination in human sera.pdf 186.7 KB 1978 PORCINE CORONAVIRUS ANTIBODIES IN ENDEMIC (BALKAN) NEPHROPATHY.pdf 138.8 KB 1978 Replication of an enteric bovine coronavirus in intestinal organ cultures.pdf 1 MB 1978 Ribonucleoprotein-like Structures from Coronavirus Particles.pdf 2.1 MB 1978 The effect of ascorbic acid on infection of chick-embryo ciliated tracheal organ cultures by coronavirus.pdf 418.9 KB 1978 The Genome of Human Coronavirus Strain 229E.pdf 1.3 MB 1978 The genomes of three coronaviruses.pdf 310.7 KB 1979 Characterization of a New Coronavirus-Like Agent Isolated from Parrots.pdf 1.8 MB 1979 Detection of coronavirus in calf faeces with a haemadsorption-elution-haemagglutination assay (HEHA).pdf 752.8 KB 1979 OC43 strain-related coronavirus antibodies in different age groups.pdf 485.9 KB 1979 Pathogenic murine coronaviruses III_ Biological and biochemical characterization of temperature sensitive mutants o.pdf 6.2 MB 1979 Pathogenic murine coronaviruses I_ Characterization of biological behavior in vitro and virus-specific intracellula.pdf 10.6 MB 1979 Preliminary studies on the isolation of coronavirus 229E nucleocapsids.pdf 561 KB 1979 Rotavirus and coronavirus associated diarrhoea in domestic animals.pdf 2.3 MB 1979 Rotavirus and coronavirus associated diarrohoea in calves.pdf 368.8 KB 1979 Structural Polypeptides of the Murine Coronavirus JHM.pdf 3.9 MB 1979 The human enteric coronaviruses_.pdf 3.1 MB 1980 A two year serological surveillance of coronavirus infections in Hamburg.pdf 978.8 KB 1980 ARE CORONAVIRUS-LIKE PARTICLES SEEN IN DIARRH_A STOOLS REALLY VIRUSES_.pdf 773 KB 1980 Astrovirus-like, coronavirus-like, and parvovirus-like particles detected in the diarrheal stools of beagle pups.pdf 1.2 MB 1980 CARDITIS ASSOCIATED WITH CORONAVIRUS INFECTION.pdf 293.6 KB 1980 Coronavirus come of age.pdf 407.1 KB 1980 Coronavirus infection in a litter of pups.pdf 1.3 MB 1980 Coronavirus infections of man associated with diseases other than the common cold.pdf 430.4 KB 1980 CORONAVIRUS-LIKE PARTICLES IN DIARRHOEA STOOLS.pdf 160.5 KB 1980 Coronavirus-like particles in the feces of normal cats.pdf 528 KB 1980 Coronaviruses in Balkan nephritis.pdf 257.8 KB 1980 Differentiation of canine coronavirus and porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus by neutralization with canine.pdf 418.5 KB 1980 Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay for Coronaviruses HCV 229E and MHV 3.pdf 460.5 KB 1980 Epizootic diarrhoea of adult cattle associated with a coronavirus-like agent.pdf 395.6 KB 1980 Hemagglutination and structural polypeptides of a new coronavirus associated with diarrhea in infant mice.pdf 837.7 KB 1980 Human Coronavirus OC43 Serum Inhibitor and Neutralizing Antibody by a New Plaque-Reduction Assay.pdf 1.2 MB 1980 Isolation of rhinoviruses and coronaviruses from 38 colds in adults.pdf 516.3 KB 1980 Preliminary report on the observation of a coronavirus in the intestine of the laboratory rabbit.pdf 384.9 KB 1980 Properties of a coronavirus isolated from a cow with epizootic diarrhea.pdf 1.8 MB