17 OCT 2024 - Welcome Back to TorrentFunk! Get your pirate hat back out. Streaming is dying and torrents are the new trend. Account Registration works again and so do Torrent Uploads. We invite you all to start uploading torrents again!
###### BA = Broadcast Audio files in root folder of source torrent.
###### Alt-BA = Alternate Broadcast Audio files in 'Alternate' folder of source torrent or v2/v3 in root folder of source torrent.
###### DA = DVD Audios in the R2J DVDs.
* #### Thanks to the anonymous uploader who uploaded the [Source Torrent](https://nyaa.si/view/1229748).
* #### Synced using Adobe Audition. File format - FLAC 16bit 48kHz.
* #### Will work with [R2J DVD Remux](https://nyaa.si/view/1133179) or [Utsukushii-Raws' R2J release](https://nyaa.si/view/489801) or any other R2J release.
* #### Added in OP & ED to all audio files. (Most BA files didn't have them. So, added them in from the ones that did.)
* #### There are two folders - **with Broadcast OP** & **with DVD OP**. The opening theme from the DVDs sounds much better/cleaner than Broadcast OP. It's as if they re-recorded the opening song for the DVDs. Get whichever one you prefer. (The ending theme sounds the same. In fact, Ep12 BA had the highest quality ED. So I used that ED in every audio files here.)
* #### All audio lengths are made identical to R2J video lengths.
* #### The BA files had a lot of problems like Gaps / Statics / Missing audio parts. Those are fixed / replaced / filled in with same parts from Alt-BA.
* #### For episodes where Alt-BA wasn't available, the Gaps / Statics / Missing Audio parts are fixed / replaced / filled in with DA. (Had no other choice).
* #### In some episodes, the DA itself was badly synced. BA for those episodes are correctly synced here as well.
Individual Audio/Episode notes:
* DB008 - v1 = part A & B both are from BA. part A has noisy background. part B is okay.
v2 = part A from Alt-BA & part B from BA. part A background isn't noisy but the voices are slightly muffled. part B is okay.
* DB 40, 41, 67, 68, 116, 117 - NEPs are taken from DA. Because the NEP dialogue in BA was different. (It's weird. It's like they recorded the NEPs for these episodes twice - one for TV and one for DVD.)
* DB089 - The whole BA file was empty. Fortunately, Alt-BA was available.
* These are the episodes for which no Alt-BA was available. So I had to replace/fill in the statics/missing audio parts with DA -
* DB051 - 19.59---2s, 21.09---2s
* DB076 - 2.11---2s.
* DB077 - 3.09---4s, 3.15---40s, 4.08---20s, 8.00---2m40s, 22.06---3s.
* DB078 - 11.23---3s, 22.07---2s.
* DB080 - 22.10---2s.
* DB082 - 22.01---2s, 22.08---2s.
* DB086 - 22.08---4s.
* DB090 - 24.19---2s, 24.31---2s.
* DB093 - 20.05---2s.
* DB098 - 13.26---2s.
* These are timestamps after syncing. Meaning, DVD timestamps.
* Most of episodes 001-048 had Alt-BA available. So, all the issues in BA 001-048 are fixed from Alt-BA.
#### *I tried my best to sync all the audios as perfectly as possible. Hopefully I was able to find all the issues in all files. That said, this was a one man work, so I wouldn't be surprised if I missed any of the said issues. I heard Team Mirolo was doing this sync. But I love the Original Dragon Ball much more than Z, so I wanted to do this. Honestly, I had fun. But hey, if you want a more professional work, wait for Team Mirolo's sync.*
*I'll update my [Dragon Ball Full Collection](https://nyaa.si/view/1227779) torrent with this sync later. or maybe upload a separate torrent for DB only.*