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Stargate Universe S02E20 Gauntlet (subITA)-WTRG
Stargate Universe
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TV Release: 2009-10-02 Torrent Release: 17-05-2011 by user cirip2006
0 Seeds & 0 Peers
TV Show Genre:
Drama, Sci-Fi
43 min.
Parental Rating:
Not Rated
Nominated for 3 Primetime Emmys. Another 9 wins & 26 nominations.
No votes yet.
Episode: Gauntlet (2x20)
Episode Plot:
Eli and Rush have found a way to identify the location of drone mother ships using the Destiny's long range sensors. The bad news is that the Drones seems to be awaiting them at every possible stop along Destiny's path. They find a temporary solution to neutralize the mother ships but realize that they cannot engage in a major battle every time they need to re-supply. Eli suggest that they use the stasis pods for the crew and jump to the next galaxy, a trip that will take three years. All goes well until they realize that one of the pods has been damaged and one person will have to stay behind in the hopes of fixing the unit in the short time available or die.
Episode Release:
Episode Genre:
Drama, Sci-Fi
44 min.
Parental Rating:
Actors: Robert Carlyle, Louis Ferreira, Brian J. Smith, Elyse Levesque Writers: Brad Wright (created by), Robert C. Cooper (created by), Joseph Mallozzi, Paul Mullie Directors: Andy Mikita
Other episode info:
Awards: N/A. Originally recorded in N/A.
The previously unknown purpose of the "Ninth Chevron" is revealed, and ends up taking a team to an Ancient ship "Destiny", a ship built millions of years ago by the Ancients, used to seed distant galaxies with Stargates. This team, led by Dr. Nicolas Rush and Colonel Everett Young, is trapped on the ship, unable to change its programmed mission. The team encounters new races, new technology and new enemies as the runaway ship travels to the far ends of the Universe.
Sinopsis by IMDB
"Blocked by Command Ships at every star and unable to gate for supplies without alerting the drones, Destiny must take a stand or be left adrift."
Prima di scaricare, siete pregati di leggere l'Info sotto gli Screenshot (oppure l'NFO)!
"Bloccata dal centro di comando ad ogni pianeta (stella) e incapace di utilizzare lo Stargate per le forniture senza avvertire i droni, Destiny deve prendere una posizione oppure lasciarsi andare alla deriva."
White Tigers Release Group - WTRG presents :
Stargate Universe S02E20 Gauntlet (subITA)-WTRG
(series finale / fine serie)
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06 - Cercate di tenere il torrent aperto piu' a lungo possibile.
Fatelo per tutti gli altri utenti, non per me. E' peccato vedere
un torrent "morire". Un rapporto (RATIO) di 1,5 per torrent
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09 - NON mi metto in SEED per tutti i torrent "morti".
Ci sono troppi e sarebbe inutile caricare con 5-10KB/s
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Detto tutto cio', vi auguro Buon Download e Buona Visione !
Non dimenticate : SEEEEEEEEEED !