Filename Size 1. Introductions/1. Signal processing = decision-making + tools.mp4 33.2 MB 1. Introductions/1. Signal processing = decision-making + tools.vtt 5.1 KB 1. Introductions/2. Using MATLAB in this course.mp4 24.3 MB 1. Introductions/2. Using MATLAB in this course.vtt 4.6 KB 1. Introductions/3. Using Octave-online in this course.mp4 33.5 MB 1. Introductions/3. Using Octave-online in this course.vtt 6.3 KB 1. Introductions/4. Using Python in this course.mp4 23.7 MB 1. Introductions/4. Using Python in this course.vtt 4.4 KB 1. Introductions/5. Writing code vs. using toolboxesprograms.mp4 53.1 MB 1. Introductions/5. Writing code vs. using toolboxesprograms.vtt 8.5 KB 1. Introductions/6. Using the Q&A forum.mp4 26.8 MB 1. Introductions/6. Using the Q&A forum.vtt 6.4 KB 1. Introductions/ReadMe.txt 241 B 10. Feature detection/1. MATLAB and Python code for this section.html 73 B 10. Feature detection/1.1 1.7 MB 10. Feature detection/2. Local maxima and minima.mp4 126.6 MB 10. Feature detection/2. Local maxima and minima.vtt 18.7 KB 10. Feature detection/3. Recover signal from noise amplitude.mp4 104.3 MB 10. Feature detection/3. Recover signal from noise amplitude.vtt 14.7 KB 10. Feature detection/4. Wavelet convolution for feature extraction.mp4 135.8 MB 10. Feature detection/4. Wavelet convolution for feature extraction.vtt 17.3 KB 10. Feature detection/5. Area under the curve.mp4 91.2 MB 10. Feature detection/5. Area under the curve.vtt 15.3 KB 10. Feature detection/6. Application Detect muscle movements from EMG recordings.mp4 151.5 MB 10. Feature detection/6. Application Detect muscle movements from EMG recordings.vtt 21.4 KB 10. Feature detection/7. Full width at half-maximum.mp4 131.3 MB 10. Feature detection/7. Full width at half-maximum.vtt 21.5 KB 10. Feature detection/8. Code challenge find the features!.mp4 24 MB 10. Feature detection/8. Code challenge find the features!.vtt 4.1 KB 11. Variability/1. MATLAB and Python code for this section.html 47 B 11. Variability/1.1 22.2 MB 11. Variability/2. Total and windowed variance and RMS.mp4 75.6 MB 11. Variability/2. Total and windowed variance and RMS.vtt 12.9 KB 11. Variability/3. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).mp4 132.8 MB 11. Variability/3. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).vtt 17.8 KB 11. Variability/4. Coefficient of variation (CV).mp4 28.8 MB 11. Variability/4. Coefficient of variation (CV).vtt 6.1 KB 11. Variability/5. Entropy.mp4 112.3 MB 11. Variability/5. Entropy.vtt 19.8 KB 11. Variability/6. Code challenge.mp4 23.5 MB 11. Variability/6. Code challenge.vtt 3.7 KB 12. Discounts on related courses/1. Join the community!.html 553 B 12. Discounts on related courses/2. Bonus Coupons for related courses.html 2.5 KB 2. Time series denoising/1. MATLAB and Python code for this section.html 84 B 2. Time series denoising/1.1 11.8 MB 2. Time series denoising/10. Remove artifact via least-squares template-matching.mp4 85 MB 2. Time series denoising/10. Remove artifact via least-squares template-matching.vtt 12.3 KB 2. Time series denoising/11. Code challenge Denoise these signals!.mp4 7.5 MB 2. Time series denoising/11. Code challenge Denoise these signals!.vtt 1.3 KB 2. Time series denoising/2. Mean-smooth a time series.mp4 66.2 MB 2. Time series denoising/2. Mean-smooth a time series.vtt 10.2 KB 2. Time series denoising/3. Gaussian-smooth a time series.mp4 96.2 MB 2. Time series denoising/3. Gaussian-smooth a time series.vtt 16.4 KB 2. Time series denoising/4. Gaussian-smooth a spike time series.mp4 42.2 MB 2. Time series denoising/4. Gaussian-smooth a spike time series.vtt 6.4 KB 2. Time series denoising/5. Denoising EMG signals via TKEO.mp4 57.2 MB 2. Time series denoising/5. Denoising EMG signals via TKEO.vtt 9.7 KB 2. Time series denoising/6. Median filter to remove spike noise.mp4 77.1 MB 2. Time series denoising/6. Median filter to remove spike noise.vtt 12.2 KB 2. Time series denoising/7. Remove linear trend (detrending).mp4 12.9 MB 2. Time series denoising/7. Remove linear trend (detrending).vtt 2.6 KB 2. Time series denoising/8. Remove nonlinear trend with polynomials.mp4 109.3 MB 2. Time series denoising/8. Remove nonlinear trend with polynomials.vtt 18.2 KB 2. Time series denoising/9. Averaging multiple repetitions (time-synchronous averaging).mp4 49.7 MB 2. Time series denoising/9. Averaging multiple repetitions (time-synchronous averaging).vtt 6.5 KB 3. Spectral and rhythmicity analyses/1. MATLAB and Python code for this section.html 99 B 3. Spectral and rhythmicity analyses/1.1 2.3 MB 3. Spectral and rhythmicity analyses/2. Crash course on the Fourier transform.mp4 116.9 MB 3. Spectral and rhythmicity analyses/2. Crash course on the Fourier transform.vtt 18.6 KB 3. Spectral and rhythmicity analyses/3. Fourier transform for spectral analyses.mp4 174 MB 3. Spectral and rhythmicity analyses/3. Fourier transform for spectral analyses.vtt 23 KB 3. Spectral and rhythmicity analyses/4. Welch's method and windowing.mp4 121.9 MB 3. Spectral and rhythmicity analyses/4. Welch's method and windowing.vtt 18.5 KB 3. Spectral and rhythmicity analyses/5. Spectrogram of birdsong.mp4 76.1 MB 3. Spectral and rhythmicity analyses/5. Spectrogram of birdsong.vtt 9.6 KB 3. Spectral and rhythmicity analyses/6. Code challenge Compute a spectrogram!.mp4 15.2 MB 3. Spectral and rhythmicity analyses/6. Code challenge Compute a spectrogram!.vtt 3.1 KB 4. Working with complex numbers/1. MATLAB and Python code for this section.html 46 B 4. Working with complex numbers/1.1 38.1 KB 4. Working with complex numbers/2. From the number line to the complex number plane.mp4 55.2 MB 4. Working with complex numbers/2. From the number line to the complex number plane.vtt 12.4 KB 4. Working with complex numbers/3. Addition and subtraction with complex numbers.mp4 19.9 MB 4. Working with complex numbers/3. Addition and subtraction with complex numbers.vtt 4.5 KB 4. Working with complex numbers/4. Multiplication with complex numbers.mp4 39 MB 4. Working with complex numbers/4. Multiplication with complex numbers.vtt 8 KB 4. Working with complex numbers/5. The complex conjugate.mp4 23.1 MB 4. Working with complex numbers/5. The complex conjugate.vtt 5.4 KB 4. Working with complex numbers/6. Division with complex numbers.mp4 18.8 MB 4. Working with complex numbers/6. Division with complex numbers.vtt 4.5 KB 4. Working with complex numbers/7. Magnitude and phase of complex numbers.mp4 48.3 MB 4. Working with complex numbers/7. Magnitude and phase of complex numbers.vtt 9.4 KB 5. Filtering/10. Windowed-sinc filters.mp4 87.7 MB 5. Filtering/14. Quantifying roll-off characteristics.mp4 87.1 MB 5. Filtering/15. Remove electrical line noise and its harmonics.mp4 91.1 MB 5. Filtering/2. Filtering Intuition, goals, and types.mp4 115.2 MB 5. Filtering/3. FIR filters with firls.mp4 119.8 MB 5. Filtering/5. IIR Butterworth filters.mp4 80.3 MB 5. Filtering/6. Causal and zero-phase-shift filters.mp4 82.5 MB 5. Filtering/7. Avoid edge effects with reflection.mp4 99.3 MB