Filename Size 1. Getting Started with Spark/1. Introduction.mp4 35.9 MB 1. Getting Started with Spark/1. Introduction.vtt 4 KB 1. Getting Started with Spark/2. How to Use This Course.mp4 11.5 MB 1. Getting Started with Spark/2. How to Use This Course.vtt 2.9 KB 1. Getting Started with Spark/3. Udemy 101 Getting the Most From This Course.mp4 19.7 MB 1. Getting Started with Spark/3. Udemy 101 Getting the Most From This Course.vtt 3.6 KB 1. Getting Started with Spark/4. Warning about Java 11 and Spark 2.4.0!.html 860 B 1. Getting Started with Spark/5. [Activity]Getting Set Up Installing Python, a JDK, Spark, and its Dependencies..mp4 237.9 MB 1. Getting Started with Spark/5. [Activity]Getting Set Up Installing Python, a JDK, Spark, and its Dependencies..vtt 28.7 KB 1. Getting Started with Spark/5. [Activity]Getting Set Up Installing Python..vtt 28.7 KB 1. Getting Started with Spark/5. [Activity]Getting Set Up Installing Python.mp4 237.9 MB 1. Getting Started with Spark/5.1 Apache Spark.html 100 B 1. Getting Started with Spark/5.2 winutils.exe.html 108 B 1. Getting Started with Spark/5.3 Enthought Canopy.html 107 B 1. Getting Started with Spark/5.4 GETTING STARTED - installation steps.html 102 B 1. Getting Started with Spark/5.5 JDK.html 127 B 1. Getting Started with Spark/6. [Activity] Installing the MovieLens Movie Rating Dataset.mp4 23.1 MB 1. Getting Started with Spark/6. [Activity] Installing the MovieLens Movie Rating Dataset.vtt 5.3 KB 1. Getting Started with Spark/7. [Activity] Run your first Spark program! Ratings histogram example..mp4 29.3 MB 1. Getting Started with Spark/7. [Activity] Run your first Spark program! Ratings histogram example..vtt 7.3 KB 1. Getting Started with Spark/7.1 452 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/1. Introduction to Spark.mp4 34 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/1. Introduction to Spark.vtt 15.8 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/10. [Activity] Improving the Word Count Script with Regular Expressions.mp4 23.8 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/10. [Activity] Improving the Word Count Script with Regular Expressions.vtt 6.8 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/10.1 539 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/10.Improving the Word Count Script with Regular Expressions.mp4 23.8 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/10.Improving the Word Count Script with Regular Expressions.vtt 6.8 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/11. [Activity] Sorting the Word Count Results.mp4 32.9 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/11. [Activity] Sorting the Word Count Results.vtt 11.4 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/11.1 690 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/12. Tally up amount spent by customer using Spark.html 145 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/13. Sort your results by amount spent per customer.html 145 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/2. The Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD).mp4 36 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/2. The Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD).vtt 17.6 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/3. Ratings Histogram Walkthrough.mp4 44.7 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/3. Ratings Histogram Walkthrough.vtt 18.8 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/3.1 452 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/4. KeyValue RDD's, and the Average Friends by Age Example.mp4 61.7 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/4. KeyValue RDD's, and the Average Friends by Age Example.vtt 23.9 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/5. [Activity] Running the Average Friends by Age Example.mp4 21.3 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/5. [Activity] Running the Average Friends by Age Example.vtt 8.3 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/5.1 fakefriends.csv.html 111 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/5.2 618 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/6. Filtering RDD's, and the Minimum Temperature by Location Example.mp4 30.9 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/6. Filtering RDD's, and the Minimum Temperature by Location Example.vtt 12.2 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/6.1 739 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/6.2 1800.csv.html 104 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/7. [Activity]Running the Minimum Temperature Example, and Modifying it for Maximums.mp4 32.9 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/7. [Activity]Running the Minimum Temperature Example, and Modifying it for Maximums.vtt 8 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/7. [Activity]Running the Minimum Temperature Example.mp4 32.9 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/7. [Activity]Running the Minimum Temperature Example.vtt 8 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/7.1 739 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/7.2 1800.csv.html 104 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/8. [Activity] Running the Maximum Temperature by Location Example.mp4 22.1 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/8. [Activity] Running the Maximum Temperature by Location Example.vtt 5.4 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/8.1 739 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/9. [Activity] Counting Word Occurrences using flatmap().mp4 29.4 MB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/9. [Activity] Counting Word Occurrences using flatmap().vtt 11.6 KB 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/9.1 441 B 2. Spark Basics and Simple Examples/9.2 Book.txt 258.7 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/1. [Activity] Find the Most Popular Movie.mp4 31.2 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/1. [Activity] Find the Most Popular Movie.vtt 8.5 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/1.1 489 B 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/10. [Exercise] Improve the Quality of Similar Movies.mp4 20.6 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/10. [Exercise] Improve the Quality of Similar Movies.vtt 5.5 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/2. [Activity] Use Broadcast Variables to Display Movie Names Instead of ID Numbers.mp4 38.9 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/2. [Activity] Use Broadcast Variables to Display Movie Names Instead of ID Numbers.vtt 12 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/2.1 876 B 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/3. Find the Most Popular Superhero in a Social Graph.mp4 25 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/3. Find the Most Popular Superhero in a Social Graph.vtt 6.8 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/3.1 Marvel Graph.txt 1.6 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/3.2 915 B 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/3.3 Marvel Names.txt 343.6 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/4. Run the Script - Discover Who the Most Popular Superhero is!.mp4 38.9 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/4. Run the Script - Discover Who the Most Popular Superhero is!.vtt 8.5 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/4. Run the Script.mp4 29 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/4. Run the Script.vtt 12 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/4. [Activity] Run the Script - Discover Who the Most Popular Superhero is!.mp4 29 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/4. [Activity] Run the Script - Discover Who the Most Popular Superhero is!.vtt 8.5 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/4.1 904 B 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/4.2 Marvel Graph.txt 1.6 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/4.3 Marvel Names.txt 343.6 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/5. Superhero Degrees of Separation Introducing Breadth-First Search.mp4 38.2 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/5. Superhero Degrees of Separation Introducing Breadth-First Search.vtt 12.4 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/5. Superhero Degrees of Separation Introducing Breadth.mp4 38.2 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/5. Superhero Degrees of Separation Introducing Breadth.vtt 12.4 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/6. Superhero Degrees of Separation Accumulators, and Implementing BFS in Spark.mp4 25.9 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/6. Superhero Degrees of Separation Accumulators, and Implementing BFS in Spark.vtt 10 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/6. Superhero Degrees of Separation Accumulators.mp4 25.9 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/6. Superhero Degrees of Separation Accumulators.vtt 10 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/7. Superhero Degrees of Separation Review the Code and Run it.mp4 55.2 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/7. Superhero Degrees of Separation Review the Code and Run it.vtt 13.5 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/7. [Activity] Superhero Degrees of Separation Review the Code and Run it.mp4 55.2 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/7. [Activity] Superhero Degrees of Separation Review the Code and Run it.vtt 13.5 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/7.1 3.6 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/8. Item-Based Collaborative Filtering in Spark, cache(), and persist().mp4 46.6 MB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/8. Item-Based Collaborative Filtering in Spark, cache(), and persist().vtt 16.6 KB 3. Advanced Examples of Spark Programs/8. Item-Based Collaborative Filtering in Spark.mp4 46.6 MB