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[FreeCoursesOnline.Me] [Packt] A Beginner's Guide To A Microservices Architecture [FCO]
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Learn the Microservices overall Architecture, Building Blocks, Key Advantages, Challenges and Industry Case Studies
Video Details
ISBN 9781839212994
Course Length 1 hour 54 minutes
Table of Contents
• Getting Started
• Monolithic Applications
• The Microservices Revolution
• The Concept of a Microservices Architecture (MSA)
• What are the Key Benefits of Microservices?
• Course Summary
• Challenges of traditional monolithic software development
• Main building blocks of a single microservice
• The concept of a microservice architecture
• Cloud-native applications
• Key advantages
• Implementation challenges
• Netflix: an industry case study
Software is the engine, and data is the fuel. Until recently, many enterprise-level applications were designed, developed, and maintained as one giant monolithic application. With a once-a-year (or possibly twice-a-year) software release cycle, every small update is required to build, test, and deploy all application modules as one package.
Today more than ever, this traditional development approach is not good enough. It does not support the agility required by a fast-changing business landscape. Software updates should be released and deployed in weeks, days, and even hours.
Microservices are a new innovative development style and are already used by companies such as Netflix, Facebook, Amazon, and others. Microservices are building blocks for creating cloud-native applications, and therefore we will see more companies following this route. This course is designed to give you a solid theoretical understanding of the microservice concept.
All the code and supporting files for this course are available at - https://github.com/PacktPublishing/A-Beginner-s-Guide-to-a-Microservices-Architecture
• Easy-to-follow overview of the microservice architecture
• Understand the requirements for cloud-native applications
• Real-life industry case studies
Idan Gabrieli
Idan Gabrieli is an experienced solution engineer manager (B.Sc. and MBA) with a comprehensive technical background in a variety of technologies. Idan has worked with hundreds of business companies worldwide while helping to transform business challenges, requirements, and opportunities into practical use cases. As part of his passion for sharing his years of experience and knowledge, he created multiple online courses on a variety of topics while teaching thousands of students worldwide.
0. Websites you may like/How you can help our Group!.txt
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01.Getting Started/0101.Why Microservices.mp4
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01.Getting Started/0102.Welcome!.mp4
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01.Getting Started/0103.Course Objectives and Structure.mp4
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02.Monolithic Applications/0201.Overview.mp4
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02.Monolithic Applications/0202.What is a Monolithic Application.mp4