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Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.11 Continuous Integration Best Practices.html 112 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.11 Running Containerized Microservices on AWS.html 151 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.12 Become an IAM Policy Master.html 109 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.12 Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures.html 158 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.13 Getting Started With Docker.html 104 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.13 Running Containerized Microservices on AWS.html 151 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.14 Continuous Integration Best Practices.html 112 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.14 VPC Fundamentals & Connectivity Options.html 104 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.15 BlueGreen Deployments on AWS.html 128 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.15 VPC Fundamentals & Connectivity Options.html 104 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.16 Practicing CI CD on AWS.html 169 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.16 Serverless Architecture Patterns & Best Practices.html 104 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.2 Docker on AWS Running Containers in the Cloud.html 115 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.2 Introduction to DevOps on AWS.html 112 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.3 BlueGreen Deployments on AWS.html 128 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.3 Practicing CI CD on AWS.html 169 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.4 Introduction to DevOps on AWS.html 112 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.4 Serverless Architectures with Lambda.html 142 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.5 AWS Whitepapers.html 96 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.5 Serverless Architectures with Lambda.html 142 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.6 AWS Security Best Practices.html 138 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.6 Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures.html 158 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.7 Moving To DevOps The Amazon Way.html 112 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.8 AWS Whitepapers.html 96 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.8 Docker on AWS Running Containers in the Cloud.html 115 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.9 AWS Security Best Practices.html 138 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/11.9 Serverless Architecture Patterns & Best Practices.html 104 B 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/12. Section Summary.mp4 71.1 MB 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/12. Section Summary.vtt 13.7 KB 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/2. SQS Delay Queues & Large Messages.mp4 38.2 MB 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/2. SQS Delay Queues & Large Messages.vtt 6.3 KB 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/3. AWS CLI Pagination.mp4 45.5 MB 12. Updates Based On Student Feedback/3. 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