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Print To Console With Debug.Log().mp4 92.6 MB 2. Number Wizard - Basic C# Coding/2. Print To Console With Debug.Log().srt 19.7 KB 2. Number Wizard - Basic C# Coding/2.1 This Lecture's Discussions.html 169 B 2. Number Wizard - Basic C# Coding/2.2 Lecture Project Changes.html 172 B 2. Number Wizard - Basic C# Coding/3. Introducing Variables.mp4 69.3 MB 2. Number Wizard - Basic C# Coding/3. Introducing 13.3 KB 2. Number Wizard - Basic C# Coding/3.1 Lecture Project Changes.html 172 B 2. Number Wizard - Basic C# Coding/3.2 This Lecture's Discussions.html 169 B 2. Number Wizard - Basic C# Coding/4. Respond To Player Input.mp4 140.9 MB 2. Number Wizard - Basic C# Coding/4. Respond To Player 29.8 KB 2. Number Wizard - Basic C# Coding/4.1 Unity documents - KeyCode.DownArrow.html 124 B 2. Number Wizard - Basic C# Coding/4.2 This Lecture's Discussions.html 169 B 2. Number Wizard - Basic C# Coding/4.3 Unity documents - Input.html 112 B 2. 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