Filename Size 1. Introduction to Course/1. Way to Succeed in Photography What you will learn from this course.html 262 B 1. Introduction to Course/2. Warm welcome to this course!.mp4 7.2 MB 1. Introduction to Course/3. Why we like photography.mp4 4.9 MB 1. Introduction to Course/4. Activity # Write Down Top 5 Reasons why you like photography.html 327 B 10. Deep analysis on Lenses - which lens you should buy/1. Chart Know your lens.html 329 B 10. Deep analysis on Lenses - which lens you should buy/2. Chart DSLR Lens Analysis.html 300 B 10. Deep analysis on Lenses - which lens you should buy/3. Special Purpose Lens.html 325 B 10. Deep analysis on Lenses - which lens you should buy/4. Benefits of prime lens.html 735 B 10. Deep analysis on Lenses - which lens you should buy/5. Chart Lens market share.html 499 B 10. Deep analysis on Lenses - which lens you should buy/6. Nikon Lens Terms.html 2.8 KB 10. Deep analysis on Lenses - which lens you should buy/7. Canon Lens Terms.html 4.9 KB 11. Analysis on Filter & Stabilization/1. Type of filter Which one do you need.html 262 B 11. Analysis on Filter & Stabilization/2. Polarization Filter When to use.html 780 B 11. Analysis on Filter & Stabilization/3. Use of Polarization filter # Darken The Sky.html 375 B 11. Analysis on Filter & Stabilization/4. Use of Polarization filter # Avoid reflection.html 364 B 11. Analysis on Filter & Stabilization/5. Neutral Density (ND) Filter When to use.html 521 B 11. Analysis on Filter & Stabilization/6. Use of ND filter # Waterfall.html 459 B 11. Analysis on Filter & Stabilization/7. When you should use Tripod.html 303 B 11. Analysis on Filter & Stabilization/8. If you do not have a tripod.html 507 B 12. Long exposure photography/1. Introduction to Long Exposure Photography.html 1.3 KB 12. Long exposure photography/2. ND filter guide for Long Exposure Shots.html 262 B 12. Long exposure photography/3. What equipment needed for Long Exposure Shots.html 364 B 12. Long exposure photography/4. Analysis # 1 Long Exposure Shot.html 361 B 12. Long exposure photography/5. Analysis # 2 Long Exposure Shot.html 371 B 12. Long exposure photography/6. Analysis # 3 Long Exposure Shot.html 355 B 12. Long exposure photography/7. Tips for better Long Exposure Shot.html 264 B 13. Photo Editing in Photoshop/1. Create a Vintage Looking Image with Photoshop.mp4 9.2 MB 13. Photo Editing in Photoshop/2. Create Black and White with Warm Tone.mp4 6.2 MB 13. Photo Editing in Photoshop/3. Color Pop in Photoshop.mp4 9.9 MB 13. Photo Editing in Photoshop/4. Sharpen in Photoshop.mp4 4.3 MB 13. Photo Editing in Photoshop/5. How to Create a Simple Matte Effect in Photoshop.mp4 4.8 MB 13. Photo Editing in Photoshop/6. Add Reflections to Sunglasses with Photoshop.mp4 13.1 MB 13. Photo Editing in Photoshop/7. How to Create HDR Effects in Photoshop.mp4 6.6 MB 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/1. How picture taking process works inside DSLR.mp4 3.2 MB 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/10. Summary What is Aperture Depth of Field explained.html 1.3 KB 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/11. Demonstration Aperture & Depth of Field.html 357 B 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/12. Understanding Shutter Speed.mp4 6 MB 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/13. Summary What is Shutter Speed.html 2.8 KB 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/14. Cheat Sheet Shutter Speed and It's use cases.html 262 B 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/15. Chart Sensor Size of Various Camera.html 565 B 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/16. Deep understanding on APS-C.mp4 2.7 MB 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/17. Chart APS-C.html 729 B 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/18. Chart Creative Mode Dial.html 784 B 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/19. Chart Parts of a DSLR (Nikon view).html 262 B 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/2. Summary How picture taking process works inside DSLR.html 673 B 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/20. Chart Parts of DSLR (Canon view).html 262 B 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/21. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples.html 134 B 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/3. How view finder works.mp4 2.4 MB 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/4. Summary How viewfinder works inside DSLR.html 795 B 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/5. Why you should shoot in RAW format.mp4 3.7 MB 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/6. Summary Why you should shoot in RAW format.html 1.3 KB 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/7. What is ISO.mp4 3 MB 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/8. Summary What is ISO.html 1.7 KB 2. Photography Basics - Understand with easy and funny examples/9. What is Aperture.mp4 2.8 MB 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/1. What you will learn # Mastering Lighting in Photography.html 359 B 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/10. Summary # Photography at Golden Hour.html 747 B 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/11. Check Lists for Photography in Golden Hour.html 669 B 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/12. Assignment # Photography at Golden Hour.html 259 B 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/13. Photography at Golden Hour.html 136 B 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/14. Understanding direction of light.mp4 5.6 MB 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/15. Summary # Understanding direction of light.html 1.3 KB 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/16. 9 important points about light in Photography.html 1.4 KB 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/17. Reflector to shoot amazing photos.html 1.4 KB 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/18. Cheat Sheet Reflector.html 334 B 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/19. Diffuser to get rid of harsh light and harsh shadows.html 566 B 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/2. Why Lighting important in Photography.html 940 B 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/20. Top things you learned # Mastering Lighiting in Photography.html 681 B 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/3. Understanding Natural Light.mp4 5.5 MB 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/4. Summary # Understanding natural light.html 2.1 KB 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/5. Problems to shoot photo in Midday (Highest Contrast Light).html 552 B 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/6. Photography at Blue Hour.mp4 6.7 MB 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/7. Summary # Photography at Blue Hour.html 1.5 KB 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/8. Check Lists for Photography in Blue Hour.html 322 B 3. Mastering Lighting in Photography - Shoot Amazing Photos/9. Photography at Golden Hour.mp4 7.5 MB 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/1. What you will learn # Mastering Macro Photography.html 540 B 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/10. Summary Larger Depth of Field to get more detail.html 1.5 KB 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/11. Focusing rail to save time & perfect the focus.mp4 3.7 MB 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/12. Summary Use a focusing rail to save time & perfect the focus.html 1.2 KB 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/13. Use manual focus instead of auto focus.mp4 5.4 MB 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/14. Summary Use manual focus instead of auto focus.html 1.5 KB 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/15. Diffuser Umbrella for better macro shots.html 809 B 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/16. Wind Killer of Macro Photos.html 551 B 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/17. Macro targeted Flash.html 936 B 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/18. Better Tripod to get rid of bluriness.html 560 B 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/19. Higher ISO; Reason for Noisy & Grainy Photo.html 502 B 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/2. What is Macro Photography.html 442 B 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/20. Top things you learned # Mastering Macro Photography.html 356 B 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/3. Benefits of Macro Photography.mp4 2.5 MB 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/4. Summary Benefits of Macro photography.html 2.5 KB 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/5. Top 10 Inspirational Macro Shots.mp4 5.9 MB 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/6. Focus staking # To increase apparent depth of field.html 899 B 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/7. Live view to get Sharp & Crispy Image.mp4 2.1 MB 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/8. Summary Live View to get sharp & chrispy image.html 1.3 KB 4. Shoot cool Macro Photos/9. Larger depth of field to get more detail.mp4 4.3 MB 5. Become pro in Black and White Photography/1. What you will learn # Mastering Black and White Photography.html 290 B 5. Become pro in Black and White Photography/10. Summary # Cool tips for black & white photography.html 2.9 KB 5. Become pro in Black and White Photography/11. Top 10 inspirational Black & White Shots.mp4 4.7 MB 5. Become pro in Black and White Photography/12. Assignment Mastering Black & White Photography.html 178 B 5. Become pro in Black and White Photography/13. Check Lists for Black & White Photography.html 2.8 KB