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Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform With SEO (2 Projects)
All the torrents in this section have been verified by our verification system
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/1. Introduction to OOP.mp4
9.1 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/10. Autoloading.mp4
10.8 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/11. Inheritance (extends, parent).mp4
28.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/12. Overriding methods.mp4
11.6 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/13. Abstract classes (part one).mp4
34.6 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/14. Abstract classes (part two).mp4
25 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/15. Interface (part one).mp4
18.2 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/16. Interface (part two).mp4
26.9 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/17. Polymorphism.mp4
27.7 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/18. Traits (part one).mp4
35.4 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/19. Traits (part two).mp4
23.1 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/2. Classes and properties.mp4
12.2 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/20. Exception (try, catch, finally).mp4
14.6 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/3. Classes and methods.mp4
14.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/4. Magic methods (construct).mp4
15.4 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/5. Magic methods (toString, default arguments, typehinting).mp4
21.4 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/6. Public and private visibility.mp4
26.7 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/7. Encapsulation (accessors, mutators).mp4
24.1 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/8. Static properties and methods.mp4
24.7 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/9. Namespace (use, as keywords).mp4
17.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/1. Object Oriented Programming/Must Read.txt
540 B
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/1. About course update.html
2.7 KB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/10. Using different database table for Models.mp4
21.4 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/11. Route parameters, showing full blog.mp4
29.1 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/12. App name, redirect after login and register and navigation.mp4
24.4 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/13. Blog update using patch method.mp4
49.8 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/14. Blog delete using delete method.mp4
23.5 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/15. Laravel Mix to compile multiple css files.mp4
36.8 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/16. Send blogs to trash and retrieve using SoftDeletes trait.mp4
50.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/17. Restore blogs from trash.mp4
18.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/18. Permanently delete blog from trash.mp4
16.8 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/19. Creating database seeder for user roles.mp4
24.5 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/2. Installation, Routes and Views.mp4
29.2 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/20. Adding role_id field to the existing users table.mp4
36.8 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/21. User Role relationship using eloquent relationship.mp4
13.8 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/22. Creating admin page.mp4
34.2 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/23. Creating middleware for admin.mp4
40.4 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/24. Controller level middleware.mp4
10.1 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/25. Faker and factory to create fake data.mp4
31.6 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/26. Categories model and migration.mp4
9.7 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/27. Categories seeder.mp4
17.4 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/28. Pivot table for blogs and categories.mp4
6.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/29. BelongsToMany relationship between blogs and categories.mp4
7.6 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/3. Generating and understanding authentication.mp4
41 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/30. Using resource to create controller and route.mp4
12.9 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/31. Display categories.mp4
9.7 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/32. Creating categories.mp4
33.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/33. Categories edit and show page.mp4
34.7 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/34. Categories update and delete.mp4
16.5 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/35. Choose categories while creating blog.mp4
21.4 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/36. Sync categories with blog.mp4
26.9 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/37. Display blog categories.mp4
26.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/38. Sync categories during blog update.mp4
12.4 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/39. Show current categories as checked.mp4
8.6 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/4. Creaing a model and migration.mp4
11.1 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/40. Show unused categories unchecked.mp4
102.1 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/41. Adding featured image to blogs table.mp4
15.7 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/42. Upload featured Image while creating blog.mp4
31.5 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/43. Display uploaded image.mp4
17.9 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/44. How and why work on SEO.mp4
19.2 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/45. Modify blog migration for SEO meta content.mp4
17.5 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/46. Create slug, meta title and description.mp4
17.6 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/47. Showing meta title and meta description.mp4
22.6 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/48. Showing dynamic meta title and description.mp4
71.4 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/49. View composers to share data to multiple views.mp4
15.7 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/5. Seeding database using php artisan tinker.mp4
7.7 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/50. View composer - show blog count in the nav bar.mp4
40.1 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/51. TinyMCE rich text editor for creating blogs.mp4
23.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/52. Implement file manager.mp4
39.2 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/53. Blogs draft or published status.mp4
26.6 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/54. Meta dynamic issue from partials.mp4
17.8 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/55. Show published and draft blogs.mp4
19.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/56. Toggle the blog status to publish and draft.mp4
32.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/57. Let logged in user create blog.mp4
129.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/58. Conditionally show admin author and subscriber link.mp4
92.1 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/59. Author middleware.mp4
129 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/6. Creating route, controller and passing variables to the view.mp4
26.9 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/60. Single dashboard for Admin Author and Subscriber.mp4
145.8 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/61. Show all users.mp4
65.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/62. User role update and delete.mp4
148.9 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/63. User profile show user blogs.mp4
127.5 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/64. Replace URL id's with Slug.mp4
83.1 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/65. Validation and error messaging.mp4
101.6 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/66. Flash messages using session.mp4
76.9 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/67. App Improvements - style and forms.mp4
105.6 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/68. Featured Image update.mp4
152.7 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/69. Blog image and excerpt.mp4
102.8 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/7. Extending blade template.mp4
17.4 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/70. Only admin and author can edit delete blog.mp4
72.4 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/71. Disqus commenting system.mp4
68.3 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/72. Signup with Mailtrap.mp4
97 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/73. Mass email on new blog post.mp4
181.1 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/8. Submitting Form Data, Request Class, Type Hinting, Named Routes & CSRF.mp4
29.6 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/2. Multi User Blogging Platform Rebuild with Laravel 5.6/9. Saving a blog to database.mp4
18.7 MB
Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)/ReadMe.txt