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By : Tomasz Lelek Released : November 30, 2018 Torrent Contains : 79 Files, 1 Folders Caption (CC) : Included Course Source : https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/apache-spark-tips-tricks-techniques-video
Discover proven techniques to create testable, immutable, and easily parallelizable Spark jobs
Video Details
ISBN 9781789801125 Course Length 2 hours 26 minutes
Table of Contents
• Transformations and Actions • Immutable Design • Avoid Shuffle and Reduce Operational Expenses • Saving Data in the Correct Format • Working with Spark Key/Value API • Testing Apache Spark Jobs • Leveraging Spark GraphX API
• Compose Spark jobs from actions and transformations • Create highly concurrent Spark programs by leveraging immutability • Ways to avoid the most expensive operation in the Spark API—Shuffle • How to save data for further processing by picking the proper data format saved by Spark • Parallelize keyed data; learn of how to use Spark's Key/Value API • Re-design your jobs to use reduceByKey instead of groupBy • Create robust processing pipelines by testing Apache Spark jobs • Solve repeated problems by leveraging the GraphX API
Apache Spark has been around for quite some time, but do you really know how to get the most out of Spark? This course aims at giving you new possibilities; you will explore many aspects of Spark, some you may have never heard of and some you never knew existed.
In this course you'll learn to implement some practical and proven techniques to improve particular aspects of programming and administration in Apache Spark. You will explore 7 sections that will address different aspects of Spark via 5 specific techniques with clear instructions on how to carry out different Apache Spark tasks with hands-on experience. The techniques are demonstrated using practical examples and best practices.
By the end of this course, you will have learned some exciting tips, best practices, and techniques with Apache Spark. You will be able to perform tasks and get the best data out of your databases much faster and with ease.
All the code and supporting files for this course are available on Github at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Apache-Spark-Tips-Tricks-Techniques
Style and Approach
This step-by-step and fast-paced guide will help you learn different techniques you can use to optimize your testing time, speed, and results with a practical approach, take your skills to the next level, and get you up-and-running with Spark.
• Speed up your Spark jobs by reducing shuffles • Leverage the Key/Value API in your big data processing to make your jobs work faster with lower network traffic • Test Spark jobs using the unit, integration, and end-to-end techniques to make your data pipeline robust and bullet proof
Tomasz Lelek
Tomasz Lelek is a software engineer who programs mostly in Java and Scala. He has worked with the core Java language for the past six years. He has developed multiple production Java software projects that work in a reactive way. He is passionate about nearly everything associated with software development and believes that we should always try to consider different solutions and approaches before solving a problem. Recently, he was a speaker at conferences in Poland, at JDD (Java Developers Day), and at Krakow Scala User Group. He has also conducted a live coding session at Geecon Conference. He is a co-founder of initLearn, an e-learning platform that was built with the Java language. He has also written articles about everything related to the Java world.
0. Websites you may like/How you can help Team-FTU.txt
229 B
1. The Course Overview.mp4
14.6 MB
1. The Course Overview.vtt
2.2 KB
10. Immutability in the Highly Concurrent Environment.mp4
49.6 MB
10. Immutability in the Highly Concurrent Environment.vtt
4.6 KB
11. Using Dataset API in an Immutable Way.mp4
18.7 MB
11. Using Dataset API in an Immutable Way.vtt
2.7 KB
12. Detecting a Shuffle in a Processing.mp4
45.1 MB
12. Detecting a Shuffle in a Processing.vtt
4.7 KB
13. Testing Operations That Cause Shuffle in Apache Spark.mp4
44.2 MB
13. Testing Operations That Cause Shuffle in Apache Spark.vtt
4.6 KB
14. Changing Design of Jobs with Wide Dependencies.mp4
33.1 MB
14. Changing Design of Jobs with Wide Dependencies.vtt
3.3 KB
15. Using keyBy() Operations to Reduce Shuffle.mp4
38 MB
15. Using keyBy() Operations to Reduce Shuffle.vtt
3.8 KB
16. Using Custom Partitioner to Reduce Shuffle.mp4
33.7 MB
16. Using Custom Partitioner to Reduce Shuffle.vtt
3.8 KB
17. Saving Data in Plain Text.mp4
49 MB
17. Saving Data in Plain Text.vtt
5.2 KB
18. Leveraging JSON as a Data Format.mp4
42.3 MB
18. Leveraging JSON as a Data Format.vtt
4.4 KB
19. Tabular Formats – CSV.mp4
40.8 MB
19. Tabular Formats – CSV.vtt
3.6 KB
2. Using Spark Transformations to Defer Computations to a Later Time.mp4
42.6 MB
2. Using Spark Transformations to Defer Computations to a Later Time.vtt
4.7 KB
20. Using Avro with Spark.mp4
41.7 MB
20. Using Avro with Spark.vtt
4.6 KB
21. Columnar Formats – Parquet.mp4
27.3 MB
21. Columnar Formats – Parquet.vtt
4.1 KB
22. Available Transformations on KeyValue Pairs.mp4
44.4 MB
22. Available Transformations on KeyValue Pairs.vtt
4.2 KB
23. Using aggregateByKey Instead of groupBy.mp4
62.4 MB
23. Using aggregateByKey Instead of groupBy.vtt
4.8 KB
24. Actions on KeyValue Pairs.mp4
38 MB
24. Actions on KeyValue Pairs.vtt
3.2 KB
25. Available Partitioners on KeyValue Data.mp4
55 MB
25. Available Partitioners on KeyValue Data.vtt
4.3 KB
26. Implementing Custom Partitioner.mp4
52.3 MB
26. Implementing Custom Partitioner.vtt
5 KB
27. Separating Logic from Spark Engine – Unit Testing.mp4
37.2 MB
27. Separating Logic from Spark Engine – Unit Testing.vtt
4.2 KB
28. Integration Testing Using SparkSession.mp4
42.1 MB
28. Integration Testing Using SparkSession.vtt
3.6 KB
29. Mocking Data Sources Using Partial Functions.mp4
48.2 MB
29. Mocking Data Sources Using Partial Functions.vtt
4.2 KB
3. Avoiding Transformations.mp4
40.2 MB
3. Avoiding Transformations.vtt
3.9 KB
30. Using ScalaCheck for Property-Based Testing.mp4
47 MB
30. Using ScalaCheck for Property-Based Testing.vtt
3.8 KB
31. Testing in Different Versions of Spark.mp4
33.8 MB
31. Testing in Different Versions of Spark.vtt
3.7 KB
32. Creating Graph from Datasource.mp4
31 MB
32. Creating Graph from Datasource.vtt
3.4 KB
33. Using Vertex API.mp4
64.2 MB
33. Using Vertex API.vtt
4.5 KB
34. Using Edge API.mp4
38.9 MB
34. Using Edge API.vtt
3 KB
35. Calculate Degree of Vertex.mp4
44.3 MB
35. Calculate Degree of Vertex.vtt
3.8 KB
36. Calculate Page Rank.mp4
46.6 MB
36. Calculate Page Rank.vtt
4.3 KB
37. Test Your Knowledge.html
167 B
4. Using reduce and reduceByKey to Calculate Results.mp4
60.4 MB
4. Using reduce and reduceByKey to Calculate Results.vtt
5.2 KB
5. Performing Actions That Trigger Computations.mp4
65.2 MB
5. Performing Actions That Trigger Computations.vtt