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By : Lasha Krikheli Released : 29 Apr 2019 (New Release!) Torrent Contains : 40 Files, 8 Folders Course Source : https://www.packtpub.com/web-development/learning-react-video
Build beautiful, modern, and modularized UIs with React’s latest version
Video Details
ISBN 9781789612684 Course Length 2 hours 33 minutes
Table of Contents
• Introduction to the World of React • Dive into Interactive React Apps • Modular React Components and Shared State • Multi-Page React Apps with React Router • Fetch Data from Third-Party APIs • Prepare and Deploy React Apps to Production
• Build interactive and responsive components. • Build multi-page web apps with URL routing. • Use third-party APIs, Libraries, and React components to boost productivity. • Master different ways to quickly prototype and experiment in React. • Manage the state of components and web apps. • Use React dev tools to help debug and optimize your code during development. • Deploy React apps to production.
Want to make the process of building modular, reusable user interface components simple and intuitive? React.js is the answer, with its Learn Once, Write Anywhere approach. This course will help you understand the power behind this approach and build beautiful, modern, and modularized UIs with React’s latest version.
This course will cover all of the React.js basics such as its API, which will help you create elements and components; the virtual DOM and the JSX syntax extension; using state; working with browser events; and component lifecycle methods. You will build an application from scratch throughout the course and use the knowledge you've gained in a practical way. You will also learn to update various elements of a site or application seamlessly without delay, without disrupting the rest of the display or requiring the user to refresh. Also, get introduced to the new concept of hooks.. Finally, you will work with a server API to persist data using local storage.?(Note that we use Node.js 10.13.0 for this course, which will run successfully with the React features we cover.)
By the end of the course, you will be fully capable of using ReactJ.js tools to build several UI elements, making them reactive to user input, and extending your knowledge of DOM manipulation to customize your own UIs in the future.
The Github repo for this course is:? https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Learning-React
Style and Approach
We start from scratch, learning about what React is and how it’s different from traditional JavaScript development via the DOM. Lessons start with simple one-off components to demonstrate and practice using the concepts and features of React. We then move on to combining and nesting multiple components on a single page, and sharing data between components. Once we’re able to manipulate sample datasets, we'll start pulling in data from third-party APIs and then add URL routing to create a dynamic multi-page application. These will reflect real-world scenarios. Our goal is to gradually build our confidence and knowledge in working with a React application environment
• Understand the core concepts involved in thinking and structuring code in React. • Jump straight into any React project. • Use tools and resources to accomplish your goals.
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237 B
1. Introduction to the World of React_/01.The Course Overview.mp4
39.5 MB
1. Introduction to the World of React_/02.Thinking in React.mp4
29.6 MB
1. Introduction to the World of React_/03.Start Using React Right away.mp4
17.4 MB
1. Introduction to the World of React_/04.Local React Dev Environment Setup with create-react-app.mp4
18 MB
1. Introduction to the World of React_/05.Building Our First Custom React Component.mp4
319.7 MB
1. Introduction to the World of React_/06.Using State and Conditional Rendering in JSX.mp4
167.6 MB
1. Introduction to the World of React_/07.Using React Dev Tools to Help Build and Debug Our Apps.mp4
50.6 MB
2. Dive into Interactive React Apps_/08.Handle Mouse, Keyboard, Form, and Browser Events.mp4
300.2 MB
2. Dive into Interactive React Apps_/09.Basic Form Validation.mp4
156.4 MB
2. Dive into Interactive React Apps_/10.Create a Shopping List Component.mp4
136.4 MB
2. Dive into Interactive React Apps_/11.Persist Shopping List State with Local Storage.mp4
161.6 MB
3. Modular React Components and Shared State_/12.Overview -Mini Address Book App.mp4
2.4 MB
3. Modular React Components and Shared State_/13.Use Stateful and Stateless Components to Build UIs.mp4
12.6 MB
3. Modular React Components and Shared State_/14.Pass Props Down to Nested Components.mp4
10.1 MB
3. Modular React Components and Shared State_/15.Update Parent Component State from a Child Component.mp4
8.9 MB
3. Modular React Components and Shared State_/16.Persist Address Book State with Local Storage.mp4
12.6 MB
3. Modular React Components and Shared State_/17.Intro to Hooks.mp4
9 MB
3. Modular React Components and Shared State_/18.Implement the useState and useEffect.mp4