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Imperator Rome - Deluxe Edition [v 1.0.2]
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Звуковая плата: Аудиокарта, совместимая с DirectX® 9.0с
Графический ускоритель: 2048 Mb, OpenGL 3.0
Свободное место на HDD: 4 GbImperator: Rome – это новейшая масштабная стратегия от Paradox Development Studio. Игра охватывает несколько неспокойных веков, начиная с раздела империи Александра Македонского на востоке и заканчивая основанием Римской империи, и предлагает вам испытать все радости и тяготы становления новой империи в классическую эпоху. Управляйте гражданами, остерегайтесь предателей и горячо почитайте богов.
Update v1.0.2ЦитатаКто-то писал: Below you can find the CHANGELOG:
- Fixed not being able to take adjacent provinces in peace deals
- Fixed crash relating to reloading active combats in Ironman save
- Fixed achievements not unlocking properly. This affects "Cincinnatus", "The Besieger", "Pax Aeterna", "Antipater's Dream", "To the End of the World" and "The Man who would be King"
# Gamebalance
- Tweaked Mercenaries to be less numerous and a bit more spread out.
- Country Capital now has one extra building slot.
- Fortifications in capitals are now normal buildings, and not something that magically appear. First level is still free.
# AI
- Fixed disloyal generals being overly helpful and attacking enemy armies.
- Fixed AI not attacking rebels/barbarians.
- Fixed reserve objective behaving rather offensively.
- Reworked AI reconnaissance objective to patrol on borders rather than around a point.
- Army and fort maintenance is auto set to normal maintenance on outbreak of war.
# Interface
- Fix to naval combat interface martial skill icon overlap.
- Fixed top-right corner of topbar visually overlapping score indicator.
- Added truces to diplomatic mapmode.
- Tweaked Combat Prediction Indicator to be more accurate.
- Adjusted default UI scaling.
- Tactics view is now scrollable when it needs to be.
# Performance
- Optimized daily tick to reduce stuttering.
- Added option to run a benchmark. Use the launch options with ‘-benchmark’ to run a ~4 minute benchmark, testing GPU & CPU.
# Bugfixes
- The game will no longer resend all diplomatic messages to the player that has been saved, each time the game is loaded.
- You now get new inventions when you get new technology from events, unit abilities and other effects.
- Fixed Out of Syncs related to siege & combat.
- Fixed wrong type of apostrophe being used in English version.
- Barbarians no longer have "TRIBE" in their name.
- Fixed issue where mapicons were showing invalid state (such as ended combat or sieges) after a peace deal.
- Fixed rare crash if province was no longer owned while trying to build a fort.
- Fixed rare crash related to events.
- Saving now happens on a background thread, shows a message and will pause the game in multiplayer.
- Disabled pause menu interaction when saving.
- Fixed bug where in some cases a 'zero' navy or army could exist
- Game will now calculate surplus before removing extra trade routes, to prevent incorrectly removing a trade route.
- Can no longer remove disloyal commanders from their armies
- Combat dice rolls are between 1 and 6 now instead of 0 and 5
- Fixed bug where in some cases a 'zero' navy or army could exist.
- Fixed case where country name would contain unlocalized text.
- Fixed potential crash when returning to lobby in multiplayer.
- Fixed potential crash when unit constructions finishes.
- Permanent province Modifiers will no longer be removed on conquest.
- Stopped the Pharos Lighthouse event chain from occasionally concluding prematurely.
- Updated localization in French, Chinese, Spanish and Russian.
- Fixed party conviction being several magnitudes too large when loading an ironman save.
- Fixed incorrect popup when guarantee is upgraded to alliance.
- Fixed bug where clan chiefs could sometimes have count for more than one.
- Fixed bug where provinces couldn't be searched for when playing with Russian or Chinese language.
- Various fixes to the Paradox account creation interface.
- Fixed searching for lobbies in lobby browser menu
- Fixed ‘november’ crash due to not enough threads available for processing
- Fixed startup crash on windows 7
- Mare Nostrum achievement no longer requires a small part of the northern Spanish coast.
- Fixed bug with barbarian removal in impassables for minor and major spawn points.
- Fix potential oos caused by imprisoning dead characters.
- Fixed bug where the decision to form Kushan did not properly check the current tier of a country
- Forming Cyprus now requires you to be suitably small.
- Fixed ironman permitting different mods when loading save.
- Corrected monthly manpower gain calculations.Особенности ИгрыУПРАВЛЕНИЕ ПЕРСОНАЖАМИ
Живой мир игры полон персонажей, обладающих различными навыками и чертами, которые меняются с течением времени. Они возглавляют вашу страну, управляют провинциями, командуют вашей армией и флотом и при этом наделены новой, более реалистичной внешностью.
Горожане, свободные граждане, дикари и рабы — у каждой из этих групп своя культура и религия. Чем бы они ни занимались — сражались в вашей армии, пополняли вашу казну или населяли ваши колонии, — следите за их настроением, ведь от него зависит ваш успех.
Каждая нация воюет по-своему. У римлян и кельтов различные боевые возможности, уникальные преимущества, способности и боевые единицы. Чтобы сорвать коварные планы противника, тщательно планируйте свои действия ещё до начала сражения.Особенности RePackОсновноеУстанови и играй!
За основу взята лицензия Steam (ID: 859580)
Версия игры: v1.0.2
EN/RU Инсталлер
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Качество аудио 100%
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14.05.19 - Торрент обновлен. Игра обновлена до версии v1.0.2