Filename Size 1. Chapter 1/1. Introduction.mp4 56.8 MB 1. Chapter 1/1. Introduction.vtt 4 KB 1. Chapter 1/1.1 Derrick's Book List.html 103 B 1. Chapter 1/1.2 Download Exercise Files.html 98 B 1. Chapter 1/1.3 Bonus Resources.html 102 B 1. Chapter 1/1.4 Join Our Facebook Group!.html 114 B 2. Programs and Projects/1. This one app will completely change your approach to design so let's start here!.mp4 281.4 MB 2. Programs and Projects/1. This one app will completely change your approach to design so let's start here!.vtt 18.4 KB 2. Programs and Projects/1.1 Download Adobe Capture.html 104 B 2. Programs and Projects/10. Changing product colors and adding variations.mp4 38.9 MB 2. Programs and Projects/10. Changing product colors and adding variations.vtt 5.2 KB 2. Programs and Projects/10.1 05 Beanie Color 61.4 MB 2. Programs and Projects/11. Fractal.mp4 151.6 MB 2. Programs and Projects/11. Fractal.vtt 16.9 KB 2. Programs and Projects/11.1 06 Fractal 241.5 MB 2. Programs and Projects/12. Trendy Photoshop dispersion effect for images and text.mp4 216.7 MB 2. Programs and Projects/12. Trendy Photoshop dispersion effect for images and text.vtt 24.7 KB 2. Programs and Projects/12.1 07 Dispersion 197.6 MB 2. Programs and Projects/13. How to Create a Book Cover.mp4 180.1 MB 2. Programs and Projects/13. How to Create a Book Cover.vtt 25.1 KB 2. Programs and Projects/13.1 08 Book 1.8 MB 2. Programs and Projects/2. Download Adobe Capture, create an asset, and share it..html 159 B 2. Programs and Projects/3. Product Photography for Instagram Introduction.mp4 62.6 MB 2. Programs and Projects/3. Product Photography for Instagram Introduction.vtt 3.6 KB 2. Programs and Projects/3.1 01 Knife 508.6 MB 2. Programs and Projects/4. Lightroom for social media and product photography, part 1 Importing and Rating.mp4 263.1 MB 2. Programs and Projects/4. Lightroom for social media and product photography, part 1 Importing and Rating.vtt 20.6 KB 2. Programs and Projects/5. Lightroom for social media, part 2 Developing & round-tripping with Photoshop.mp4 327.9 MB 2. Programs and Projects/5. Lightroom for social media, part 2 Developing & round-tripping with Photoshop.vtt 28.2 KB 2. Programs and Projects/6. Pixel-perfect selections Isolating your product with the pen tool.mp4 346.8 MB 2. Programs and Projects/6. Pixel-perfect selections Isolating your product with the pen tool.vtt 27 KB 2. Programs and Projects/6.1 02 Knife 76.4 MB 2. Programs and Projects/7. Create reflections in Photoshop.mp4 181.6 MB 2. Programs and Projects/7. Create reflections in Photoshop.vtt 21.5 KB 2. Programs and Projects/7.1 03 Knife 142.7 MB 2. Programs and Projects/8. How to see exactly what fonts are being used on a web page.mp4 18.2 MB 2. Programs and Projects/8. How to see exactly what fonts are being used on a web page.vtt 1.5 KB 2. Programs and Projects/8.1 WhatFont App.html 83 B 2. Programs and Projects/8.2 WhatFont Chrome Extension.html 150 B 2. Programs and Projects/9. Web Slider Ad.mp4 298 MB 2. Programs and Projects/9. Web Slider Ad.vtt 31.9 KB 2. Programs and Projects/9.1 04 Knife Web 121.3 MB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/1. Books.mp4 99.6 MB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/1. Books.vtt 7.1 KB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/1.1 Derrick's Book List.html 102 B 3. How to be a better graphic designer/2. Online recources.mp4 28.5 MB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/2. Online recources.vtt 1.9 KB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/2.1 Resources for Graphic Designers and Freelancers.html 103 B 3. How to be a better graphic designer/3. Be a problem solver.mp4 101.5 MB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/3. Be a problem solver.vtt 6.2 KB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/4. Using stock art and templates.mp4 66 MB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/4. Using stock art and templates.vtt 4.3 KB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/5. Creative Ways to Work With Stock Art and Templates.mp4 86.5 MB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/5. Creative Ways to Work With Stock Art and Templates.vtt 13.8 KB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/5.1 09 Working With Stock 2.2 MB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/6. Confidence.mp4 64.7 MB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/6. Confidence.vtt 4.2 KB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/7. Continuity.mp4 64.6 MB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/7. Continuity.vtt 9.1 KB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/8. Creativity.mp4 179.1 MB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/8. Creativity.vtt 12.3 KB 3. How to be a better graphic designer/8.1 Derrick's Book List.html 103 B 3. How to be a better graphic designer/8.2 Resources for Graphic Designers and Freelancers.html 103 B 4. Freelancing 101 The Business of Business/1. Introduction.mp4 61.9 MB 4. Freelancing 101 The Business of Business/1. Introduction.vtt 4.3 KB 4. Freelancing 101 The Business of Business/2. 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