Filename Size 1. Starters and Course Overview/1. What is this Course all about!!.mp4 34.9 MB 1. Starters and Course Overview/1. What is this Course all about!!.srt 2.2 KB 1. Starters and Course Overview/2. How to Study this course! In a Udemy-Technical-Sense !!.mp4 3.9 MB 1. Starters and Course Overview/2. How to Study this course! In a Udemy-Technical-Sense !!.srt 125 B 1. Starters and Course Overview/3. What is SOLIDWORKS!.html 734 B 1. Starters and Course Overview/4. Exploring the Benefits for SOLIDWORKS Certifications as a User!.html 663 B 1. Starters and Course Overview/5. The SOLIDWORKS Version(s) we are using for this course!! And other version info!.html 546 B 10. Other Projects/1. SustainabilityEdu Initiative.html 1.2 KB 10. Other Projects/2. The Complete Guide to Climate Change Course Trailer.mp4 12 MB 10. Other Projects/2. The Complete Guide to Climate Change Course 574 B 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/1. What is in this section! Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation.mp4 19.9 MB 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/1. What is in this section! Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and 985 B 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/2. Starting a New Part.mp4 2.2 MB 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/2. Starting a New 788 B 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/3. Know about the Command Bar, Canvas and Design Tree.mp4 7.1 MB 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/3. Know about the Command Bar, Canvas and Design 1.5 KB 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/3.1 The 3D Model we are using in the lecture_ SOLIDWORKS 2013.html 156 B 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/4. Adjusting the Document's Measurement Units.mp4 4.8 MB 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/4. Adjusting the Document's Measurement 1.1 KB 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/5. Utilizing the Mouse for More Efficient Models Control and Creation.mp4 8.2 MB 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/5. Utilizing the Mouse for More Efficient Models Control and 1.7 KB 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/5.1 The Model we are using at the lecture_ in SOLIDWORKS 2013.html 156 B 2. Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation/6. Section Conclusion Basic Interface and Navigation.html 810 B 3. Let's Start Sketching/1. What is in this Section! Lets Start Sketching.mp4 18.9 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/1. What is in this Section! Lets Start 905 B 3. Let's Start Sketching/10. SOLIDWORKS Applying Relations Automatically!! How does that work!.mp4 16.5 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/10. SOLIDWORKS Applying Relations Automatically!! How does that work!.srt 4.1 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/11. Knowing and Deleting Active Relations.mp4 10.4 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/11. Knowing and Deleting Active 2.6 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/11.1 The sketch we are using in this lecture_SOLIDWORKS 2013.html 145 B 3. Let's Start Sketching/12. Additional Lines Construction Lines and Center Lines.mp4 12.6 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/12. Additional Lines Construction Lines and Center 3 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/13. More Sketch Commands Mirror, Offset, Patterns and Trim.mp4 32 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/13. More Sketch Commands Mirror, Offset, Patterns and 7.9 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/14. EXERCISES on Sketching.... Practice, Practice, Practice..pdf 653.6 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/15. Teaser to the next Section GOING 3D.mp4 5.7 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/15. Teaser to the next Section GOING 1.1 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/15.1 The Sketch we used during this lecture.html 130 B 3. Let's Start Sketching/15.2 Going 3D_2015.PNG.PNG 45.9 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/16. Section Conclusion Let us Start Sketching.html 1.1 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/2. Select a Plane to Sketch on.mp4 7.6 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/2. Select a Plane to Sketch 2.4 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/3. WATCH OUT!! Always Link your Sketches to the Origin.mp4 2.8 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/3. WATCH OUT!! Always Link your Sketches to the 748 B 3. Let's Start Sketching/4. Sketching Basic Shapes Part 1 - Rectangles and Lines.mp4 17.6 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/4. Sketching Basic Shapes Part 1 - Rectangles and 4.7 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/5. Sketching Basic Shapes Part 2 - Circles, Arcs and Ellipses.mp4 14.8 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/5. Sketching Basic Shapes Part 2 - Circles, Arcs and 5.7 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/6. Using Dimensions (Distances) to Define Your Sketch.mp4 50.9 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/6. Using Dimensions (Distances) to Define Your 12.9 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/7. Yes, we can use Angles too!!.mp4 11 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/7. Yes, we can use Angles too!!.srt 2.6 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/8. Using Relations to Define your Sketch Part 1 - Between Lines and Points.mp4 40.2 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/8. Using Relations to Define your Sketch Part 1 - Between Lines and 10.2 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/9. Using Relations to Define Your Sketches Part 2 -Between Circles, Ellipses, Lines.mp4 57.6 MB 3. Let's Start Sketching/9. Using Relations to Define Your Sketches Part 2 -Between Circles, Ellipses, 12.7 KB 3. Let's Start Sketching/9.1 Relations Curves.PDF 38.1 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/1. What is in This Section! Lets Start Applying Basic Features!.mp4 21.5 MB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/1. What is in This Section! Lets Start Applying Basic Features!.srt 940 B 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/2. What are Features! Where do they Fall in Modelling!.html 501 B 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/3. Our First Features Extrude Boss, Cut Extrude, and Fillet.mp4 44.3 MB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/3. Our First Features Extrude Boss, Cut Extrude, and 10.2 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/3.1 Extrude Cut And Fillet.PNG 346.1 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/4. Let us Edit and Delete Features..mp4 25.8 MB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/4. Let us Edit and Delete 5.3 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/4.1 The model we used in the lecture!.html 142 B 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/5. Let us do Chamfers now.mp4 31 MB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/5. Let us do Chamfers 6.5 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/5.1 The model we used in the lecture!.html 142 B 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/6. Let us Practice our First Features!.mp4 42.5 MB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/6. Let us Practice our First Features!.srt 9.4 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/6.1 Practice Extrude And Chamfer Drawing.PNG 228.9 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/7. Design Priorities_ A point in Design Intent.mp4 32 MB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/7. Design Priorities_ A point in Design 7.1 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/7.1 Design Priority Centered.PNG 176.5 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/8. EXERCISES on Basic Features..... Practice, Practice, Practice.html 557 B 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/8.1 Basic Features EX MM.PDF 163.2 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/8.1 Basic Features_EX_Inches_Update 1.PDF.PDF 95.4 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/8.2 Basic Features EX MM.PDF 163.2 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/8.2 Basic Features_EX_Inches_Update 1.PDF.PDF 95.4 KB 4. Let's Start Applying Basic Features/9. Section Conclusion Let's Start Applying Basic Features!.html 1011 B 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/1. What is this Section! Let's Start Applying more Complex Features.mp4 17.2 MB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/1. What is this Section! Let's Start Applying more Complex 850 B 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/2. The Features Revolved Boss and Revolved Cut!.mp4 52.2 MB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/2. The Features Revolved Boss and Revolved Cut!.srt 12.1 KB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/2.1 Ball.JPG 971.6 KB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/2.2 Revolve And Revolve Cut!.JPG 1.1 MB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/3. The Features Swept Boss and Swept Cut.mp4 36.8 MB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/3. The Features Swept Boss and Swept 7.5 KB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/3.1 Sweep Boss And Cut.JPG 1.2 MB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/4. Reference Geometries Making new Planes other than Base Planes and faces!.mp4 65.9 MB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/4. Reference Geometries Making new Planes other than Base Planes and faces!.srt 12.8 KB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/4.1 Refrence Geometry Planes Drawing.JPG 1.2 MB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/5. The Features Lofted Boss and Lofted Cut.mp4 70.8 MB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/5. The Features Lofted Boss and Lofted 13.2 KB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/5.1 Loft.JPG 1.5 MB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/6. PRACTICE!! Let's Model Something that uses some of those Complex Features!.mp4 80.5 MB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/6. PRACTICE!! Let's Model Something that uses some of those Complex Features!.srt 14.7 KB 5. Let's Start Applying more Complex Features/6.1 Practice Sweep Refrence Planes Revolve.JPG 1.6 MB