Pandemic.The.Board.Game-DARKSiDERS Status: All the torrents in this section have been verified by our verification system Category: Games Infohash d7dd65ebc57a933da1f78ff094a7d7e421fa39b4 Size: 523.8 MB in 3 files Release Date(s): Torrent Release: 25-08-2018 by user mercs213 Swarm: 0 Seeds & 0 PeersVote: No votes yet.
DOWNLOAD THE LASEST PC GAMES AND UPDATES AT: - - h! - - - d A r K S i D e R s |--| .iSO GAMES SECTiON ========================= --[ PRESENTS ]--- ====================== ASCii BY: h! Pandemic.The.Board.Game-DARKSiDERS -[ RELEASE NFO ]- Product:: Pandemic: The Board Game | Developer:: Asmodee Digital | Publisher:: Asmodee Digital, Z-Man Games Genre:: Strategy, Simulation, Board Game Protection:: STEAM Number of Players:: Local-Multi Release Date:: 24.08.2018 Original Date:: 25.08.2018 Languages:: 16 Languages Packet Count:: 1 DiSC Supplier:: DS! Packer:: dadwithwings Cracker:: dadwithoputwings !! BTW, WE DONT ALLOW OUR .iSO's USED FURTHER, RiPS iNCLUDED !! -[ DESCRiPTiON ]- | As skilled members of a disease-fighting team, you | must keep four deadly diseases at bay while discovering their cures. Travel the world, treat infections, and find cures. You must work as a team to succeed. The clock is ticking as outbreaks and epidemics fuel the spreading plagues. Can you find... * ALSO KEEP EYE OUT ON OUR 0DAYS, LOTSA NEW ACTUALLY GOOD GAMES COMiN! * -[ ! NOTiCES ! ]- NOTHiNG TO NOTE BUT THE USUAL NOW ALSO REMEMBER TO BUY THiS GREAT GAME iF YOU LiKE iT! This is DEMO! -[ iNSTALL NFO ]- | 1. Unpack, Mount or Burn! | 2. Install! Copy crack to instal dir. (Or let our installer do it!) 3. DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND WATCH THE CRACKTRO ON DiSC!!(new soon!) 4. Play! AND Also, BUy ThiS GeM iF LikE eNoUGH! DEVs DeSeRVe SuPPORt! -[ GROUP iNFO! ]- | 13/06/2018 - DARKSiDERS iS LOOKiN FOR FRiENDLY AND MOTiVATED APPLiCANTS| -WE ARE MAiNLY AFTER SUPPLiERS WHO CAN SUPPLY US GAMES ON REGULAR BASiS AND APPS, SPECiALLY EXPENSiVE ONES LiKE FOR EXAMPLE CAD/CAM ETC, BUT SMALLER ONES TOO. -SUPPLiERS OF MOViES, ANiME, MUSiC, AND ESPECiALLY EBOOKS,MANGA iS +1! -CODERS -CRACKERS -GAME TRAiNEES !!!!!!!!!!!!! -RESPECTABLE AFFiL SiTES.. LOT iNTERESTED GETTiNG .Fi ONE! -=| CONTACT | =- `---------' You know where/how to find us. -[ DSiDE GREET ]- * TRSi - CRD - BEAN - DARKAUDiO - PRESCRiPTiON - wAx - KNOWN * * HOODLUM - JAVSiDERS - dbOOk - ANiHLS - ANiURL - AEROHOLiCS * * REGRET - DARKFLiX - HAiKU - BF * * TiTAN - MEGASOFT - iMPURE - TEXTMOD.ES * Personal greets: dEm NiNJAZ!! - !a9 - CxA - My weed dealer! Also greetings to all the ART & OLDSKOOL GROUPS out there! All who release Japanese stuff! - ASCii and iNSTALLER GFX - AGAiN OFC BY | | THE DYNAMiC DUO: !a9 & h! |--| Updated on: 27/07/2018
Filename Size darksiders.nfo 10.8 KB ds-pandemictheboardgame.iso 523.7 MB README!!!.txt 240 B
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