Filename Size Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/01A of 52 - Introduction & Preframes.mp3 11.7 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/01B of 52 - Introduction & Preframes.mp3 12.3 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/02A of 52 - Intro to Group Process and Training.mp3 14.9 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/02B of 52 - Intro to Group Process and Training.mp3 15.2 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/03A of 52 - Opening Metaphors, Negative Emotions.mp3 12.2 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/03B of 52 - Opening Metaphors, Negative Emotions.mp3 10.4 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/04A of 52 - Letting Go of Negative Emotions.mp3 12.2 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/04B of 52 - Letting Go of Negative Emotions.mp3 11.4 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/05 - The 4 Mat System (same tape, different rip).mp3 24.9 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/06A of 52 - Peripheral Vision, Milton Model Exercises.mp3 15.4 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/06B of 52 - Peripheral Vision, Milton Model Exercises.mp3 16 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/07A of 52 - Hypnotic Language, Voice Anchoring.mp3 12 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/07B of 52 - Hypnotic Language, Voice Anchoring.mp3 11.2 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/08A of 52 - Using Energy in Training.mp3 9.8 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/08B of 52 - Using Energy in Training.mp3 10.2 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/09A of 52 - Training in Satir Categories.mp3 12.4 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/09B of 52 - Satir Categories & Rhythm in Training.mp3 14.9 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/10A of 52 - Your First Presentation.mp3 12.8 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/10B of 52 - Your First Presentation.mp3 14.5 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/11A of 52 - State Elicitation, Universal Experiences.mp3 15 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/11B of 52 - State Elicitation, Universal Experiences.mp3 16.7 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/12A of 52 - Uni Exp, Stage Anchoring & Chaining.mp3 12.5 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/12B of 52 - Stage Anchoring & Chaining.mp3 15.6 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/13A of 52 - Q&A - Training Design.mp3 11.8 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/13B of 52 - Q&A - Training Design.mp3 12.1 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/14A of 52 - Training Design.mp3 14.3 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/14B of 52 - Training Design.mp3 12.6 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/15A of 52 - Framing, Standards, Tasking.mp3 12.3 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/15B of 52 - Framing, Standards, Tasking.mp3 12.3 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/16A of 52 - Training Logistics.mp3 12.7 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/16B of 52 - Training Logistics.mp3 12.3 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/17A of 52 - Logisitics, Setup, Worst Thing.mp3 12.2 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/17B of 52 - Worst Thing, K-A-V Sequencing.mp3 12.8 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/18A of 52 - Group Rapport, Training Design.mp3 13.3 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/18B of 52 - Exercise Design, Demonstrations.mp3 13.2 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/19A of 52 - Demonstrations.mp3 13 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/19B of 52 - Demonstrations.mp3 13.7 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/20A of 52 - Demonstrations.mp3 13.8 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/20B of 52 - Demonstrations.mp3 13.7 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/21A of 52 - Selling Yourself as a Trainer.mp3 13.6 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/21B of 52 - Selling Yourself as a Trainer.mp3 14.2 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/22A of 52 - Selling Yourself as a Trainer.mp3 11.3 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/22B of 52 - Selling Yourself as a Trainer.mp3 11.4 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/23A of 52 - Questions Are the Answer.mp3 13.1 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/23B of 52 - Questions Are the Answer.mp3 12.9 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/24A of 52 - Presentations - The Business of Training.mp3 13.7 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/24B of 52 - Presentations - The Business of Training.mp3 13.2 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/25A of 52 - Marketing, Expanding Context, Business Plans.mp3 13.7 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/25B of 52 - Marketing Plans, Intro Seminars.mp3 13.7 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/26A of 52 - Getting Started, Goals, Finishing Metaphors.mp3 10 MB Tad James & David Shephard - The Trainer's Collection - 1999/26B of 52 - Getting Started, Goals, Finishing Metaphors.mp3 11.5 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/1 of 8 - -Intro & Course Overview - Hypnosis - 27102944.mp3 25.8 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/2 of 8 - The 6 Stages ofHypnosis - Hypnosis - 29398016.mp3 28 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/3 of 8 - SuggTests FundEricksonH - Hypnosis - 28899024.mp3 27.6 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/4 of 8 - Adv Tech for Hyp Induct - Hypnosis - 27901389.mp3 26.6 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/5 of 8 - Pendulum&DirAuthHypnos - Hypnosis - 31923069.mp3 30.4 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/6 of 8 - DeepngTech&DemosOfDTP - Hypnosis - 32325131.mp3 30.8 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/7 of 8 - ProgTestInd&When2UseHyp - Hypnosis - 35747981.mp3 34.1 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/8 of 8 - HTechOfDaveElman&H4PainC - Hypnosis - 31923289.mp3 30.4 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/product.pdf 117.7 KB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena - 01 - Intro & Course Overview.mp3 25.9 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena - 02 - The 6 Stages of Hypnosis.mp3 28.1 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena - 03 - Suggestibility Tests.mp3 27.6 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena - 04 - Advanced Techniques for Hypnotic Induction.mp3 26.6 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena - 05 - Pendulum & Dir Auth Hypnosis.mp3 30.5 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena - 06 - Deepening Tech & Demos of DTP.mp3 30.9 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena - 07 - Prog Test Ind & When to Use Hyp.mp3 34.1 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena - 08 - HTech Of Dave Elman & H4 PainCtrl.mp3 30.5 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/Tad James - Hypnosis - A Comprehensive Guide - Producing Deep Trance Phenomena OCR.pdf 5.8 MB Tad James - Deep Trance Phenomena/Tad James - NLP - Depression.pdf 12.7 KB Tad James - Huna/1a Huna - Tad James - Introduction.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/1b Huna - Tad James - What Is Huna.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/2a Huna - Tad James - Breathing Technique.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/2aHunaTadJamesBreathingTechniqu.mp3 1.7 MB Tad James - Huna/2b Huna - Tad James - More Ha Breathing.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/3a Huna - Tad James - Meditation On The Light.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/3b Huna - Tad James - Ho Oponopono.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/4a Huna - Tad James - Ho Oponopono Continued.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/4b Huna - Tad James - Prime Directives Of Uncon.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/4bHuna - Tad James - PrimeDirectivesOfUncon - 04B.mp3 1.2 MB Tad James - Huna/5a Huna - Tad James - Intro To The Elements.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/5b Huna - Tad James - Connection With Elements.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/6a Huna - Tad James - The Five Elements Cont.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/6b Huna - Tad James - The Five Elements cont.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/7a Huna - Tad James - Five Elements Cont.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/7b Huna - Tad James - Journey To Higher Coun.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/8a Huna - Tad James - Prime Directives Of Mind.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/8b Huna - Tad James - Higher Self Connection.mp3 16 MB Tad James - Huna/Huna.SFV 2.3 KB Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002/Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002 - 01 - 01A of 56.mp3 11.4 MB Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002/Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002 - 02 - 01B of 56.mp3 12.2 MB Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002/Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002 - 03 - 02A of 56.mp3 11.9 MB Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002/Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002 - 04 - 02B of 56.mp3 11.8 MB Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002/Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002 - 05 - 03A of 56.mp3 12.3 MB Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002/Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002 - 06 - 03B of 56.mp3 11.4 MB Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002/Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002 - 07 - 04A of 56.mp3 11.4 MB Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002/Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002 - 08 - 04B of 56.mp3 10.9 MB Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002/Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002 - 09 - 05A of 56.mp3 10.6 MB Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002/Tad James - Master Practitioner - 2002 - 10 - 05B of 56.mp3 10.7 MB