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TV Release: 2005-04-17 Torrent Release: 11-04-2018 by user
0 Seeds & 1 Peers
TV Show Genre:
Crime, Drama, Mystery
93 min.
Parental Rating:
[14+]TV-14 - Parents Strongly Cautioned
This program contains some material that parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age. Parents are strongly urged to exercise greater care in montiroing this program and are cautioned against letting children under the age of 14 watch unattended.
2 wins & 1 nomination
No votes yet.
Episode: The Body in the Library (1x1)
Episode Plot:
A young woman's corpse is dumped in the library of Gossington Hall, home of Jane Marple's friend Dolly Bantry and her husband Arthur. Pompous Chief Constable Melchett suspects a connection with Basil Blake, an arty young man who lives locally but Blake is dismissive when Melchett visits him. Then Superintendent Harper rings from the coastal town of Danemouth. Ruby Keane, a young girl employed as a dancer at the Majestic Hotel there, has gone missing, and her cousin Josie Turner identifies the corpse as Ruby's. Ruby is in favour with millionaire Conway Jefferson, whose own son and daughter were killed in a wartime air raid, and he wants to adopt her. His son-in-law Mark Gaskell, and daughter-in-law Adelaide react variously to the news. Miss Marple is convinced that the solution to Ruby's murder may be found at the hotel and she and Dolly book into a suite to investigate. There is no shortage of suspects, not only family members but the handsome Raymond Starr, another of the hotel's dance professionals, and George Bartlett, the last person to see Ruby before her disappearance.
Episode Release:
Episode Genre:
Crime, Drama, Mystery
94 min.
Actors: Geraldine McEwan, Ian Richardson, Tara Fitzgerald Writers: Kevin Elyot, Agatha Christie Directors: Andy Wilson
Other episode info:
Awards: Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy. 3 nominations total. Originally recorded in English in United Kingdom, United States.
Based on Dame Agatha Christie's crime novels and short stories, this show followed the adventures of Miss Jane Marple, an elderly spinster living in the quiet little village of St. Mary Mead. During her many visits to friends and relatives in other villages, Miss Marple often stumbles upon mysterious murders which she helps solve. Although the Police are sometimes reluctant to accept Miss Marple's help, her reputation and unparalleled powers of observation eventually win them over.
Sinopsis by IMDB播出:BBC 类 型:悬疑/罪案地区:英国 制作公司:语言:英语 首播日期:2010-08-30 周一英文:Agatha Christie' s Marple the season 5简介: 著名的电影明星玛丽娜·格雷格购置了圣玛丽米德最好的别墅,并举行盛大的夏日酒会宴请宾客、乡邻。这消息如同一颗石子打破了圣玛丽米德如水般的沉静,大家纷纷赶去一睹大明星的风采。豪华的庄园,热情迷人的明星们,丰盛的宴席,正在人们尽情欢乐的时候,站在玛丽娜身边的一位女士突然间口吐白沫,一命呜呼了! 警察即刻赶到现场进行调查。发现去世的女士生前是玛丽娜的忠实影迷,热心于公益事宜,除了爱多管闲事外一时间查不出有什么可能恨她于死地的仇人。调查过程中,警察发现一位颇有风韵的女邻居对死者的丈夫倍加关心。难道是情杀?再继续调查下去发现死者生前最后的一杯鸡尾酒竟然是调给玛丽娜的。难道是错杀,而玛丽娜才是凶手真正的目标? 玛丽娜先是目睹谋杀,现在又得知自己生命有危险,而且自己的丈夫成了警察新的怀疑对象。她受不了这样的打击,神经崩溃了。 庄园里的一名女佣不知去向。有人不时打匿名电话;又有人送来敲诈勒索的字条。这天夜里,庄园里突然枪响,又一桩谋杀…… 村子里一时间流言蜚语,警察也感到束手无策了,只有马普尔小姐自言最清楚一切的来龙去脉。但是这时的马普尔小姐已是老态龙钟得连出家门的能力都没有,她知道自己在说什么吗?就算她真的猜到了大家都看不出的线索,以她这样的状况又怎么能阻止下一桩甚至下几桩的谋杀? 这不是马普尔小姐的最后一案,但马普尔小姐给人的感觉真是老得动都动不了。全书对于老年人力不从心的感受描写得很细致。 开头几章以马普尔小姐的眼观耳闻来描写时代的变化,以及人们对于这种种变化的感受,一般的读者或许会觉得枯燥无味。怎么说呢,什么样的小说都不可能完全脱离现实。即使是科幻小说一类也不过是以别样的空间和地点里发生的故事来反映我们生活的这个世界。 这本书写于20世纪60年代,战争的阴影已淡,人们忙于城市发展和建设,一些多年来没有改变的事物到这时再也难逃时代的冲击了。而作为典型英国乡村缩影的圣玛丽米德也是日新月异。村子里的年轻人出外到城市里找寻工作,留下一批上了年纪的象马普尔小姐的上一代人守在窗前感叹时代是如何得不像他们年轻时的那样。 旧日的杂货店慢慢被超级市场取代,街上满是打扮得花枝招展的城市少妇。新兴的廉价住宅区此起彼伏,城里的中产阶级搬入乡下。旧式的贵族庄园则为电影明星入住。 在《藏书室女尸之谜》里,电影是叫人不以为然的行业。一个人可以因为是搞电影而叫大家认为理所当然地会行为不端,理所当然地有可能成为凶手。而到了这时,演员是名人,是人人梦想见上一面的偶像。整个村子因为有象玛丽娜这样的邻居而雀跃不已—— 即使某种程度而言她已过了她最红的时代,应该是“过气”才对。以前嫌年轻人的聚会吵闹,这时大家都忙不迭地要挤进这样的聚会,并以此为荣。 这样对于时空转移的描写在马普尔小姐的案件中很普通的。种种的感慨从她这样一位老太太的口里道出是最为贴切自然不过的了。她有那样的时间和心情去酝酿,她有那样的眼光,她有那样的年龄和经历。毕竟,阿加莎·克里斯蒂这时也是像马普尔一样迟暮的老人,眼看着身边的人来人往、斗转星移。尽管有些忧愁——哪个时代、哪个社会又不是这样…