Filename Size ebooks/Cold Fusion and the Future Jed Rothwell.pdf 4.2 MB ebooks/Mallove - Fire From Ice, Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor, 1991.pdf 1.9 MB ebooks/The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction Cold Fusion.pdf 9.3 MB experiments/A new Power Supply for the Cold Fusion Reactor by JL Naudin.pdf 817.5 KB experiments/A Stirling engine powered with the Cold Fusion Reactor by JL Naudin.pdf 554.8 KB experiments/A very simple CFR for producing BingoFuel by JL Naudin.pdf 536 KB experiments/CFR v4.0 - Radiations measurements by JL Naudin.pdf 1.1 MB experiments/Cold Fusion Reactor - Power measurements with a Power-Meter by JL Naudin.pdf 712.9 KB experiments/Cold Fusion Reactor - Tests at LOW and MEDIUM Power with K2CO3 by JL Naudin.pdf 885.1 KB experiments/Cold Fusion Reactor experimental tests results by JL Naudin.pdf 889 KB experiments/Cold Fusion Reactor tests with Palladium by JL Naudin.pdf 920.4 KB experiments/Cold Fusion Reactor v2.0 tests at High Power by JL Naudin.pdf 962.4 KB experiments/Cold Fusion Reactor v2.0 tests with K2CO3 by JL Naudin.pdf 756 KB experiments/Do it yourself - The CFR experiment by JL Naudin.pdf 998.8 KB experiments/Do it yourself - The Enhanced CFR replication by JL Naudin.pdf 1.1 MB experiments/Electrical power from the plasma ? by JL Naudin.pdf 1.2 MB experiments/Full tests of the CFR v4.0 by JL Naudin.pdf 1.2 MB experiments/Nano Fusion Reactor replication by the CNAM.pdf 4.1 MB experiments/Simple test of calibration by JL Naudin.pdf 260.7 KB experiments/Successful and independent CFR replication by Morgan H. and Marissa C. (Louisiana, USA).pdf 1.3 MB experiments/Successful and independent replication of the CFR by Pierre Clauzon and Gérard Lallevé at the CNAM from Paris.pdf 290.9 KB experiments/Successful CFR replication by L. Kowalski, R. Slaughter and P. Clauzon (Boulder, Colorado, USA).pdf 700.1 KB experiments/Tests of a Tiny Cold Fusion Reactor by JL Naudin.pdf 1.1 MB experiments/Tests of the CFR v3.3 with the new PS by JL Naudin.pdf 1.4 MB experiments/Tests of the CFR v4.0 with a Power-Meter by JL Naudin.pdf 924.2 KB experiments/Tests of the Cold Fusion Reactor v1.4 by JL Naudin.pdf 723.1 KB experiments/The Asymmetrical Plasma Electrolysis (APE) experiment by JL Naudin.pdf 893.1 KB experiments/The Big Cold Fusion Reactor v4.0 by JL Naudin.pdf 1.3 MB experiments/The CFR replication experiment by Ronald Hohls.pdf 2.1 MB experiments/The Cold Fusion Project by Jean-Louis Naudin.pdf 416.9 KB experiments/The Cold Fusion Reactor v1.0 by JL Naudin.pdf 891.8 KB experiments/The Cold Fusion Reactor v1.1 by JL Naudin.pdf 611.1 KB experiments/The Enhanced Cold Fusion Reactor v3.0 by JL Naudin.pdf 1.2 MB experiments/The High Power Cold Fusion Reactor v2.1 by JL Naudin.pdf 960.1 KB fusion.nfo 9.9 KB papers/A Cold Fusion - Casimir Energy Nano Reactor Proposal.pdf 380.7 KB papers/Chapter 14 NUCLEAR FUSION.pdf 27.8 KB papers/Chubb T - Cold Fusion Clean Energy for the Future.pdf 872.2 KB papers/Cold fusion - A case study for scientific behavior.pdf 1.5 MB papers/Cold fusion - comments on the state of scientific proof.pdf 534.8 KB papers/Cold Fusion - Deuterium in 147-atom Pd nanoclusters embedded in Zeolite Cages.pdf 4 MB papers/Cold Fusion - Further evidence of nuclear reactions in the Pd-D lattice.pdf 185.8 KB papers/Cold Fusion and - or Atomic Resonance.pdf 267.6 KB papers/Cold Fusion By Plasma Electrolysis of Water.pdf 108.2 KB papers/Cold Fusion Summary.pdf 1.2 MB papers/Cold Fusion The Heat Mechanism.pdf 715.4 KB papers/Cold fusion What do the laws of nature allow and forbid.pdf 1 MB papers/Conventional physics can explain cold fusion excess heat.pdf 317.8 KB papers/Experiments and Methods in Cold Fusion JCMNS Vol 13.pdf 28.8 MB papers/Explaining Cold Fusion Presentation.pdf 3.6 MB papers/fusione fredda nuclear matter condensed.pdf 5.1 MB papers/Future Green Energy Through Cold Fusion Nuclear Heat With Nickel Powder.pdf 184.8 KB papers/MIT and Cold Fusion - A Special Report.pdf 1.9 MB papers/Mizuno - Nuclear Transmutation - The Reality of Cold Fusion.pdf 96.5 KB papers/Nickel-Hydrogen Cold Fusion by Intermediate Rydberg State of Hydrogen.pdf 543.2 KB papers/Nuclear Chemistry in the Cold Fusion Phenomenon.pdf 606.7 KB papers/Tabletop Accelerator Breaks Cold Fusion Jinx.pdf 98.8 KB papers/The mechanism of DD fusion in crystals.pdf 363.9 KB papers/The Present Status of Cold Fusion and its Expected Influence on Science and Technology.pdf 667 KB papers/Tsyganov Dubna Talk Cold Fusion Power.pdf 4.2 MB papers/WPI ECE Cold Fusion IQP DTERM 2013.pdf 1.5 MB papers/Yoshiaki Arata Paper on Cold Fusion.pdf 1 MB patents/EP0395066A2 Apparatus for cold nuclear fusion.pdf 795.5 KB patents/EP0477018A1 Apparatus and method for utilizing heat generated owing to Pons-Fleischmann effect.pdf 767.2 KB patents/EP0563381A1 HEAT GENERATION APPARATUS AND HEAT GENERATION METHOD.pdf 429.3 KB patents/EP0568118A2 Process for storing hydrogen, and apparatus for cold nuclear fusion.pdf 848 KB patents/EP0576293A1 Energy production from the control of probabilities through quantum level induced interactions.pdf 451.6 KB patents/EP0645777A1 Cold nuclear fusion apparatus.pdf 738.1 KB patents/Kanarev COLD FUSION BY PLASMA ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER.pdf 237.2 KB patents/Mizuno T Anomalous energy generation during conventional electrolysis.pdf 2.3 MB patents/Mizuno T Confirmation of anomalous hydrogen generation by plasma electrolysis.pdf 388 KB patents/Mizuno T Experimental Confirmation of the Nuclear Reaction at Low Energy.pdf 370.5 KB patents/Mizuno T Hydrogen Evolution by Plasma Electrolysis in Aqueous Solution.pdf 207.1 KB patents/Mizuno T The Reality of Cold Fusion.pdf 96.5 KB patents/US Patent Cold Fusion Apparatus.pdf 333.6 KB patents/US20030112916A1 COLD NUCLEAR FUSION UNDER NON-EQUILIBRIUM CONDITIONS.pdf 1.4 MB patents/US20110044419A1 ENERGY GENERATION BY NUCLEAR ACOUSTIC RESONANCE.pdf 847.9 KB patents/US6248221 ELECTROLYSIS APPARATUS AND ELECTRODES AND ELECTRODE MATERIAL THEREFOR.pdf 1.3 MB pics/cold fusion.jpg 346.4 KB pics/Fleischmann and Pons 2.jpg 533.7 KB pics/Fleischmann and Pons cold fusion cells.jpg 27.4 KB pics/Fleischmann and Pons.jpg 36.9 KB text/A Student's Guide to Cold Fusion.pdf 345.2 KB text/Background to Cold Fusion.pdf 2.2 MB text/Cold Fusion - A Study in Scientific Controversy.pdf 1.1 MB text/Cold Fusion Magazine Issue 1 1994.pdf 73.6 MB text/Cold Fusion Replication Experiments.pdf 1.5 MB text/Cold Fusion Summary.pdf 1.2 MB text/Cold fusion Tesla Scalar Torsion.pdf 55.3 MB text/Cold Fusion The History of Research in Italy.pdf 8.7 MB text/Lateral Science - Atomic Hydrogen Blowtorch.pdf 115.7 KB text/MIT and Cold Fusion a Special Report.pdf 728.4 KB text/Professor Ph. M. Kanarev, Krasnodar.pdf 1.4 MB text/Sir Arthur C. Clarke Challenges the Scientific Community with Provocative Essay.pdf 189.4 KB videos/1989 March 23 Pons & Fleischman Cold Fusion Press Conference at University of Utah (480p).mp4 185.8 MB videos/A Machine to Die For - The Quest for Free Energy (360p).mp4 133.2 MB videos/An Explanation of Low-energy Nuclear Reactions (Cold Fusion) by Edmund Storms (360p).mp4 123.3 MB