Filename Size Course page.pdf 420.9 KB Introduction to the course/2 - 2 - Why take this course (753 low-def (small)).mp4 18 MB Introduction to the course/2 - 3 - Overview of the course (2831 high-def).mp4 100.7 MB Introduction to the course/2 - 5 - How to succeed in the course (2047 high-def).mp4 72.9 MB Introduction to the course/2 - 7 - Rules of engagement (1101 high-def).mp4 38.1 MB Introduction to the course/2 - 9 - Math review (2401 high-def).mp4 84.9 MB Introduction to the course/Course overview.pdf 106.9 KB Introduction to the course/How to succeed.pdf 55.2 KB Introduction to the course/Math review.pdf 51 KB Introduction to the course/Rules of engagement.pdf 53.2 KB Introduction to the course/Why take this course.pdf 72.1 KB Week 1/1 - Week 1 introduction.mp4 29.1 MB Week 1/2 - Physics and Einstein circa 1900.mp4 87.2 MB Week 1/3 - To the miracle year.mp4 63.1 MB Week 1/4 - The miracle year.mp4 57.9 MB Week 1/Miracle year.pdf 54.6 KB Week 1/Physics and Einstein circa 1900.pdf 130.1 KB Week 1/To the miracleyear.pdf 70.7 KB Week 1/Week 1 Intro.pdf 60.7 KB Week 2/1 - Week 2 introduction.mp4 40.1 MB Week 2/10 - The Galilean transformation.mp4 62.2 MB Week 2/11 - Week 2 summary.mp4 114.9 MB Week 2/2 - Events clocks and observers (part 1).mp4 55.3 MB Week 2/2_events.clocks.observers1_handout.pdf 55.8 KB Week 2/2_events.clocks.observers2_handout.pdf 54.2 KB Week 2/2_fewmorewordsonworldlines_handout.pdf 54.7 KB Week 2/2_framesofref1_handout.pdf 65 KB Week 2/2_framesofref2_handout.pdf 53 KB Week 2/2_framesofref3_handout.pdf 53.6 KB Week 2/2_galileantransformation_handout.pdf 64.6 KB Week 2/2_spacetimediagrams1_handout.pdf 55.2 KB Week 2/2_spacetimediagrams2_handout.pdf 53.8 KB Week 2/2_week2intro_handout.pdf 92.1 KB Week 2/3 - Events clocks and observers (part 2).mp4 36.9 MB Week 2/4 - Spacetime diagrams (part 1).mp4 66.8 MB Week 2/5 - Spacetime diagrams (part 2).mp4 52.8 MB Week 2/6 - Frames of reference (part 1).mp4 68.4 MB Week 2/7 - Frames of reference (part 2).mp4 58.5 MB Week 2/8 - Frames of reference (part 3).mp4 40.2 MB Week 2/9 - A few more words on world lines.mp4 38.5 MB Week 2/Problem set solutions.pdf 91.7 KB Week 2/Problem set.pdf 71.2 KB Week 3/1 - Week 3 introduction.mp4 38.1 MB Week 3/10 - Stellar aberration.mp4 33.1 MB Week 3/11 - Ethereal solutions.mp4 61.1 MB Week 3/12 - Week 3 summary.mp4 86 MB Week 3/2 - Einsteins starting point the two postulates.mp4 74.5 MB Week 3/3 - A few words about waves (part 1).mp4 63.9 MB Week 3/3_einsteinstartingpoint_handout.pdf 54.7 KB Week 3/3_etherealsolutions_handout.pdf 54.5 KB Week 3/3_fewwordsaboutwaves1_handout.pdf 54.7 KB Week 3/3_fewwordsaboutwaves2_handout.pdf 53.7 KB Week 3/3_fewwordsaboutwaves3_handout.pdf 54.4 KB Week 3/3_michelsonmorleyexperiment1_handout.pdf 54.6 KB Week 3/3_michelsonmorleyexperiment2_handout.pdf 56.2 KB Week 3/3_michelsonmorleyexperiment3_handout.pdf 56.2 KB Week 3/3_michelsonmorleyexperiment4_handout.pdf 56.8 KB Week 3/3_stellaraberration_handout.pdf 53.2 KB Week 3/3_week3intro_handout.pdf 63.1 KB Week 3/3_week3summarycomments_handout.pdf 110.3 KB Week 3/4 - A few words about waves (part 2).mp4 28.2 MB Week 3/5 - A few words about waves (part 3).mp4 63.9 MB Week 3/6 - The Michelson-Morley experiment (part 1).mp4 56.3 MB Week 3/7 - The Michelson-Morley experiment (part 2).mp4 65.5 MB Week 3/8 - The Michelson-Morley experiment (part 3).mp4 39.5 MB Week 3/9 - The Michelson-Morley experiment (part 4).mp4 88.8 MB Week 3/Problem set solutions.pdf 70.6 KB Week 3/Problem set.pdf 73.1 KB Week 4/1 - Week 4 introduction.mp4 25 MB Week 4/10 - Measuring length.mp4 69.4 MB Week 4/11 - What is not suspect.mp4 44.9 MB Week 4/12 - The invariant interval.mp4 77.9 MB Week 4/13 - A real-life example the muon.mp4 23.6 MB Week 4/14 - Week 4 summary.mp4 93.5 MB Week 4/2 - The relativity of simultaneity (part 1).mp4 24.1 MB Week 4/3 - The relativity of simultaneity (part 2).mp4 39.2 MB Week 4/4 - The relativity of simultaneity (part 3).mp4 57.1 MB Week 4/4_exploringlorentzfactor_handout.pdf 121.2 KB Week 4/4_invariantinterval_handout.pdf 55.7 KB Week 4/4_lightclock1_handout.pdf 59.7 KB Week 4/4_lightclock2_handout.pdf 68.7 KB Week 4/4_measuringlength_handout.pdf 88.3 KB Week 4/4_muon_handout.pdf 62.6 KB Week 4/4_relativityofsimultaneity_handout.pdf 69.8 KB Week 4/4_simultaneitydiagram1_handout.pdf 48.1 KB Week 4/4_simultaneitydiagram2_handout.pdf 73.3 KB Week 4/4_simultaneitydiagram3_handout.pdf 71.5 KB Week 4/4_simultaneityleadingclockslag_handout.pdf 49.9 KB Week 4/4_timedilation_handout.pdf 53.2 KB Week 4/4_week4intro_handout.pdf 62.9 KB Week 4/4_whatisnotsuspect_handout.pdf 52.4 KB Week 4/5 - The relativity of simultaneity (summary).mp4 40.6 MB Week 4/6 - The light clock (part 1).mp4 41.2 MB Week 4/7 - The light clock (part 2).mp4 89.9 MB Week 4/8 - Exploring the Lorentz factor.mp4 20 MB Week 4/9 - Time dilation.mp4 72.6 MB Week 4/Problem set solutions.pdf 148.6 KB Week 4/Problem set.pdf 89 KB Week 5/5_combiningvelocities_handout.pdf 68.3 KB